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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. And you. I know you love the Mk1 really.
  2. Hi Damian Thanks - I'm v happy with them. Adrian took the Nismo seats and door cards to put in his 370, which he's returned to stock and has sold.
  3. Thanks bud. Well chuffed with the outcome.
  4. When I dropped off my Black Edition 18 months ago and picked up the Nismo I loved the new car but instantly realised I was going to miss the Black Edition's interior. The Mk1 Nismo seats aren't bad, but I never really felt they did the car justice (presumbly Nissan felt the same since they upgraded them for the MK2). Well......................problem solved. I now have my favourite Z interior in my favourite Z. Massive thanks to Adrian (Octet) for bringing them over and fitting them for me. I'm over the moon with the result - I really feel this completes the look of the car and the colour works really well with the red accents on the Nismo.
  5. Good to see my regular - Esso Supreme - doing well. .
  6. Agree with GM. It's a crucial mod so worth stretching the budget just a little to find one you really want.
  7. Don't see it myself. Unquestionably great cars, quicker than the Nismo etc, but having seen a few in the metal I personally think they lack the wow factor in the looks department. Do like the colour you've chosen though. Enjoy.
  8. Happens loads in Twickenham. Seems to be an accepted thing now, unfortunately.
  9. Mine too. One of the reasons I bought the car cover was to (hopefully) reduce the risk of something like this happening. It does seem to make the car less conspicuous - most people just walk right past whereas when the cover is off it's a different story (although thankfully only positive attention so far). Don't get this jealous type of mentality - there's tons of things I can't afford, including a lot if cars that are and probably always will be well beyond my means, but I never get the urge to damage em! 48 years old. Time to grow up maybe......
  10. Bet he's a great dad too. Proper pillar of the community.
  11. Yeah I do prefer the look of the original although I suspect the 400 might be a bit like the 370Z - better looking in the metal than in photos....hopefully.
  12. Health and safety is very low down the list of priorities in China, they still have half a dozen or so mining disasters every year. Back in the day when China was pretty much a secretive closed society (not that long ago really) we probably wouldn't have even heard about this for several months or even decades. Pete I agree. China's modern economy has in large part been built on being able to undercut pretty much everyone else, but this sort of thing, along with chronic pollution, is one of the downsides. For every accident spectacular enough to make the news there must be thousands that go unreported.
  13. I was waiting for that The looks of the 400 are growing on me, slowly. Not so keen on the price though.
  14. The new Exige is very tasty indeed.
  15. Boring video for the most part but skip to 1m 33s for a listen to the new Evora 400. Yes I know.....overpriced, Cayman GT4 is better, looks not to everyone's tastes but it sounds awesome! I want one!
  16. Can't find right now what I'm looking for, but I can show you a video of my car when it was recently dyno'd. The industrial fan noise overlaps the exhaust sound but you can get an idea. The live exhaust sound was brutally loud, my iPhone won't replicate that. Yep. That is indeed pretty loud.
  17. Great read. Be good to see/hear a video of the exhaust.
  18. Hmmm nice reference. Wipeout 1 or 2?
  19. Great pics. Did you like Positano? We are off on holiday there in a few weeks.
  20. Agree. It looks a dud. Spend a bit more for a decent one.
  21. The orange on the new Aygos is a nice shade.
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