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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Treat yourself to a whole set of MPSS. Problem solved. I'm getting mine fitted next week. After having them on a previous 370, they're defintely worth the expense.
  2. Funnily enough, the Z with a decent exhaust some HFCs and an uprev feels plenty powerful enough to me, Perhaps it's partly to do with context and driving style etc. I don't think of myself as anything more than a reasonably competent driver and I don't do track days so I never really feel the need for more power. I'm pretty sure I'll be going for a Lotus of some description when it's time to say goodbye to the Z, so it's likely to be weight loss rather than power gain.
  3. Great pictures. I'm not always a fan of aftermarket body mods but I like the way your car looks at lot.
  4. I think you are referring to a post by me. I found a reference to GM Victory Red on the US forum which is available here in the UK as Vauxhall Victory Red. It's a very good match for those annoying small chips that occasionally appear on the red calipers of the 370Z Nismo. I'm fairly sure that shade is the same red as the 40th Anniversary Edition calipers too. Not sure about any other 370s or the 350 though. Hope that helps.
  5. The problem with the pepper deterrent is that the effect wears off very quickly. Could you put some rocks, prickly plants, garden mesh in the affected areas? The initial cost will be more, but it's a better solution in the long term. As for Lion crap, I don't see how that will be any less gross than the kitty poop.
  6. I'm more concerned that the country will go down the pan because she'll be too busy doing her nails and watching rom-coms to make any decisions.
  7. Erm...no. That makes no sense at all.
  8. You're joking right? Awesome though it is, I would be very surprised if the GTR is a car that 99% of women would be drawn to. Ultimate boy's toy, yes. That term you used, doubt it. ooooo i don't know about 99% of women, i didn't say that. The zed seems to attract the ladies, thought the GTR would do too, to some degree. Definitely attract gold diggers Don't get me wrong. I love em, but it's a very masculine looking car and to be honest I do think they scream money; they don't look expensive in the same way as Ferrari, Lambo etc. (Which isn't a bad thing).
  9. Isn't replacing one type of smelly poop with another a bit pointless?
  10. Glad you're happy with it mate and thanks for the write up. Oddly enough, I don't feel compelled to make the move from uprev, given that, from what you're saying, it doesn't seem to create noticeably improved throttle response during normal driving or a power hike (over uprev). I'm not knocking it - I'm sure it's great, especially if you don't already have the uprev. I just doubt I'd feel it was enough of a benefit to me personally to justify the additional expense over the uprev.
  11. Absolutely right. The Nismo exhaust sounds only marginally less pants than the standard 370. Get it changed asap.
  12. They're quite useful to remove small amounts of dust before sticking a cover on when you're pressed for time and the car's not dirty enough to need a full blown wash.
  13. I have an old cat too that doesn't leave the garden - I don't mind getting rid of hers but other cats' poops make me want to puke! It must be like only being able to change your own kids nappy! It helps that ours are on a diet food called Satiety which makes for very dry poop which hardly smells at all.
  14. Nixy if you have just a small area to worry about I'd suggest getting some large(ish) stones from Homebase and putting them where there is bare soil.
  15. In my experience all of the above will only work temporarily. Our cats our old and no longer leave the garden. I gave up trying to prevent them doing their business on the flower beds years ago. Nothing worked for long. Now it just gets picked up with a trowel, bagged and left in a bin at the end of the garden until bin collection day.
  16. This old chestnut. A cover will only damage the paint if the car isn't clean before you put it on. I've been using a bog standard Halfords cover on mine for two years with no problem (and I check the paint very carefully). You just need to be willing to put the time in to prep the car before you put the cover on.
  17. I would have thought that if you back out of the credit agreement within the requisite period and you don't take possession of the bike you're fine. I'm not an expert, but I don't see how they could do anything to force you to pay for something you haven't taken into your possession. I believe all credit agreements are required to include a back out clause within a set period from the date they are entered into.
  18. 31.5% I thought everything I said was funny, fascinating or both.
  19. Nice car that. I don't think you should ever sell something you treasure without a very good reason (being nagged is not a very good reason)
  20. Well that was 90 minutes of our lives we'll never get back.
  21. I was for remaining, but what's done is done. You can either let change happen to you or be part of it. Everyone has to make the best of it now - no point in crying over spilt milk!
  22. Blimey! Wasn't expecting that result.
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