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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I started out putting HFCs with my Nismo exhaust. It improved the sound noticeably, but it was still too tame. I wouldn't bother if I were you - just bite the bullet on a decent exhaust. It a nice car; no point in skimping on the most important mod.
  2. more like #teamreacharound Stay on topic I *think* I am going to vote stay - still the Leave campaign are saying 'take control' but refuse to say of what... Isn't it obvious? Laws, Courts, Human rights, Trade, Environment, Borders, Democracy. Take your pick, or come up with your own. Do some research. It's pretty embarrassing to vote for the status quo and allow Brussels to think for you because you can't think for yourself. Think 10, 20 or 30 years ahead, what the In & Out campaigners say is 100% guff and irrelevance. Look at the EU performance now, where it's going, and how it's performed in the past. Engage critical thinking, come to a conclusion. Base your vote on that. Sorry. You're wrong. I don't claim to know much abut much, but I do know about the justice system because I've spent my entire working life in it. One of the greatest con tricks the mass media has played on the general public is the idea that our system of justice is dictated by the EU. We have one of if not the most professional, impartial, efficient and, crucially, independent systems of law and justice in the World. Any suggestion that it will somehow improve by leaving the EU is rubbish based on ignorance of how our laws, courts and judges work. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/14/uk-obliged-judgments-of-european-courts-official-document-from-m/ Yeah. It's easy to use Google to find an article that suits your views. It's harder to properly understand a complex issue such as how our system of justice operates in reality. The relationship between UK law and European law is no secret. What people who just accept what the media tells them don't get to hear is how that relationship came about and how it works in practice, and the benefits it has in terms of protecting the rights of vulnerable people. The information is out there, but you have to look beyond the headlines or, as I am lucky enough to be able to do, see it work in action.
  3. Are you certain that you're discussing the Mk1 car with dealers and not the Mk2? You do know that if you're talking about a new car it won't be the one you said you prefer? Bear in mind that most dealers probably don't know the difference!
  4. more like #teamreacharound Stay on topic I *think* I am going to vote stay - still the Leave campaign are saying 'take control' but refuse to say of what... Isn't it obvious? Laws, Courts, Human rights, Trade, Environment, Borders, Democracy. Take your pick, or come up with your own. Do some research. It's pretty embarrassing to vote for the status quo and allow Brussels to think for you because you can't think for yourself. Think 10, 20 or 30 years ahead, what the In & Out campaigners say is 100% guff and irrelevance. Look at the EU performance now, where it's going, and how it's performed in the past. Engage critical thinking, come to a conclusion. Base your vote on that. Sorry. You're wrong. I don't claim to know much abut much, but I do know about the justice system because I've spent my entire working life in it. One of the greatest con tricks the mass media has played on the general public is the idea that our system of justice is dictated by the EU. We have one of if not the most professional, impartial, efficient and, crucially, independent systems of law and justice in the World. Any suggestion that it will somehow improve by leaving the EU is rubbish based on ignorance of how our laws, courts and judges work.
  5. Stillen is the perfect fit but it ain't cheap and it's not an especially loud exhaust. If you think the Invidia is too quiet, you'd probably feel the same about the Stillen. I'd suggest you go for something with fairly wide tips and straight cut rather than slash. If the tips are too small it won't look right. Ark DTS is a very nice system.
  6. In that case you're looking at £26k-£28k. If you pick white, check the colour match between the bumpers and body. Some storm White Zs (and GTRs) have quite badly matched paint between body and bumpers. Dealers will tell you it's because one is plastic and the other is metal and the bumpers are painted in a different location, which is true, but there are some bad examples where the bumper looks a completely different shade - more of a dull cream. If it doesn't bother you fine. I think it looks crap and spoils the look of the car, so I specifically looked for one without that issue. You can read about how it affected a GTR on here. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=127786
  7. Mark 1 http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/nissan/370z/nissan-370z-3-7-v6-344-nismo-3dr/5452405?v=b Mark 2 http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/nissan/370z/nissan-370-z-3-7-nismo/5293786?v=b If you've been discussing buying new, it must be the Mk2. If you prefer the larger spoiler etc that's a Mk1. There's no difference in performance, as it's exactly the same engine and tune. As you'd expect, opinions differ on which looks best. Mk1 for me, but the Mk2 has nicer seats. You'll be wanting a new exhaust whichever one you get.
  8. There was a nice red one on Autotrader recently for about £28k.
  9. Matte black Aventador and a white 59 plate GTR with an aftermarket exhaust and a red Nurburgring sticker on the back. Shared a nod and a wave with the GTR driver. Then saw a silver 350Z pulling into Fleet services on the way back London.
  10. Interesting - so what would say are the main changes you'll be making to the way you drive?
  11. Same here. I don't for a minute think my Nismo is the "best" car available for what it cost, but I love it to bits, not least because of it has such a unique look and major presence. I love the way it drives and (sad though it may be) I love all the positive attention it gets. An M3 might be a "better" car mechanically, but it wouldn't be "better" for me because I'd be unhappy with the way it looks. No offence to people who like them, but looks do a play a part in what I consider when choosing a car. I'm sure Caymans are great, but again the look doesn't do it for me, except the GT4, which I can't afford!
  12. True, people love a good moan. I know I do.
  13. I'm due for my first MOT in September. I went with the Cobra HFCs because Mark at Abbey explained they have a different internal structure to Berks which should enable them to pass the emissions test. If the car fails I'll probably go back to stock cats. I can't be bothered with getting them taken off and put back on every year. I'll just go for a louder exhaust instead.
  14. Neither the (affordable) Cayman nor the M3 do anything for me and I'd be surprised if either met the OP's desire for a less costly car. Sounds to me like he's made his decision and just needs a nudge in the right direction. Forum members who've graduated from the '50 to the '70 seem very happy........
  15. Love it. "Chunky women". Definitely not sexist.
  16. I have a strange sense of foreboding about this women drivers thread
  17. Yeah - bit rubbish. I'd complain if I were you.
  18. That's not good -why so long?
  19. Well done for rescuing her. I've seen some horror stories about the treatment of dogs in some parts of Europe.
  20. Definitely. We're looking to move next year. I hate the idea of finding THE place, having an offer accepted and then losing it because someone else has come in and offered more.
  21. I'll be interested to read that Mark. It would be good if you can cover whether Ecutek = more power and better responsiveness for everyday use over Uprev.
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