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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. One of the best looking variants of the 370 with the key mods already done. Somebody needs to buy it!
  2. I couldn't imagine life without a cat or two in residence now. How about a local rescue centre?
  3. Although I prefer the Nismo mk1 styling, the mk2 front end does seem to look good when transplanted onto the standard 370 shape. I would have left the rear as it is though. It would look very individual and less like an attempt to create a replica. Nismo LM GT4 wheels in black look very good on white 370s (but not easy to come by!).
  4. Poor bird I don't see why that can't be repaired. Damage doesn't look all that bad to me.
  5. I've no idea if this applies to your wheels, but the OEM Nismo wheels I have (different design to yours) have a specific type of nut with a sort of revolving washer built in to them (sorry - I am sure there is a more accurate way of describing them). I think it is supposed to be risky/dangerous to fit non OEM style wheel nuts to wheels which require this sort of nut. They look like this: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=nismo+oem+wheel+nuts+370z&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj3kZXLiK7LAhVLXRoKHUuSDzsQ_AUIBygB&biw=1920&bih=947#imgrc=6h3B8Zm4tycEcM%3A Hopefully somebody will be along soon to confirm the correct type of wheel nut for yours.
  6. I have some of the Raceglaze - works very well.
  7. The only thing I've ever noticed is a bit of ankle tendon ache from working the clutch in traffic.
  8. I remember Colin as one of the most welcoming and helpful people when I joined the forum. All the best.
  9. Gently pick at the edge with your fingernail and then slowly peel them off. The hair dryer tip is a good one but I doubt you'll need to use it - they should come off easily - just take your time. Then clean off any remaining glue as suggested above
  10. I briefly had the stock Nismo exhaust paired with a set of Cobra HFCs. There was a definite improvement in sound but fairly subtle. You should be fine with any of the usual brands.
  11. Google 'strap wrench.' I couldn't shift mine at all but it came off with the strap wrench. The OEM knob is fixed on with super glue. The amount used varies from car to car so it's much easier for some than others but a strap wrench should shift it.
  12. Certainly in the early days there were some significant disadvantages to the base model (I don't think it came with the syncro rev match for example). It might be that things have changed with later models. A good way to identify the base model is lack of a boot spoiler. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=370z+base&safe=off&tbm=isch&imgil=-B8AQrEQf7M3_M%253A%253BgXyqWO5PrT5pVM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.the370z.com%25252Fmembers-370z-gallery%25252F73476-nts-2013-build-journal-ace-base.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=-B8AQrEQf7M3_M%253A%252CgXyqWO5PrT5pVM%252C_&usg=__yZWunhGqzFqlthdYWQXuienEP0A%3D&biw=1920&bih=947&ved=0ahUKEwj4maTTzpXLAhUF6xQKHeu5AsEQyjcIJg&ei=vl3QVvjCEoXWU-vziogM#imgrc=-B8AQrEQf7M3_M%3A GT Pack with spoiler https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=370z+GT+pack&safe=off&biw=1920&bih=947&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8ypTYz5XLAhVIVBQKHfDZBFIQ_AUIBygC#imgrc=Sjcp-cBDYxjBlM%3A
  13. It should tell you something that very few people go for the base model. Just my personal view - you're not really getting the 'proper' 370 with the base model. (Remember though that the GT and GT Edition are not the same - GT Edition is a slightly enhanced version of the GT). You'll find that most of the second hand 370s on the market are at least the GT spec so you should be fine.
  14. sipar69

    louder exhaust

    I've run a Stillen exhaust, which is apparently similar volume wise to the Invidia, with and without Cobra HFCs. The difference is quite noticeable. It is much louder on cold start and above 3k rpm, with a really nice growl. Normal cruising is pretty much the same with and without the HFCs.
  15. Good luck. I can back up the comments about the positive attention the buyer can expect with this car. They are super rare and turn heads everywhere.
  16. Stay for me. I don't buy the Daily Fail argument that the EU is a bad thing that's given us nothing but immigration and daft regulations. It may not be perfect, but I'm convinced we'd be much worse off out than in.
  17. Nice colour. Looks better than the silver.
  18. A lot of refurb outfits won't touch this kind of finish with a barge pole - as you say, it's very difficult to get a perfect match. You might have to get both wheels on the same side done. I've read good things about these guys if you don't mind the journey. http://thewheelwizard.ltd.uk/
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