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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I stayed in an incredibly nice hotel in Bali a few years ago. It was the swankiest place I'd ever stayed in and probably ever will - proper five star paradise. The one thing I couldn't be doing with was the birds in cages dotted around the place. They were well looked after, but you could tell how lonely some of them were especially the really intelligent species such as the parrots. They got so excited if you paid them any attention. Keeping exotic birds in cages is very common in that part of the world. The manager told us they'd been trying to persuade the owner to give them up but he wasn't budging. Much as I loved the place in every other way I wouldn't go back if they still had them.
  2. I have a vague recollection somebody on the US forum fitted R35 seats in a 370 (it was long time ago though).
  3. I wouldn't have it in my house on principle. (Even if it wasn't grotesquely ugly). Bin it.
  4. You might want to consider Stillen if you want a more sporty sound without being too loud. It also has the advantage of looking very similar to the stock Nismo exhaust from behind. Some aftermarket systems don't look right on the Nismo. Ark is another good choice.
  5. Ah I see. That should make it much easier and less expensive.
  6. You need to broaden your outlook a bit mate. You're hardly an old man and assuming that every woman around your age who doesn't have kids is some fat loser is narrow minded. There are plenty of attractive switched-on women who choose not to have kids for perfectly good reasons. Maybe you should deal with your emotions about the breakup before you even contemplate a new relationship.
  7. Whoever sorts it just be aware that the white pearl is an absolute pig to properly match due to being a three stage finish. I had a small scratch from a car park mishap and I ended paying for the whole bumper to be resprayed because a reputable body shop couldn't get the repair to blend to invisibility. If it happened again I wouldn't even bother trying to get a partial repair - I'd just bite the bullet and get the whole bumper done. http://www.350z-uk.c...e-paint-repair/
  8. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Stillen is a great fit and size. Looks almost identical to the stock system from behind, but required a simple adjustment due to the third hanger bracket on the Nismo being in a slightly different place. The Amytrix tips do look a bit too small. Maybe a custom exhaust maker could fabricate something for you.
  9. I had a surprisingly good experience with Autoglass when mine needed replacing. I agree that chip repairs are pointless if you're a perfectionist, as they don't make the chip look much, if any, better. Good luck getting it sorted. You should only contemplate legal action if a) you can demonstrate you have made all reasonable attempts to resolve the matter informally and b ) you're prepared to follow through if they don't cave in at the threat of action. The small claims process is designed to be straightforward and inexpensive for non-lawyers, but it's still going to involve work, cost and hassle; and you ultimately have no guarantee of getting your money back. I doubt I'd bother unless it was a large amount of money. Trading Standards would be another option to consider if they refuse to sort it.
  10. I've used the Alcantara cleaner on the red interior. Works well.
  11. sipar69

