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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Thanks for that will look them up, see what they recommend. its been 2 days and I am still p*ssed off at myself for curbing the wheel. Lots of discussion over the years on here about refurbishing the 370's wheels. First thing to note - you are not guaranteed a perfect match if they send the wheel away for powder coating. In fact, it would be better to take it to a place that does the wheel with the car on site so they can compare the colour to the other wheels. The 370's wheels are a two stage finish (black base with silver over the top) so there's no paint code to work from. I believe this is even true of the silver wheels. I had all four wheels on my previous 370 painted in a colour that could be matched to a code because of problems after kerbing them. Now I just park the Nismo very very carefully. Don't care who's watching or how long it takes - the wheels stay well away from the kerb Take the car to a specialist refurb outfit that doesn't send the wheel away and discuss what they can do. If you're a perfectionist like me, you might want to consider asking them to do both wheels on the same side. It will obviously cost more but if there's a slight mismatch from the original colour you won't notice it at all, whereas two slightly mismatched wheels on the same side might bug the heck out of you. The only other option is to see if you can find someone who will try a spot repair, but i doubt you'd be happy with the result. You're probably feeling exactly like I felt the first time I scraped a wheel - it shouldn't be this difficult to get it sorted!? I'm afraid this is one of the few downsides of 370Z ownership - soon teaches you to park sooooo carefully
  2. That's not a rasp though, that's a metallic rattle. That's if we're talking about the same sound - 11/12 seconds and 18/19 seconds. Not sure I agree - as I said earlier - it sounds like a significantly worse version of the noise I get from my exhaust / HFC combination and I definitely have no issues with knocking or loose parts. If you watch the video you will see that noise appears to occur when the car reaches the limit he's revving it to and just before the revs start to drop down again. If it was a knocking issue I would expect to hear the noise as the revs climb - not just when they start to fall. Perhaps a loose joint or something is making it worse, but I think it's an issue with pronounced rasp. I guess the only way to find out for sure though is the checks that have been suggested. Must be a 370 thing then My cars king of rasp, as it sounds like a poxy civic with the headers on And it doesn't make any noise close to that :S Probably doesn't help that 'rasp' means different things to different people but here's an example of what somebody terms a raspy BMW exhaust - if you listen carefully a similar sound occurs when the revs start to drop at 48 seconds - a sort of buzz - it's not as loud as on the OP's car but pretty much the same sound. It does seem to be pretty much par for the course to expect some rasp when combining an after-market exhaust with anything other than stock cats on the 370. I never got it at all when I just had the Stillen exhaust but it does seem to happen a bit since I added HFCs. Good thing is the overall sound more than makes up for it.
  3. That's not a rasp though, that's a metallic rattle. That's if we're talking about the same sound - 11/12 seconds and 18/19 seconds. Not sure I agree - as I said earlier - it sounds like a significantly worse version of the noise I get from my exhaust / HFC combination and I definitely have no issues with knocking or loose parts. If you watch the video you will see that noise appears to occur when the car reaches the limit he's revving it to and just before the revs start to drop down again. If it was a knocking issue I would expect to hear the noise as the revs climb - not just when they start to fall. Perhaps a loose joint or something is making it worse, but I think it's an issue with pronounced rasp. I guess the only way to find out for sure though is the checks that have been suggested.
  4. Yep. Definitely sounds like rasp rather than a vibration due to a fitment. I get something a bit similar but it's very I infrequent and much less noisy.
  5. sipar69

    Bird Poo

    Surprising how many people don't know the effect it has on cars. A big splat was left for days on a nearly new Cayman down our street - I was almost tempted to clean the poor thing myself. I say live and let live though - if people want to feed birds I think they should be able to do that but I'd be tempted to have a polite word if it meant my car was getting pooped on every day. A car cover is an option if it's not a daily driver - saved mine from a poop attack on a few occasions now and cleans off the cover easily.
  6. Never heard the 370 Invidia system in person but from the research I did when choosing a better sounding exhaust for my Nismo, I understand it sounds quite similar to the Stillen system I went with - a sporty sounding, but not overly loud, system Adding Cobra High Flow Cats made the system quite a bit louder, but only when you want it to be. There is a small amount of rasp every now and then from adding the HFCs, but it's hardly noticeable. If the comparisons are correct, and you're looking for something that sounds good but not overly loud, the Invidia should be a good choice .
  7. I must be a different shape to you lot I've always been really happy with the standard seats
  8. Typically only on the bumpers with the 370 (the white cars suffer most). I'm inclined to think the side skirts are just reflecting the colour of the trailer.
  9. Can't really comment on the auto box issue but your side skirts look a bit mismatched. Have they been re-sprayed at some point? (Or perhaps just the reflection from the trailer?).
