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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. sipar69

    Painted Rays

    Pic of mine for comparison with black (not sure this shade has a name but it's similar to gun metal)
  2. sipar69

    Painted Rays

    Via Google https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=370z+rays+black&safe=off&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB590GB590&hl=en-US&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAWoVChMIwee-0OC-yAIVQdUUCh0QdgLo&biw=768&bih=909#imgrc=MPD5DZ_lWgsNEM%3A I like dark wheels on a white car, but I prefer a shade such as gun metal. Black can make the wheels look a bit lost in the arches.
  3. The new Evora 400 seems to have impacted on the value of the Evora S in this way; it's been consistently reviewed as better than the S and the price of S's on Autotrader have taken a hit since it became available.
  4. Same here. Love it when it's time for the first fire of the year.
  5. Only just caught up with this thread. Really distinctive identity you're given your car there - looks great.
  6. I think you've accidentally posted this in the wrong sub-forum, which probably explains the lack of replies. This is for people needing help using the forum. Try posting in one of the 350Z areas of the forum and you should get a response.
  7. sipar69

    Car matts

    If you're not bothered about logos etc these are pretty decent. I've had a set of the heavy duty rubber ones for about 2 years now and they are as good as new. They're quite heavy, very durable and easy to clean. The only downside is they smell quite strongly of rubber for about week but then it wears off. http://www.ultimatecarmats.co.uk/default.asp?product_id=11312
  8. That's some rough times. Im sure all will go well with your new family members.
  9. Oh I'm sorry to hear that Dan. I'm sure you gave her the best possible life while she was with you.
  10. All this knob chat... I'm not one for bling as a rule - the small number of cosmetic mods I've done to the Nismo have been quite subtle (the most obvious being the red seats) and the custom made knob I've ordered is quite conservative looking. That said, I really like the Blox - the colour is quite subtle in the metal and it feels a lot better to use thanks to the added weight.
  11. There's nothing really good on PS4 yet but Drive Club isn't all that bad and assuming you've a Playstation Plus account you can download the core game for free (but act quickly - as they're apparently removing the free version soon)
  12. Thanks v much Beavis. PM sent.
  13. I'm after one of these - if anyone has one to sell please drop me a PM. https://www.z1motorsports.com/z1-products/z1-motorsports/z1-motorsports-aluminum-shift-knob-finisher-p-7259.html
  14. If it helps, I sold my Nismo's exhaust to a forum member and I believe there were no problems with the fitting. £500 is a good price and if you decide you want some extra volume you can add HFCs.
  15. Never been keen on the M3 looks wise but that is a very nice colour combination. Enjoy.
  16. Not sure if it's already been mentioned but in case not, Black Hole Glaze always worked well for me on my previous Z (pre waxing).
  17. I agree. Not expensive if it's a good quality product. The Blox Typre R I've just fitted was a similar price and the custom job I'm waiting on from these guys was quite a bit more. http://www.lathewerks.com/shop/
  18. 350 and 370 shift knobs look best with a finisher to go between the knob and the leather - will you be making one?
  19. Enjoy. Every time I talk myself out of one of these I end up getting the itch for one again.
  20. I saw an article recently whereby a fully licensed mega drive had been developed with 80 pre loaded licensed games, 2 wireless controller (just like the originals) a cartridge slot which would take original cartridges for £50 I'll try and find the article. The company were called something like retro funk games or similar. I picked up a Magadrive (Mk1) and some games off Ebay a while back (I used to have one as a teenager). I also got a small CRTV to go with it but I've not had much chance to use any of it yet. I can see me doing some sort of retro games man cave when I've got the time and money (and a bigger house!)
  21. Found out last week that my custom made shift knob has been delayed because the guy who makes them is in the process of moving premises. Since I knackered the stock knob loosening it, I've been hunting around for a replacement and settled on this - a Blox Type R in Electric Blue (Courtesy of Tarmac Sportz). Wasn't certain about the colour until it arrived, but I really like it - nice and heavy too (450g) so it feels good to use. It could do with a metal finisher to complete the look, but they are so hard to find in the UK (I used a rubber washer and some cable tie under the boot to hold it up). The engraving on top is red, so it works quite well with the Nismo accents and seats.
  22. Info for Cat Owners - Resorptive Dental Lesions Never heard of these until recently but I thought I'd share our recent experience with the many people on here who love their moggies. We took our fluffy buddy, Sonny, to the vet for an unrelated issue recently. She checked his teeth and showed us some small red areas on two of them. They were "Resorptive Lesions" which are apparently very painful and a surprisingly common issue with cats. All you coud see was a small red area on the tooth itself. You can read the link to get the full explanation but the important thing to note is that Sonny was showing no signs of discomfort and eating fine. (Another thing I have learnt from reading about this issue is that cats can be in a lot of pain but will not show it.) Anyway, he's had the offending teeth removed and a course of antibiotics, and is now doing fine. So my suggestion would be check your cats' teeth regularly and take them to the vet for a check up if you notice any redness around the edges of the teeth. These things get much worse and can cause agony if left untreated. Here the link and a picture of Sonny - my best buddy http://www.avds-onli...inelesions.html
  23. Got to agree with that. Great looking car and so many enhancements, but that thing on the back would be coming straight off. Best of luck with the sale.
  24. I'm of the Pulp Fiction view - you don't f@@k with another man's vehicle. Never ok to key a vehicle IMO.
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