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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. They do look nice but maybe a bit difficult to get out of for anyone over 25! I'm getting old. Adrian - do you stock other seats?
  2. Hmmm obviously not a forum member then.
  3. When we picked up the Nismo from a Nissan dealer in Yorkshire it had less than 2K miles on it (it was their ex-demonstrator). Half way down the M1 on the way back my other half pulled down the passenger side sun visor and the (broken) mirror built into the visor fell off and landed in her lap. I got in touch with them as soon as we got home and we ended up with a £250 refund on the price to get it repaired (the mirror is lit and the whole visor had to be replaced). The guy at the dealership admitted he'd known about it but just didn't mention it. Seems like you need to check absolutely every nut and bolt before you drive away!
  4. That is odd. Sounds like it was broken previously but it's hard to imagine how that happened. Good luck sorting it.
  5. Do you mean the socket is broken / has been removed? If so, I've never heard of that before. I believe some owners in the U.S. have replaced the head in the 09 Z to improve functionality, but if you can get the aux socket repaired a cheaper alternative is this, which should allow you to stream music via Bluetooth. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006IJGEGQ/ref=oh_details_o08_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  6. Same with selling anything these days; doesn't matter how clear you make the conditions there's always some f**kwit who'll chance their arm.
  7. Do you have an aftermarket exhaust? If so, there are occasionally issues with them vibrating against the cross-brace under the car.
  8. Hi Ziglo You're in luck - check out Tarmac Sportz in the professional trader area of the forum. I believe he's just got a new batch in. They're not cheap but really good quality and they look great.
  9. It can occasionally be a bit of a pig of a job, from what I've read - the bolts at the engine end can be difficult. Ordinarily I'd suggest TGM in Fleet, but the roadworks on the M3 make it a pain in the backside to get there.
  10. I find a full English to be a much more suitable breakfast to have on my lap when driving the Z
  11. Yeah I wouldn't say he lost it - just had a bit of dig at her, which to be fair she did deserve.
  12. I can see both sides on this one. Totally agree that she's an absolute arse (and she's on a road I regularly use) but I can see why people don't think much of the cyclist - I see far more bad road behaviour by cyclists than drivers, so perhaps it's difficult to swallow ŵhen they have a go. I wonder if he has a go when he sees his fellow cyclists running a red light.
  13. Looks good. I much prefer simple arcade style racing games. Back in the day, I loved a Ridge Racer, Daytona USA, Sega Rally etc. And I'm still playing Outrun
  14. If the fault he is describing wasn't there until after he picked it up then it's logical to assume it was caused by the shop. I agree it would be impossible to prove it and the best thing to have done would have been to check before he left the shop, but if we assume he's not making this up (which seems very unlikely to me) it's not unreasonable of him to try and get some restitution from them.
  15. You MUST replace the exhaust. All other mods are optional; exhaust is mandatory or we kick you off the forum . I'm a big fan of Stillen, but if you want a similar sound (ie sporty, but not too loud) for less money, Invidia Gemini is a good choice. Cobra seems to be a popular choice these days with a good number of happy owners. Ark is another good choice. Lots to choose from. It's a win win - nothing sounds as pathetic as the stock system.
  16. It sucks when you feel like you've been ripped off and that's how I'd feel if I'd taken it in with one fault only to get back it back with a different fault. Their response sounds BS to me, but, as said, the issue is whether it's worth the hassle of following through all the way. I agree that the best approach is to try another visit. You could ask to speak to the owner, start off diplomatically, lay it on thick that you could really do without the expense of another repair job/replacement, and perhaps drop in that you have friends with IPads/iPhones who you would have been happy to recommend the shop to if you'd been happy with their service. If they still won't budge, you could mention that you'll be speaking to local Trading Standards etc. They might give in just to get you out of the the shop. Small claims is a fairly straightforward process and in civil cases you don't have to prove a case, just convince a (very junior) judge that your version of events is the most likely one. The sight of a summons is enough to get a result in many cases. If the shop didn't respond to it, you'd get judgement by default without a hearing. I'm not recommending this course of action though - it's time consuming and there's no guarantee you'd get your money back even if you got the judgement (it would knacker their credit though). Personally, I'd try the diplomatic approach to the shop. If that fails, treat it as a lesson and move on.
  17. Without wanting to come across as preaching, if at all possible try and get your cats from a rescue centre. There are so many unwanted cats in need of a loving home. Can't say what it costs overall but we pay £50 per month to insure two cats. However, that is for very comprehensive cover due to the age of our cats. I'm sure it doesn't have to be that expensive. In my experience, cats are fine being on their own in the day but it would be good to have two so they can have some interaction when you're not around. If we go away for one night we just leave them enough food and water - never any problems. Any more than that and we pay a trusted local lady who works for an animal charity to come in and feed them (along with our four rescue bunnies) So long as you're sure you can afford to feed them, look after them if they get ill, and make sure they are properly taken care of when you are away, I don't think it's selfish to own cats in your circumstances at all. Might be a good idea not to go away until they're properly settled in.
  18. Looks very nice. With that price you can afford to shell out for a really nice exhaust!
  19. sipar69

    Air filter

    I was waiting for the pics.
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