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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. It's probably best to make sure we're all discussing the same thing here. When I had a rattle, the offending part was the thin silver aluminium shield that sits near the exhaust muffler. The whole shield wasn't removed - Tom at TGM in Fleet removed the section that sits at a right angle to the underside of the car by grinding a couple of rivets off. The section of shield protecting the underside of the car remained. He assured me the section he removed wasn't serving any useful purpose. I would take his advice any day of the week. I ran the car for another couple of years with no issues.
  2. You spend a good proportion of your life in work so for me there has to be at least some satisfaction from the actual work no matter what the salary is. Like some others, I feel lucky to have a job I mostly like and get paid well for. But when I've been encouraged to consider promition on a few occasions (which would mean about a £15K pay rise), I've not gone for it because it would mean being in meetings 90% of the time. Meetings are my least favourite thing about work already. I don't think I could stick spending most of my time in them.
  3. I had one removed from last 370 for this reason. It won't cause any problems if you remove it.
  4. The seats look really nice. Not sure about the gear knob though......
  5. I've not traditionally been a Porsche fan but having spent some time reading reviews and watching videos recently I'm wavering. Sadly the two I'd most like to own (Cayman GT4 or the current Boxter Spyder) seem to be going for daft money.
  6. I assume they get stuck on at the factory so it seems odd that it's missing. Still, don't let it ruin your enjoyment of the car. Quartz is still my favourite Z colour and I liked the seats of the black edition so much I had some installed in my Nismo
  7. Welcome to the forum. I'm obviously biased, but I think you've made a great choice. Your front bumber colour looks quite different in shade to the body in some of the pictures. That's a well known issue with this shade of white (not just on Nismos). If it doesn't bother you - no problem - if it does, I can confirm from experience that it's easily rectified with a bumper respray. I had to get mine done after picking up a scratch in a car park and I ended up with a much better bumper to body match in the process. Feel free to PM me if you need more info on this topic.
  8. How odd. Definitely a black edition then.
  9. It's not bad for the money.
  10. What colour are the seats and door cards?
  11. Lotus all the way. For similar money to the deeply flawed 4C you could have a late model Evora S or an Exige V6 S, both better cars with just as much ability to turn heads.
  12. Great pics. The Exige S looks surprisingly wide in the front-on shot. As you probably know already, oil temp is a well known 370Z issue, although not usually a problem in normal driving conditions. I'm glad your accidental detour looked to be on a fairly flat surface. We're house hunting in rural Kent/Sussex at the moment - the other day I found myself on a very uneven track in the Z going to view a place. The house was ruled out the basis that the car would have to go!
  13. I hadn't had an up to date phone for a good while and I bought the S7 Edge wondering if it would be all that good. Within a week I'd sold my Ipad Air because it had become completely redundant. The Samsung is a stunning phone.
  14. That's informing though bud, not asking. I've asked three different women I know about ths topic (including my own partner) and they've all said they don't like the idea of a father giving "permission", which is what the OP posted about. Docrwa's point about payment is a good one - if parents are going to be expected to pay then it seems totally reasonable for them to be at least informed etc.
  15. Thanks for the replies. From reading the US forums I'd assumed the MK1 Nismo wheels require you to also get extended studs.
  16. I know they're great cars but I can't escape the feeling they look a bit naff. I feel the same about the new Civic Type Rs.
  17. The issue isn't whether the act of marriage is old fashioned, it's what asking 'permission' (which is what the OP asked about) implies about the status of the woman. The same could be said of a father 'giving away' his daughter. Of course marriage has been around a long time in one form or another for centuries, but it's evolved with the times in many respects. If both parties are fine with it and see it as a harmless tradition no problem, but anyone who doesn't recognise that it could be offensive to some women is showing a worrying lack of insight (which doesn't bode well for a happy marriage).
  18. I love Nduja. Had it an Italian restaurant a few years ago and I've been hooked ever since. I went to a pub in Kent the other day where they used it in the sauce for a bowl of mussels. Delicious! I do agree it's a less is more food though - you don't need much.
  19. Thanks D. I'll do some more research. No rush. Guess I could start with 10 and add if necessary.
  20. Looks like I'll be the first then...
  21. I don't get why you wouldn't ask the mum if you were going to ask anyone. She did the whole carrying around the extra weight, back pain, no booze, morning sickness, potentially agonising birth thing. I reckon if anyone has a right to a say it's her!
  22. Mine was running during a recent service and MOT. Nothing too worrying except supposedly experienced mechanics repeatedly referring to my "350Z". Bit scary when people don't know what car they're working on.
  23. The word I have a really serious issue with is 'permission'. You naturally want the parents of your loved one to like you - I was keen to be liked by Jane's parents the first time I met them. But permission derives from the totally archaic idea that a daughter is a possession of her father. Why does an independent adult require permission to marry the person they love? And why isn't the mother's permission necessary? She's the one who went through the pain of child-birth after all. If you buy the whole 'respect' thing you could achieve exactly the same thing by telling both parents in confidence what you're intending to do before you do it. Telling - fine. Asking - no.
  24. Absolutely not. What century are we living in? I'm flabbergasted by some of the replies on here. Just keep in mind that asking a question presupposes that you're going take heed of the answer. What do you plan to do if he says he doesn't approve- stop loving her and abandon all hope of marrying her? Unless you live in some sort of wierd child-marrying commune, you're both adults capable of making adult decisions. She's not his possession and you shouldn't ask the question if you're not prepared to act on the answer, even if it's "no".
  25. Sorry to hear that WINKJ. It's always painful to lose a pet (we lost one of our much loved rescue bunnies this week) but it must be especially hard after so long with you. Chin up bud.
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