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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Contemplated this since I'm starting to recede. Never had really short hair though, so it'd be a huge leap to go to shaved. Not idea if I have the head shape to pull it off either. There are plenty of things I don't like about myself. I'd love to be a few inches taller and a few pounds lighter. I'm not losing my hair but I honestly don't think most women care if a guy is. If you watch any number of dating programmes on TV, the physical feature most women mention is height not hair.
  2. And how many adverts do you see where the person cooking the dinner, doing the cleaning etc is a woman? The media is full of them. Honestly, I really don't get why some guys seem to feel that women are a threat to your manhood. Historically, we have been a male dominated society for centuries. Men hold most of the best paid, must powerful jobs and positions of influence in almost all areas of life. The religions practised in society are almost entirely male dominated and favour men in various ways. If you look to other parts of the world male domination is even more extreme to the extent that women are practically slaves to the men they are forced to marry. Career, education, don't want kids - forget it. I really don't think us chaps have got anything to moan about in terms of who gets the best deal. And in what past centuries was the world anything like it is now? How many technological breakthroughs are making the globe smaller and more focusing on an individual these days? Ones life is there for all to see and critique. If anything the playing field is leveling out very quickly and aggressively. I think women AND men of these new era look down on mere mortals. Remember the beard phenomenon that took off? You could only rock that along with a nice thick head of hair. Shaved tight at the sides of course with a lovely glossy high comb over. Me? Exempt. Balding with a transparent moustache which merged into blonde then yellow then orange beard. Maybe I'm just bitter as I've been handed a sh1t basket in the looks department lol. I'm seeing it coming out now. I was an 80s kid brought up watching Arnie etc. They were the guys to be. I used to love the fact I could get big easy. That's redundant now. It's skinny jeans and heroin chic. I strongly suspect I'm older than you fella. 48 to be precise so I've seen the same changes as you. Without wanting to make this too personal it sounds as though the issue is your self esteem as an individual, not how society treats men in general. If it's any consolation, I've been dumped more than once and cheated on. Most people have. The important thing is how we react to these setbacks. Pfft get outta this conversation old maaaaan! I'm kidding of course. Although I dare say you're at a comfortable stage/age in life where you are established, married and settled and not fighting tooth and nail at a gunfight when nature armed you with a plastic spoon, looks wise! A degree of my attitude may be my position in life. Watch it you or I'll clout you with my walking stick. Never been married and never wanted kids. In a relationship (until she gets fed up with me.)
  3. And how many adverts do you see where the person cooking the dinner, doing the cleaning etc is a woman? The media is full of them. Honestly, I really don't get why some guys seem to feel that women are a threat to your manhood. Historically, we have been a male dominated society for centuries. Men hold most of the best paid, must powerful jobs and positions of influence in almost all areas of life. The religions practised in society are almost entirely male dominated and favour men in various ways. If you look to other parts of the world male domination is even more extreme to the extent that women are practically slaves to the men they are forced to marry. Career, education, don't want kids - forget it. I really don't think us chaps have got anything to moan about in terms of who gets the best deal. And in what past centuries was the world anything like it is now? How many technological breakthroughs are making the globe smaller and more focusing on an individual these days? Ones life is there for all to see and critique. If anything the playing field is leveling out very quickly and aggressively. I think women AND men of these new era look down on mere mortals. Remember the beard phenomenon that took off? You could only rock that along with a nice thick head of hair. Shaved tight at the sides of course with a lovely glossy high comb over. Me? Exempt. Balding with a transparent moustache which merged into blonde then yellow then orange beard. Maybe I'm just bitter as I've been handed a sh1t basket in the looks department lol. I'm seeing it coming out now. I was an 80s kid brought up watching Arnie etc. They were the guys to be. I used to love the fact I could get big easy. That's redundant now. It's skinny jeans and heroin chic. I strongly suspect I'm older than you fella. 48 to be precise so I've seen the same changes as you. Without wanting to make this too personal it sounds as though the issue is your self esteem as an individual, not how society treats men in general. If it's any consolation, I've been dumped more than once and cheated on. Most people have. The important thing is how we react to these setbacks.
