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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I haven't I'm afraid. Rasp on my set up isn't very bad at all but I suspect choice of exhaust makes the most difference.
  2. I think I was the first person to have Cobra HFCs fitted to a 370 in the UK. They make for an epic sound with the Stillen exhaust, and very little rasp. Normal cruising is civilised but once you pass about 3500 rpm it howls very nicely. Since they were fitted about 18 months ago I have had a CEL come on two times which I diagnosed and cleared myself. On both occasions I revved the car a bit too enthusiastically when the engine was sill quite cold. (You're probably already aware that occasionally tripping the CEL can occur with Berks HFCs as well). Can't comment on the ARK option.
  3. I had the HKS filters put in when I had an Uprev on my previous 370. I'm now using them in my Nismo. According to Mark at Abbey they should be good 30K+ miles. Mine have probably only done about 8K miles so they're not very dirty and I occasionally pull them out to remove small bits of debris with a brush. Better to judge it yourself by the condition of the filter and if necessary clean them as suggested above.
  4. Whats with the little window in the cover? Is that actually something you put in?! for a parking permit i imagine! Exactly. I have to display a resident's parking permit so I got some clear plastic and sewed it in to the cover. Works a treat. Anyone need their socks mending or a nice dress made?
  5. Wish I had a cool garage or any garage for that matter
  6. Trouble is, for most non-car enthusiasts noise = excessive speed.
  7. Correct. White. Black. Black Rose.
  8. Thanks bud. Good to know.
  9. Quite tempted by the supercharging route if I hang on to the Nismo for the foreseeable future, which is the current plan. Do you only feel the additional power when you really push the car or is the character of the drive changed completely...?
  10. OK ta. So that's why in the pictures you can see the green of the filter - you've removed some of the plastic at the top.
  11. I'm probably being a bit dim but I can't work out from the pictures what the modification actually is. Assuming the cassettes are the plastic holder that you pull out of the air box and which hold the filter in place, how are they different to the OEM ones / where have they been cut? Thanks.
  12. Thanks Josh. I think they would look good on a blue Z. Happy to take some close up shots if it would help.
  13. Yeah its good when i drop it down no bodyroll but its for performance nd show so best of both worlds Loool! I just push a button as im driving without stopping and it rises then after the bump push a button again nd drop it back down.. I can sit it on the floor or be a monster truck higher than standard suspension You can track it or show much better than coilovers where youd be scraping everywhere Ahhh I see - I didn't realise it could be raised up at the touch of a button.
  14. Hi can you explain how they have been modded and post a pic if possible. Cheers.
  15. Serious question - does it clear speed humps or do you just avoid them?
  16. Yep. A default is a default on a credit agreement - usually when three consecutive payments have been missed - they usually remain on a credit record for six years. When judgements are awarded for non payment of a debt in the county court, the court automatically registers the CCJ as a matter of public record (unless the debt is satisfied within one month). CCJs also remain on record for six years. The OP appears to have had a fine in the magistrates' court and then additional costs probably related to attempts to enforce payment. Still not good but it shouldn't register on his credit file.
  17. Bloody rip off, that's per surname so if you're like me when means the missus moved we'd have had to pay twice, as she still had the odd thing left in her maiden name. Sod that, I did the important stuff then told the new owner to give us a call if anything interesting turned up OP, you need to speak to the DVLA and the Mags to get some more detail. Sounds like an error to me, but either way you need this sorted as this is the kind of thing that ruins credit for years. If it was dealt with by the Magistrates' Court it won't have an impact on credit - only civil matters such as CCJs impact on credit. But I agree it still needs to be resolved ASAP.
  18. Best thread on the site. No disagreements - just pure pet love
  19. My other half can't understand why I like the GTR - she reckons it's one of the ugliest cars on the road. I think it has an appeal all of its own - different and very imposing.
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