  10. None GT GT - Leather, Cruise, Bose, S Mode GT Edition - Re-tuned dampeners and reverse camera 40th Anniversary - Coloured interior parts and dark Rays Nismo - GT Version with an UpRev and a fancy frock I only ever had a lowered 50 so can't really comment on ride quality difference. The car is more refined as a whole though. One point to note is you will want an exhaust of some sort as it sounds more like a 3 cylinder than a V6 as standard. You missed one important thing - handling on the Nismo is substantially improved (speaking from experience - much more poised around the corners etc.) OP - you can't really go wrong with anything from a GT onwards in my view. I wouldn't suggest the non GT (very very few of those anyway) and you might want to go for 2010+ to get the better sat nav, but apart from that just find a well cared for one you like the look of and that's within your budget. Ha I was only messing mate, I imagine there are quite a few improvements I know bud. The winky face is very useful in that sense . Bottom line is you can't go wrong with the 370 full stop. They are all a lot of car for the money, with added rarity appeal.
  11. None GT GT - Leather, Cruise, Bose, S Mode GT Edition - Re-tuned dampeners and reverse camera 40th Anniversary - Coloured interior parts and dark Rays Nismo - GT Version with an UpRev and a fancy frock I only ever had a lowered 50 so can't really comment on ride quality difference. The car is more refined as a whole though. One point to note is you will want an exhaust of some sort as it sounds more like a 3 cylinder than a V6 as standard. You missed one important thing - handling on the Nismo is substantially improved (speaking from experience - much more poised around the corners etc.) OP - you can't really go wrong with anything from a GT onwards in my view. I wouldn't suggest the non GT (very very few of those anyway) and you might want to go for 2010+ to get the better sat nav, but apart from that just find a well cared for one you like the look of and that's within your budget.
  12. Decided to give one these Carpro towels a try. Pretty impressed - much quicker than clay. This is the result of - Megs shampoo, Carpro towel (with plenty of water and Sonax QD), White Hole Glaze (and Black Hole on the dark bits), 2 coats of Jetseal 109. Sorry about rubbish pics - taken on an IPad and I couldn't see what i was photographing due to the sun
  13. Speaking of tall people (not sure if she's taller than Jody Kidd) I said hello (because I'd had a few drinks) to the woman who plays Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones in a pub in London a few years ago. She was very tall indeed (and seemed really nice).
  14. I don't object to cuts to public sector funding per se and I certainly understand that there would still have been cuts had the Tories not got in. I am however concerned that the cuts under the Tories will be so severe that services will suffer, be it education, justice (my area of work) or services in any number of other areas of life that people rely on. I've already seen the department I run reduce in size by more than half since the recession began. Any more and we simply won't be able to deliver the work. I feel equally for people in the private sector (my other half works for a private company). It's not been easy for most people in recent years and I doubt it's going to get much better for a good while yet, despite all the political rhetoric. Lots of privat sector companies took cuts as well, job loses, spending cuts - the government generally did nothing unusual in terms of how the private sector had to react to the downturn in the economy. Lots of people (myself included) are now doing two jobs not one. Of course. As I said, it's been hard for everyone. One of the media's 'achievements' in the last few years has been to create a public versus private sector atmosphere, when in reality both are needed and both have been hit hard.
  15. I don't object to cuts to public sector funding per se and I certainly understand that there would still have been cuts had the Tories not got in. I am however concerned that the cuts under the Tories will be so severe that services will suffer, be it education, justice (my area of work) or services in any number of other areas of life that people rely on. I've already seen the department I run reduce in size by more than half since the recession began. Any more and we simply won't be able to deliver the work. I feel equally for people in the private sector (my other half works for a private company). It's not been easy for most people in recent years and I doubt it's going to get much better for a good while yet, despite all the political rhetoric.
  16. Yep. Not a great result if, like me, you work in the public sector. Tin hats on again.
  17. Millibland should step aside now for the good of his party.
  18. I think I'm still the one and only person in this poll who went for the Lib Dems. I feel quite special and unique (not in a dodgy way).
  19. What really worries me is the gay pikey negroes. Now they really are a menace PS I am changing my vote to Labour due to Stu's post.
  20. The only fight I've bothered to pay for in recent years (as in to watch on Sky) was Froch v Groves 2. Quite enjoyed that one (being from Nottingham originally)
  21. Charlie rules! Love his programmes and writing!
  22. I decline to comment further on the basis that I can feel a thread lock coming if we carry on
  23. And that's their problem. I don't dislike Farage - he's more palatable to me than robot Cameron or hapless Millibland, and I don't disagree with some of UKIP's policies. But they do seem to attract a disproportionate amount of people that I wouldn't want to associate myself with, including aforementioned "negroes" lady (who was being both honest and displaying an alarming amount of racial prejudice by admitting that a particular group of people make her feel inherently uncomfortable solely on the basis of their racial origins - definitely honest, unquestionably racist).
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