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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I agree there's not much chance but worth a try. I tried to get the bumper of my first white 370 repainted under warranty because it was badly mismatched to the body (common issue with early storm white cars). Got told no dice and later discovered it had been done for other owners of some Zs and GTRs.
  2. I actually pay £50 for my cover. It's the Halfords all seasons version - surprisingly good quality for the money. I change it once a year as a precaution and keep the car well sealed. I've found that adding additional straps at the front and rear helps to stop the cover billowing in the wind, although I agree that wind does get under the cover. I actually prefer a cover that isn't tailor fitted to the shape of the car. The large version of the Halfords cover fits a 370 well. I would prefer not to have a really snugly fitted cover, as I expect that might also increase any damage from marring. By the way, I've always been aware of the concerns about covers and paint marring. The view I've come to from my experiences is that the benefits (which include keeping the car quite anonymous - it gets no attention at all under the cover and a lot when it's uncovered) are worth is on the basis that if the paint does suffer over time I can bring it to someone like you for a good detail.
  3. Perhaps the best angle of attack is that if the paint on newer GTRs is thicker there is an implied admission that earlier cars had insufficienly thick paint.
  4. Fair enough but that hasn't been my experience and I'm very fussy about the condition of my car. Maybe fleece lined covers are worse - I can imagine they might actually trap grit in the fleece.
  5. I've used a cover for two years with no visible adverse effect on the paint. Don't be put off by scare stories. As long as the car is clean when the cover goes on and it is properly secured you will be fine. Ricey the marring on those pictures appears to be circular - are you sure it wasn't the result of poor washing technique? How could a cover create circular marks?
  6. sipar69


    Cats couldn't give a monkeys backside about you, they use you for food and a place to defecate. If they could open tins, they would call out a hitman and have you done over in the blink of an eye and inherit all your stuff. They take away your freedom, you have to constantly feed them and clean up after them, hair everywhere, I just couldn't imagine anything worse... ...I have never owned a cat. Sounds like kids to me. ...I have never owned a kid. Kids are much worse. At least cats poop outside and don't wait for you to die so they can sell your house.
  7. Yeah sure, I can give it a shot as long as it's not urgent! Erm, I'm a bit cluesless about the 370z though. Could you let me know how to tell the difference between the Mk1 and Mk2? No problem. No rush. Mark 1 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=370z+nismo&safe=off&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB590GB590&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiB37iTr-nLAhWC_ywKHW8nA-YQ_AUIBygB&biw=768&bih=909#imgrc=0g7C7eqpUJ-r1M%3A Mark 2 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=370z+nismo&safe=off&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB590GB590&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiB37iTr-nLAhWC_ywKHW8nA-YQ_AUIBygB&biw=768&bih=909#imgrc=C8Lcujfjf_qeYM%3A
  8. Thanks for the advice folks.
  9. sipar69


    Lots of ways to live a life that's not all "me, me, me" without having kids.
  10. sipar69


    I've seen "new life emerging" on the telly. Shudder. . A furry kitten emerging from a cardboard box is all I need.
  11. Found a nasty chip/crack on the lower driver's side of my windscreen today. The local Autoglass guy came out and reckons it needs replacing. I'm happy with that - it's an ugly chip with cracks underneath it. It would bug me to death if they just repaired it. The guy is really into Zs and pressed on the phone for an OEM replacement screen and recommended a particular 'master tech' to do the install. I just need to wait for confirmation that Admiral will cover it and an appointment. Is there anything in particular I need to watch out for when they do the install? Cheers.
  12. Hi Hodaka - are you able to do my request? Cheers.
  13. In addition to the actual sound of the exhaust and HFCs, it sounds like you might be having a well known issue whereby the HFCs are pushing the exhaust down onto the cross brace under the car, causing vibration. HFCs can make a big difference to the volume of an exhaust - sounds like you need to go back to stock cats.
  14. Very nice. Love the colour.
  15. sipar69


    Nobody is saying that. If the human race is ever wiped out, which is possible, it won't be because some of us choose not to have kids. There will always be a sufficient number of people who do want kids to propagate the species. The interesting question to mull over is whether it would, or in fact could, be a 'bad' thing for the human race to no longer exist. Personally, I don't think it could be for the simple reason that 'good', 'bad', 'regret' etc are human constructs. Unless you're religious, 'good' and 'bad' exist only in the human mind and since nobody will be left if the human race dies out, 'good' and 'bad' will no longer exist either. Coldel is right that the simple point is - if you want kids, have them and be happy. If you don't want them, ditto. I only get wound up by people who imply that those of who don't want them do really, but just haven't realised it yet.
  16. Game of Thrones box set marathon in preparation for the new series.
  17. sipar69


    Why would that be a bad thing? Does the human race have an intrinsic value above and beyond any other species on the planet and if so why?
  18. The door handles are one of the 370's least attractive features. It would look better with something discrete like the GTR's, instead of massive fridge door handles.
  19. sipar69


    I get it from kittens!
  20. I like it. It would look ever better with a hefty spoiler.
  21. Doesn't bother me that other people put Nismo bits and badges on non Nismo cars. It's very much a niche thing anyway, as most non enthusiasts would have no idea what Nismo means.
  22. sipar69


    If there was an award for most smug, patronising post ever put on a forum, that right there would be a contender. Incredible. I'm out of this thread or I'll rupture an artery.
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