  4. And how many adverts do you see where the person cooking the dinner, doing the cleaning etc is a woman? The media is full of them. Honestly, I really don't get why some guys seem to feel that women are a threat to your manhood. Historically, we have been a male dominated society for centuries. Men hold most of the best paid, must powerful jobs and positions of influence in almost all areas of life. The religions practised in society are almost entirely male dominated and favour men in various ways. If you look to other parts of the world male domination is even more extreme to the extent that women are practically slaves to the men they are forced to marry. Career, education, don't want kids - forget it. I really don't think us chaps have got anything to moan about in terms of who gets the best deal.
  5. That really is weak mate. You're coming across as someone who just really doesn't like women. Personally, I think they're great.
  6. There's a lot of generalising about women in this thread when, let's face it, indiviluals from both sexes are capable of behaving like absolute sh*ts to one another, especially when it comes to relationships.
  7. Nice find. Owner's a bit too cool for school.
  8. Cheers . To be on the safe side the body shop ordered some additional fixings that go with the bumper, but they weren't expensive. I believe the only parts you actually need are the bumper and tow hook cover - the original fixings and brackets can be reused. I also got rear fender liners as the ones for the new bumper are slightly larger than the old ones. With paint, parts and labour the whole job cost not far short of £1k. I believe the front bumper for the Mk2 requires more parts but the bumper itself is quite cheap.
  9. Well I thought it was interesting!
  10. It is possible to elevate the base of the seat a bit. It's one of the dials on the right I think. I use it, being a bit vertically challenged.
  11. I think the EML comes on and stays on when you power up without starting the engine.
  12. Noticed this on tonight's Channel 4 news footage of last week's flooding in America. Not 100% sure, but I reckon it's a Mk1 Nismo.
  13. Maybe a walkaround vid too. I've always thought photos don't do the 370 justice.
  14. Defintely not normal. The differences you should be feeling between the standard car and the Nismo are a bit more poke (not massive but noticeable) and significant improvement in handing when cornering etc. It shouldn't feel floaty!
  15. When we sold our last house and relocated to Derbyshire,the buyer said 6 days before exchange date that there circumstances have changed and they could not raise the full amount now,and they could only proceed if we could drop the house a further £8000.. We had given up jobs and closed a business, there was no way we could back out of the deal.. To say i was furious was an understatement... We agreed,they were very smug about getting one over on us... i did get sweet revenge.....lol.. You have my sympathy!
  16. Here's a quick vid of mine on cold start. It's louder than it sounds in the vid... http://vid1294.photobucket.com/albums/b617/sipar69/IMG_0051_zps6f192cb4.mp4
  17. Haha, not an expert at all, I've only owned 370z a few months but I've looked into the exhaust setups. For Op, it all depends on 1: your budget, and 2: do you intend to get a decat or high flow cat for maximum gains? Or are you only looking for a cat back exhaust. I'd say the motordyne shockwave is perfectly balanced if you're going to keep the stock cats, although it's over £1900. However, if you then go and get a HFC or decat it then becomes one of the loudest setups possible. There are many cheaper options that will increase the volume. If you choose one of the quieter cat backs you may find that this alone is not significantly louder, likewise a HFC or decat with the stock cat back won't drastically change the sound - but will noticeably improve it. all of the aftermarket cat backs are going to be noticeably louder than the stock system, whether that's enough for you I don't know. so it depends how loud you want. I suggest you search YouTube for "370z catback", find one or a combo you like and aim to replicate it. You can tell which cat backs are loud just by looking at them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I had Stillen cat backhand berk decats on my last 370z, just wondered about the Nismo set up difference I've got the Stillen CBE paired with Cobra HFCS. There's a need for a slight and very straightforward adjustment to the Stillen when fitting to a Nismo, but it's a great exhaust for the Nismo as the tips look similar to the stock tips. Even a relatively subtle exhaust like the Stillen is a big improvement over the stock Nismo sound. Adding HFCs takes it to a new level without making it obnoxious under normal driving conditions. I've got a cold start vid - I'll post a link to it when I get time.
  18. I met Jane on Match. Been together over ten years. If you've got a brain in your head, half an ounce of common sense and can string a sentence together, it's a good way to meet really nice people. You just have be realistic and not expect miracles straightaway.
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