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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Selling my beloved (and now rare) Fiio X3, as I've recently upgraded to a new player. Asking only £75. (I paid £160 about a year ago). Superb sound quality + plays just about any track format going - APE, FLAC, ALAC, WAV, WMA, AAC, OGG, MP2, MP3. 8gb internal memory expandable up to 128gb with a micro SD card. Pair this with a half decent set of earphones and compare it with a smart phone + cheapo ipod earphones - like stepping onto a different planet! Excellent condition and works perfectly - comes with a protective case and free USB cable for charging and file transfer (transferring files onto the player is a simle drag and drop) Amazon reviews (US): http://www.amazon.co...n/dp/B00E9O6C96 Amazon reviews (UK): http://www.amazon.co...k/dp/B00DQBWY04 Please PM me if interested.
  2. I don't think so. I love my 70 and live it charged ..but yes nigly things do arise. I quite like tinkering with it and learning about the way things work Bit if you just want to jump in and drive then I'd save and have a gtr Thing with gtr there so fast and so cabable you need to be breaking every law in the land to have fun True. I've been reading the threads about the supercharged cars with interest. I can imagine it's interesting if you like working through stuff, tinkering and modifying etc but to be honest it seems pretty daunting to someone like me who doesn't have much technical know how. I'm not sure I could stand the stress or the expense
  3. He's fessed up and offered to pay which as good an outcome as the OP could have hoped for. Sticking the boot in now would just create a huge amount of bad feeling and resentment, and probably lead to worse problems in future. My only concern now would be having a neighbour who turns nasty when he's had a few. Don't lose that letter - it's your insurance policy against him. Bit sad that he had to get his wife to apologise for him.
  4. Parking in our street is pretty much as described above (without the keying) but I'm probably the worst offender in terms of hogging the space outside our house for the Z, mainly because I'm the only person in the street who regularly runs a hose out to wash their car. I usually dump the Aygo in the space when I go out in the Z. Sad I know. I wouldn't ever dream of damaging someone's car for parking where I want to park though. That's proper mental.
  5. I honestly can't understand a word of this post. If it's incitement to violence, it will make interesting evidence for the court case.
  6. I'm not disputing your figures Colin but I do have one observation from personal experience which probably goes to show why numbers are only so much use in the end (on the bar stools) . When I got the Nismo the first person to drive it out of the dealership was my better half, Jane - she's not interested in cars but since she was good enough to keep me company all the way to Bradford I offered her the chance to drive the first bit of the journey back. She wouldn't know horse-power from donkey-power, but her very first comment as we set off down the motorway was along the lines of - "It feels a lot quicker". That was comparing it to the 370 we had both just taken turns in driving up to Bradford, and which she drove regularly. That car had a Stillen exhaust, HKS filters and an uprev from Abbey. My reaction was exactly the same when we swapped over - instant feeling of the car being quicker - not massively but definitely a bit sharper.
  7. My only concern about forced induction, from reading the threads of some of those who've gone down that route, is that it seems as though it can occasionally involve quite a bit of additional hassle and expense to resolve issues that arise following the conversion. Part of me quite likes the idea of going that way in a few years to keep things interesting, but another part of me thinks I could put the money towards three letters......GTR
  8. I'm a bit lost with all these comparisons but I'm just chuffed at how the car now feels and with the fact I should no longer be getting the CEL.
  9. Makes sense. I am obviously going senile.
  10. Actually, just seen its claimed to be a 2013 GT Edition so perhaps I'm wrong about when they were discontinued. I was fairly sure it was 2011-12 but since the press release posted earlier refers to deliveries starting in 2011 that wouldn't add up. Must be getting my dates mixed up.
  11. Worth bearing in mind that there are a few examples of GT cars that people have stuck GT Edition stickers on. I'd say the one in your picture is the genuine article though, as it also has the darker coloured alloys that came with the GT Edition, but not the standard GT. The GT edition was discontinued around 2011. I believe (but I'm not certain) that later GTs are supposed to have subtle improvements to the ride over earlier versions (and the reversing camera), so you might effectively be getting the same enhancements as the GT Edition if you buy a 2012 onwards GT. I still suspect that the difference in ride quality will be subtle at best.
  12. Corrected for you. Seriously though, I doubt it's worth the bother unless you go for one of the two Nismo variants, which obviously don't suit your requirements for a softer ride. Not saying there's anything wrong with the other variants, far from it, but I doubt you'd notice much difference.
  13. Throttle response definitely feels improved. Worth bearing in mind that there is discussion on the U.S. forums about how different dynos give different baseline results - some being more 'conservative' than others; so I personally think that the most useful figures are actually the before and after on the same dyno. I'm just looking forward to no more CEL and enjoying the improved feel of the car.
  14. Yep - 282 to 309. Apparently the stock Nismo should make about 285.
  15. Results of yesterday's uprev at Abbey for anyone who is interested. Mark tells me that the ecu had reacted to my breathing mods in a slightly odd way - the car was actually running a few hp below that of a bone stock Nismo. Apparently, the post uprev figures below represent good gains in both hp and torque. Now...I booked the uprev mainly because I've been getting an occasional CEL due to the high flow cats and wanted a permanent solution. I wasn't expecting the car to feel much different, as when I had my previous 370 upreved the difference seemed negligible. This time, the change is much more noticeable. The car feels 'healthier' and more responsive - a bit like it's been on a diet and fitness plan. . I'm not suggesting the difference is night and day - I think I've learnt that part of appreciating an uprev is to have realistic expectations - but this time I feel like it was definitely worth the money.
  16. Hey Mark Thanks to you and your significant other for looking after us today. I will post a proper write-up about the uprev tomorrow but suffice to say that the car feels much 'healthier' and very perky after the uprev. Don't know if it's because I have the HFCs this time, but I can feel the difference more than when I had the uprev on my previous Z.
  17. Really good ad' for a top car. You're a very positive presence on this forum IMO (and you can write a proper sentence) - Hope you stick around.
  18. It take a bit of practice but it's not difficult once you get the knack. Try starting by hooking the rear elasticated bit over the wing and the work forward from there. It seems like you'll never be able to do it but I can get mine on in about a minute flat now. just don't don't try putting on it on when it's windy - impossible!
  19. I only get to drive at the weekend so the cover stays on during the week. It's nice to be able to wash the car, stick the cover on and then take it off the following week and find it still nice and clean . Before I had the cover, I'd wash the car and within half a day it would be mucky again.
  20. The large size fits very well. It's quite a snug fit but I think the extra large would be too big. As these are breathable covers you can expect a small amount of moisture to get through when it rains, but it evaporates quickly (as it's supposed to.) The car stays much cleaner and drier than before I had it (it's kept bird poop off the paint several times). As per my previous post, I'd recommend shortening the front and rear straps and tying them to the wheel spokes.
  21. Here you go. Been using one for about a year and a half. Works very well for the money. http://www.halfords.com/motoring-travel/car-accessories/car-covers-tarpaulins/halfords-advanced-all-seasons-car-cover-large (I put the permit window on myself and instead of trying to run the straps under the car, which is a pain, I shortened them and tie them to the wheel spokes instead).
  22. Still have them decats going ? Sounds like you've realised the Nismo exhaust isn't exactly as throaty as it should be
  23. Yep could see that being a problem... Looks like a great life to me. After all, cats are much better than people.
  24. sipar69


    Same here. I get them with the Stillen and cobra HFCs. Love it.
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