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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. sipar69


    Of course there are people with kids that are rude and refuse to cooperate, and rightly so you would get annoyed. There are plenty of adults who behave the same way who don't have kids, in fact many more of them than those with kids in venues, you have to deal with them all equally. Would you ask some who talks overly loud to leave the bar or talk quieter. Would you ask people to go sit back down if they push in at the bar. My point is live the parents shoes, next time you see the situation check out the parent closely, yes they could just be ignorant and rude but its not always that, in most cases its that they are hugely stressed, really do not want their child to be causing all that fuss and would give the world for their child to sit and be quiet but just need a little understanding...I don't think for other people that is an unreasonable ask in the first instance. Remember, that screaming kid could grown up to a be doctor that one day saves your life on an operating table...give them a little slack I almost read the last few words as "give them a little smack"
  2. sipar69


    Those questions are class.
  3. sipar69


    Happy to discuss. Actually I had that exact issue with parents before I stepped into their shoes. We have a babysitter, we use occasionally if we want to say go watch a movie at the cinema, a quick drink beforehand, ticket prices, babysitter cost and you are looking at a £100 night out to watch a film. Yes I understand I took on that cost when having a child, but you can excuse people for not defaulting to them as much as non child owning adults would like. Actually parents who are perceived as 'ignoring' their kids that run around are generally all over it but because they are not doing the same thing i.e. chasing after them or shouting at them to behave doesn't mean they do not care or are not being considerate to other people in the venue. What do you think will happen if you tell a 5 year old not to do something, or if you got up and ran after them, it will only exacerbate the situation and become a bigger 'game' to a 5 year old. Parents also naturally understand how and when their child genuinely needs attention vs unnecessarily demanding attention, often you will see a parent almost ignoring a child but this is deliberate and its part of the long game i.e. if you run to their aid every time they cry out it only gets worse. Most adults without experience of their own children will not understand the psychology or day to day learning that goes on, perception is everything and unfortunately it leads to lots of assumptions that are quite untrue. I agree in Richmond, hardly anywhere for adult only, but they are there. I do not spend all my time with my kid, I have plenty of time where I go off and do my own thing childless, and there are plenty of places because I have deliberately looked. I could name 5 or 6 bars in Richmond which are my adult places. That then brings its own social issues, as much as some people don't like kids running around being noisy equally I don't like adults who talk loudly, slurp when they drink, push in at the bar, are rude, smell bad and clearly don't shower, etc. and all behaviours much worse than the odd kid making a noise. I guess the upshot is if you don't like kids, you will spot the times when they annoy you and ignore things which clearly would annoy other people but have no effect on you. I don't agree with some of this but it's reasonably put. I don't know if you've ever been to the Dysart Arms in Petersham. It's a really nice pub (more of a restaurant really). It serves some of the best food in the area. They used to get some incredibly abusive reviews from people who were asked not to let their children run around the restaurant. Fortunately, they now do what I really like in a pub/restaurant - they put the families with young kids on one side of the building and the adults groups on another. That works well if the layout of the building allows it, because then those of who want to eat in a comparatively peaceful and adult environment can choose to do so.
  4. sipar69


    Just playing Devil's advocate for the sake of the discussion Coldel, could it be that you're experiencing the backlash resulting from parents who don't do even try to be considerate to people around them? I get that it can't be easy to keep a bored or excitable youngster quiet, but it does sometimes seem that there are parents who don't understand that we don't all find their kids as charming and interesting as they do. I experience this quite a lot in pubs - kids running around like mad making a racket while their parents pay no attention to them drives me nuts. Perhaps part of the problem is that we don't really seem to have places that are solely for adults any more. As you will know, the vast majority of pubs in Richmond, Twickenham etc let children of all ages in now so it's really difficult for those of us who want to relax in an adult environment to do so. Serious question - do people not use babysitters anymore?
  5. sipar69


    Hmmm that last sentence risks sounds ever so slightly patronising, but perhaps you're just saying that for you personally you weren't a complete person without kids? If the latter, then that's great for you, but I for one would never accept that having kids is a prequisite to being a complete person. I don't doubt I could be a better, more productive, person (couldn't we all!?), but producing children wouldn't be my route to achieving that. Money and freedom to do what you want keeps being mentioned but it's more than that for me - I just don't want them, Kids actually irritate me and I never get on with adults who seem to be obsessed with being parents and talk about nothing else. I don't wish kids any harm and if I encounter them I'm nice to them (I let our neighbour's youngster sit in the Z and start her up because he likes cars and chats to me) but I generally I avoid them (especially in pubs and restaurants!). So I would make me a poor candidate for parenthood. The additional money and freedom is a welcome side effect, but it had nothing to do with my decision whatsoever. Another side effect is that not having kids more than offsets the environmental impact of having a big thirstly car! This thread has surprised me actually. I don't know if its the media or the fact that in SW London if you've haven't got a pushchair attached to you or a couple of scooter riding infants in tow, you don't seem to quite fit the profile of the area. But it seems I'm not quite as unique as I thought I was in not wanting them and having actually managed to find a significant other who feels exactly the same. I'm pleasently surprised.
  6. sipar69


