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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. A guy who runs a local body shop told me that while a blended repair might look perfect to begin with the new lacquer can degrade over time creating what he described as a "halo effect".
  2. Great info. So will a 2013 car already have the improved gaskets?
  3. sipar69


    I believe you can have the 02 sensors which cause the CEL light with HFCs turned off with an uprev. PM Mark at Abbey Motorsport - he should be able to answer all your questions. I'm getting mine done at Abbey next week partly because I do get an occasional CEL due to my HFCs.
  4. Most of my pics are a bit rubbish but I've just bought a decent little compact camera so I'll try and take a few this weekend
  5. Pete I'm a bit worried that one of your kittens is possessed!
  6. Don't get me started...if Hell exists, there's a special place in it for people who get their kicks from hurting animals....
  7. I've had the 'pleasure' of coming home from work on the tube and overground today (non-air conditioned train) and it was not nice at all. But I still love this weather. I hate the way the media bitches about our crappy weather all year and then we get a few days of proper sun and they start doom mongering about that as well! The way I see it, those of us who like proper sunny hot weather don't get what we want 99% of the year, so we should enjoy the good bits while we can and everyone else can content themselves with the fact that we'll soon be back to the usual disappointing norm. Now I'm off to sit in the garden!
  8. Sounds perfect Ioneabe. I was looking online at a house for sale in Hampshire yesterday - 16th century, thatched roof, two miles off the main road and bordered by nothing but National Trust land and an ancient wood. Not another house in sight. I'd move in tomorrow if I could
  9. These are nowhere near the standard of some of the pics on here - just taken with an inexpensive Sony compact but I like em. They were all taken at about 6 this morning. The Parrakeet was taken at full zoom at the top of a tree. They've colonised the SW London area for some years but it's still a bit odd when you look out of window and see tropical birds in the garden
  10. That's exactly what we're planning to do in a couple of years. Our neighbours are all perfectly decent people but the gardens are small and a lot of families with young kids have moved in to the area in recent years so it's quite rare to have a day when you can sit in the garden with complete peace and quiet. We're off to Hampshire and looking to find somewhere with a huge garden, preferably in a very small village or even better completely on its own. Can't wait.
  11. But I guess he could use the screening up to the height of the existing fence as that would cover the holes?
  12. If you have to get rid of the new fence just put up bamboo screening to block the holes. It's quite cheap, looks good, and you can cut it to the acceptable height level. We've used it to give us a bit more privacy in the passage next to our kitchen by making it a foot higher than the fence (see on the left of the pic below).
  13. Hopefully you can find a Z badge to replace the Nissan one someone has stuck on the steering wheel.
  14. PS if you Google 'Bluedriver OBD Scan Tool' that seems to be designed for Bluetooth and is free.
  15. I think that app is just designed for a wifi dongle, but if so there are others that work with Bluetooth. I didn't get a CEL for about the first year with mine, but I think it's generally a case of when not if in the long run. As you say, if you've got a quick and easy way to diagnose and clear it, it's no big deal.
  16. Only three times in about a year and a half, but it does bug me when it happens. I got this WifI OBD dongle: http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B00DYOVXZ0/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_summary?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=byRankDescending And this app for my Ipad. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/obd-car-doctor/id652142348?mt=8 It diagnoses and clears the code within less than a minute, so pretty handy (P0430 - catalytic converter efficiency below threshold - or something like that). I find it happens when the car is cold and I rev it a bit enthusiastically As well as the uprev, there is also the option of the defoulers which apparently move the sensors further out from the airflow. Much cheaper than an uprev but I fancied seeing what Mark can do with a Nismo and some breathing mods
  17. Good to hear you're enjoying them. I'm off to Abbey for an uprev in a couple of weeks, partly to get a more permanent fix to the occasional CEL issue. Will post up the results when I get back
  18. Oh dear. At least it looks like it should be a straightforward repair job, unlike the time I opened the door of my previous Z on to a lamppost. Can't even claim there was a pretty girl involved - just my own ineptitude.
  19. Don't listen to this lot. Come South. . Sussex and Hampshire have some lovely pubs to stay in. I've got some great recommendations if you need em.
  20. If anyone sees a White Mk1 Nismo in the area it might well be me - we drive to some nice pubs for lunch in Surrey / Hampshire. Give us a wave.
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