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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Somebody in the photoshop requests thread did exactly that for me - Mk2 front, Mk1 rear. I was expecting it to make me want to shell out to do the conversion but it didn't look right at all.
  2. Interesting replies guys. I'm definitely attracted to the idea Lotus ownership, so I guess I'll see what's available in a few years when I'm done with the Z. PS I agree the Evora 400 is overpriced but I would love to own one some day.
  3. Although I'm sticking with the Z for a few years yet, I can't help looking ahead and thinking about what might come next. I love the new Evora 400, but it's silly money. I'm really liking the look of this though and it's nowhere near as much as the Evora. Since all my driving is done for pleasure and we have an Aygo for the boring stuff, I reckon this might fit the bill nicely when the time comes. What do you guys reckon to it? http://www.lotuscars.com/news/engineering/light-speed-lotus-elise-cup-250
  4. My monthly is quite a bit higher than yours but the final payment due at the end of next year is just £9k. Looking at current examples of the Mk1, plus the fact that I doubt mine will have more than 25k miles on it, I'm quite hopeful for a decent bit of equity.
  5. I'll include reviews from other countries if I think they might be useful or entertaining.
  6. sipar69


    Just testing for the thread in which I'm going to collate reviews. Watch this space....
  7. Thanks. I'm away this weekend, but I'll make a start on it soon.
  8. As we seem to be seeing increasing numbers of people considering moving from the 350 to the 370 and new members asking questions, I was thinking it would be good to start a thread that collects all of the available reviews on the car together in one place. Are we permitted to post links to reviews by professional reviewers and people like Saabklye, Subaruwrxfan etc? If so, I don't mind starting a thread and collating some of the more useful reviews, good and not so good, to help new members.
  9. Not seeing any of that in the comments above. Who said you shouldn't be allowed to offer an opinion or insulted you?
  10. Nobody's told you not to have an opinion. You're on a forum for people who are enthusiastic about these cars. You've got to expect some comeback if you're going to slate them in that subtly insulting way you're so good at
  11. Just ignore him. He enjoys popping up on the 370 bit of the forum to remind us what crap cars we're all driving. Listen to the rest of us and buy one - you won't regret it.
  12. Pick nice county pub Drive Z to pub Eat lunch in the sun Drive Z home again....
  13. I wouldn't risk it personally. Just bite the gullet and order from Nissan or one of the traders on here.
  14. My late Dad was in the RAF and I as a kid he took me to a lot of air-shows. There's not much that compares to the sound of a jet engine on full power. In later years I lived in Teddington which was under the Concorde take off route - that thing was so loud it used to set car alarms off. I loved it!
  15. Serious question: when you buy a car like that do manufacturers offer free truition to familiariase new owners etc? If we ever won the lottery I'd be straight down the McLaren showroom, but I'd be wanting some private tuition before I took my new pride and joy out on the roads.
  16. No they don't. Earlier cars don't have them. Assuming you have a Connect Premium sat nav it's fairly easy to retrofit one. In one of my earlier 370s I used the kit at the second link below - worked brilliantly. http://www.350z-uk.c...reverse-camera/ http://www.carkitcom...ckup-camera-kit
  17. I read / watched every review I could find before buying my first 370. When it came out, the praise it received was almost universal. Seven years on, it's getting a bit long in the tooth and the reviews aren't always as flattering they used to be. But I still think it represents fantastic bang for buck, especially if you're looking at say a three year old car in the standard GT pack with a view to adding some mods. Looks wise, I've always thought it looks like a car that costs a lot more than actually it does. They never fails to turn heads and still look quite modern. I saw a last gen Cayman on the A3 yesterday - looks quite dated to me now. It feels a bit a special being in a Z. I doubt I'd get that feeling in an older Cayman, even if it is a bit better through a corner at the limit (where I never drive because I know I'm not a good enough driver to chance it).
  18. sipar69

    Dash cams

    I use this one. Works very well. http://www.halfords.com/technology/dash-cams/dash-cams/nextbase-dash-cam-402g-professional?cm_mmc=Google+PLA-_-Dash+Cams-_-Dash+Cams-_-589285&_$ja=tsid:60494%7Ccgn:GoogleShopping%7Ckw:589285&istCompanyId=b8708c57-7a02-4cf6-b2c0-dc36b54a327e&istItemId=xpamllwrp&istBid=tzwt&_$ja=tsid:35522%7Ccid:344535124%7Cagid:25438436524%7Ctid:pla-211148322004%7Ccrid:89806882564%7Cnw:g%7Crnd:1940543940741126928%7Cdvc:t%7Cadp:1o2&gclid=CjwKEAjw0pa5BRCLmoKIx_HTh1wSJABk5F_4sme3XOdCA2_vtXpsR4Zn9RXPMC-_4cJIN7wKJFNJ7xoCqzHw_wcB
  19. Did you follow a particular guide for your polishing technique? I'm interested in going down this route when we move and have a garage or at least some off road space, but I'm a bit concerned about getting it wrong and knackering the paint.
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