    The problem I think we have in society is that some people have them without thinking about the commitment or the cost, and because it's what people are 'supposed' to do - get married (tick), get a mortgage (tick), have a couple of kids (tick). And I've never understood people who say it's selfish to not want kids. You can't be selfish towards something that never existed in the first place.
  7. If people want kids I say fair play, as long they can afford it etc. The only thing that really winds me up is when parents give you the whole "you don't know what you're missing" / "you will do one day" line. I'm 46, I don't particularly like children and I've never ever wanted them. But I still get told I'll want them one day! My better half gets it even more - some women just can't accept that she just doesnt want kids. Drives her bonkers.
  8. Sorry last question. I noticed in your parts list thread that there are a lot of small parts/attachments that go behind the bumper and which don't appear on your list. Is that because you reuse the parts already on the car?
  9. Thanks. Clearly a popular mod in the U.S. I couldn't see a Mk1 with the Mk2 bumper, but I'll have a proper look soon.
  10. PCP deals are less off putting if you're willing to absorb a higher monthly payment for the sake of a lower final payment. My monthly is quite steep, but on the plus side when the deal ends in 18 months I've only got £9k to clear and I'm fairly sure the car (which will only be 4.5 years old and low mileage) will be worth a good bit more. PCP also becomes more useful when you're looking at higher value cars, because banks typically don't offer loans up to the necessary limit.
  11. It would be interesting to know the total cost of sourcing and fitting the bumper (minus painting). I find myself wondering what my Mk1 Nismo would look like with a Mk2 front end. A dog's dinner possbily, but it's an interesting proposition that I might think about doing in a year or so to keep things interesting.
  12. What a great idea for a thread. Not sure if this is doable, but I'd like to see what a Mk2 370Z Nismo front bumper looks like on a Mk1 370Z Nismo (white).
  13. Out of interest, are you just leaving a gap where the daytime running lights go or planning to fit them?
  14. I hate to say this but I suspect you're In trouble. A single late payment might be ok but a default is usually a different matter. I hope I'm wrong - good luck.
  15. Say that ten times a day for a decade and it might come true.
  16. PCP isn't a bad option if you are looking to keep monthly payments low and will be happy to change the car at the end of the term. £15k balloon payment seems quite high though.
  17. As someone who has got to the age of 46 and by choice never had kids, the one piece of advice I would give is do not under any circumstances have them just because someone else wants them. Despite what the media wants you to believe, it's not mandatory to have kids and you can have a perfectly happy and fulfilled life without the little beggars! little beggars? ... I am speechless.... although I can understand the fact that some don't want kids and I am completly fine with it,I don't get the way you see kids from your words... and yes I do have 2 daughters which for me are the world and everything I always wanted Good for you. As stated above, "little beggars" is a traditional and relatively innocuous terms of reference for kids. I'm not sure why it left you "speechless". I hope it won't upset you too much if I confide that I find babies revolting, toddlers incredibly irritating and teenagers just about bearable. Kittens and puppies though! Now you're talking
  18. As someone who has got to the age of 46 and by choice never had kids, the one piece of advice I would give is do not under any circumstances have them just because someone else wants them. Despite what the media wants you to believe, it's not mandatory to have kids and you can have a perfectly happy and fulfilled life without the little beggars!
  19. At least you haven't got the whole staying together for the sake of the kids malarkey to contend with. I don't personally think people have to have similar interests to get along and be happy. For everything my other half and I have in common there's something else we don't e.g. I'm interested in cars; she couldn't care less about them. The trick is to respect each other's space, live alongside one another and make time to do stuff you both enjoy. Do you make time to go out together? You need to have a frank conversation. Tell her how you feel and ask her how she feels. You might both be surprised at what happens. Whatever else you do, don't suffer in silence - it'll only get worse!
  20. I've not had much experience of people trying to race me but I've had a few people overtaking in totally unnecessary/inappropriate situations, as though they're trying to make a point. It's usually middle aged blokes in bog standard Audis/BMWs.
  21. Easy install too - 5 minute job
  22. Fitted mine today. Goes well with the GTR start button and red seats.
  23. This US site is also good for getting part numbers. http://www.courtesyparts.com/
  24. I know nowt about Junction 17, but agree that buying from a forum member is a safe bet. A lot of dealers don't seem to know one end of a 370 from the other,
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