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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. :lol: Can't... breathe... :lol: Sorry man, I know you're passionate about your car and that's great, but that sentence is utterly hysterical! But, surely he's being ironic?
  2. Not had issues at junctions - most people are accomodating. Attention from kids and teens (usually very positive) is definitely a feature but I've also had people of all ages talk to me about the car at petrol stations, in the street etc. On the whole I've been surprised by the amount positive attention the Nismo gets. Might be a bit controversial to say this but the most rudeness I've encountered has been on drives to rural areas such as Devon. I'm pretty much always the one to pull into a passing place if there is someone coming the other way on a narrow country road, but the proportion of people who bother to acknowledge with a wave or a smile is much less than if I give way in an urban area like Twickenham. I pulled aside for someone on a trip to Wiltshire recently and the oldish woman in the clapped out banger coming the other way went past without a thank you and gave me a death look.
  3. If you feel very strongly about this and all efforts to resolve the situation informally fail, the small claims procedure is very straightforward. Fill in some forms, pay a fee (which you can add to the claim) and you're on the way. No need for lawyers etc. If you get a judgement it will have a major impact on their ability to get credit, so issuing a claim might well be enough to encourage payment. However, it's obviously best to try and resolve the situation amicably.
  4. Bit of an update at my end - couldn't stand the supense of waiting for the new knob to arrive to find out if I could get the stock off so had a go at removing it today. Came good in the end using a chain wrench and some shielding with a towel, but I still managed to damage the leather a bit. I'm not bothered though as I'm just glad it came loose without damaging the internals. They certainly stick em on good! Now to wait for the new one to arrive!
  5. Yeah I meant to write "shouldn't" damage it. If it really won't budge after all that I'll obviously have wasted my money but I'll sell the shift knob on here to at least recoup some of it - not worth knackering the car just to change a knob!
  6. Thanks - I had a tentative twist of mine and it felt very tight so I'm going to follow a guide I saw on the US forums which sounds similar to your method; 1 - Lift gaitor - 'Robo Grip' pliers to hold the shaft 2 - Strap wrench (which should damage it) around the knob Fingers crossed!
  7. I'm not keen on the stock shift knob, but I also don't like the style of most off the shelf alternatives. These guys get great reviews in the States. They're pricey, but you can customise to your preference. http://lathewerks.com/shop/index.php?cPath=30_50 http://lathewerks.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=30_50&products_id=174 I've got the 'hybrid piston' version on order with red shift pattern engraving. Will post a review up (assuming I can get the stock shifter off - mine is pretty tight, but there are some good safe-removal guides out there)
  8. Don't agree with that at all. I've had two and they have both been excellent.
  9. I believe the Stillen and Invidia are quite similar sound wise. They are both on the sporty but civilised side - quieter than some of the other makes, but loud enough to make the Z sound like a sports car instead of a family saloon.
  10. Saw one in dark blue in Twickenham today. Looked great.
  11. All it means for us is road closures, no room on the trains and the pubs and restaurants clogged up with middle aged men in Barbour jackets.
  12. We're back to the old what makes a "good" car issue. If 0-60 times define a "good" car then the Focus is a better car than many, including some of the latest Porsches. But it's about soooo much more than that. I won't be trading in the Z for one of these, regardless of whether it can get away from the traffic lights a few tenths of a second quicker.
  13. yeah, I can see that being a vote winner . Pete I'd vote for it.
  14. Great idea but would you be better off with a CRT television? I find that older consoles look pretty bad on modern screens. You could probably pick one up on Ebay for a few quid and have it side by side with your other TV.
  15. Awwwwwwww!!!! Oh man that is one cute cat. I've got a real soft spot for fluffy cats - they're usually a bit daft and very affectionate.
  16. Three together on the A3 towards Guildford, including one with a matte black wrap - must have been a mini meet, and then a white one, not far from Petworth. That's more than I usually see in a year! I also waved at a siver 350Z in the same area, but no response.
  17. Guess it depends how you drive. I suspect my driving is fairly tame compared to most.
  18. I'd also suggest the 2010 onwards models for the improved sat nav system and USB port (great for connecting an IPod etc.) You can also fit an integrated reversing camera. Few random things to look out for... - Check for steering lock fault repair (recall applied to 370s registered up to a certain point in 2010) - Bonnet, side skirts and callipers prone to stone chips - Alcantara on the doors and seats prone to wear in certain areas - As above - Boot springs are hopeless (check to see if the boot clears the catch when the button is pressed) - Tyres - not sure how the 350 compares, but you don't get much more than about 13k miles out of a set on the 370 Essential upgrade - exhaust. Definitely worth considering - reversing camera kit.
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