    tyre decision

    MPSS fitted last week. Love em.
  12. sipar69

    tyre decision

    MPSS fitted last week. Love em.
  13. No offence mate but you were heading for a dumping anyway. Nobody who really cares about you says why don't you move out and we can keep seeing each other. She was just letting you down gently. I remember being told towards the end of a relationship that lasted a similar length of time "everything you do and say annoys me these days" You're best out of it. Plenty more fish in the sea and all that. However crappy you feel now, you'll look back on it in a year or so and wonder why you stuck it out for so long.
  14. Most of the people on here who've made the move seem to be happy about it.
  15. Yep. Of the face of it, that's a pretty good deal.
  16. Glad you're enjoying it.
  17. I'm afraid that's a fact of life with the 370. Nothing you can do except spend a huge lump of cash on forced induction will gain substantial bhp. But the improvement in how the car sounds alone is worth the outlay on a decent exhaust and if you add a few more breathing mods and get a tune, the car feels much more responsive.
  18. Don't you need to look at the F-type R for the significant leap in performance you seem to be hankering after? On paper, the F-type S doesn't look to have a great deal more performance than a Z with a few breathing mods. I'm not knocking them - lovely cars and I realise that 0-60 times etc isn't the whole story - but I wonder if they would give you the extra excitement you're looking for? Its a very fair point and one that I had considered myself. The problem is that the V8 F-Type is significantly more expensive again than the V6 S. I am trying to stick to a budget of around £30k ideally. My research indicates that a stage 1 tune on an F-Type S would take power to 400bhp and torque to 350 lb ft, whilst the weight of the car is comparable to the 370Z. So not a dramatic increase in performance by any stretch. There is a good car stats and comparison site called fastestaps.com that I came across recently and this supports the theory: http://fastestlaps.c...ns/sisfgg1lbsdp So not much in it at all really. I actually did have a play with a V6 S coupe in the Z a few weeks ago on Snake Pass and there was very little to separate the two cars. That said driver input also plays a role of course, so perhaps I was pedalling a little more effectively than the guy in the F-Type. Anecdotally the figures do suggest the F-Type would at least have a bit more low down grunt for overtaking. So even with the stage 1 tweaks, in the real world you are absolutely right; there wouldn't be much difference. However, there really isn't much out there that is of a similar age, that offers a significant step up in performance, without spending a hell of a lot more. I am a financial adviser and I manage portfolios of investments for clients. One of the basic rules we work to is risk vs return. That is to say, the more risk you take in investing, generally the greater your potential for return. We use something called the efficient frontier curve to plot the maximum amount of return possible for a given level or risk and try to get our portfolios to as close to the curve as possible, as this means we are achieving the maximum return possible on behalf of our clients for the level of risk we take. https://www.google.c...oCrTS8Af68KugDA I mentally apply the same theory to cars (stay with me here!) by changing the x and y axis on the chart to price vs performance. Generally speaking in the world of performance cars, the more performance you want, the more you pay for the car. You also suffer the law of diminishing returns, which means that once you get to a certain performance threshold, you have to pay substantially more, for only a relatively slim increase in performance. Certain cars sit at the efficient frontier in terms of price vs performance. The 370Z because of its bargin price for the performance on offer is a great example of this. The Golf R is another great example, whilst the Nissan GTR is arguably on of the best examples on the market; supercar destroying pace for a relatively low outlay compared to its performance peers. This creates a bit of a problem when moving on from the Z and other cars along the efficient frontier curve, as it means you have to spend significantly more for any meaningful increase in performance. So I am struggling here to find much that offers any significant leap forward in performance whilst retaining usability as a daily. When you add in other factors such as presence, rarity, quality and overall desirability I think the F-Type S rates pretty highly. Hope I haven't bored you all to death! Its actually been quite useful to lay it all out on the page as it has galvanised my resolve to keep the Z for another year before changing it. In the meantime I think I will be removing the front lip and side blades, whilst maybe adding a new set of wheels to help keep my interest. You've obviously given it a lot of thought and I think you hit the nail on the head re the bang for buck point. Even seven odd years into its lifecycle, it's still a great performance to price car. I know there are hot hatches now that are quicker off the line, but they don't have the same allure for me, especially in the looks department. Perhaps you should stay with the Z until you're ready for something in a different league altogether. That's my plan (hopefully an Evora 400 if the prices come down enough in a year or so)
  19. Same as my first 370 with the orange/tan interior. Nice car and quite rare. The only downside is no connect premium sat nav, but don't let that put you off. It's a good platform for a bit of modding and, as Marcus says, the best colour.
  20. Don't you need to look at the F-type R for the significant leap in performance you seem to be hankering after? On paper, the F-type S doesn't look to have a great deal more performance than a Z with a few breathing mods. I'm not knocking them - lovely cars and I realise that 0-60 times etc isn't the whole story - but I wonder if they would give you the extra excitement you're looking for?
  21. I think he's offended too many different categories of people to secure enough votes to win. But I thought we'd vote "remain", so I'm prepared to get it wrong again!
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