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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. +1 Most things in life are a waste of money, doesn't stop us from doing it though +1 Totally agree - it's not just about the value of the car; I work in an office all week and I like being out on a sunny day working to keep the car looking good. Quite often end up with people who live in the road wandering over for a chat about the car.
  2. That's a very good age for a bunny! Our cats are scared of the rabbits!
  3. I think that illustrates the value of prior research! I was waiting for the pie joke - quite surprised it took so long to come actually Yes - you are right about the cables - rabbits will chew through absolutely anything and are very partial to cables. My other half is bringing a new plug home because she accidentally forgot to wrap the cable around the hoover she keeps in the same room as the bunnies - few minutes and it was done for - they have teeth like razors. It's also best to avoid carpet if you have indoor rabbits. You can litter train some, but they do like to "go". Rabbit poop is pretty inoffensive, but their wee is quite whiffy and it will ruin a carpet. We have wooden floors, so it's an easy job to clean up. (Also means you need to clean out cages and hutches very frequently - preferably every day)
  4. It's for aesthetics mate, makes the wheels sit nicer in the arches. I've been dithering over getting some spacers for a while now.... I assume they don't alter the ride or affect the insurance? What are the usual dimensions people go for on the 370Z? 25mm all round Looks good Colin! Care to add a link to the ones you've got there....I am smarting from the cost of getting my wheels repainted this month but might get some in a month or so...
  5. Oops sorry - Top Girl This made me think of starting a separate post about keeping rabbits. Feel free to add your tips! http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=62242
  6. Wasso's post about nature made me think that since a lot of you have kids and a lot of kids naturally want a pet at some stage, I could post some advice about keeping a rabbit. My partner has kept rescue rabbits for many years. She even gets asked for advice by our local vet now and again. Having a rabbit as a pet can be very rewarding, but they are not a low maintenance pet by any stretch of the imagination. You should do your own research of course, but these would be our top tips: 1. Try not to buy rabbits from a pet shop. Give a home to a rabbit from a rescue centre. There are plenty around: example http://www.bobtailsrescue.org.uk/ Rescue centres will usually neuter and properly health-check your bunny before you get him home. 2. Get your rabbit neutered (even if you only have one) . As well as preventing unwanted pregnancies neutering helps to prevent disease (neutered rabbits are also calmer). 3. Rabbits are social animals – they will be much happier if you get them a friend to live with. A neutered male/female couple is best. Most rescue centres will let you pick a pair and then “bond them†for you (rabbits can be aggressive on first meeting, so need to be carefully introduced). While not impossible, putting male rabbits together is not a good idea - fur will fly! 4. Proper diet is essential . Rabbits should have fresh hay, fresh veg and rabbit pellets every day. And lots of fresh water. Rabbit health is very much linked to diet - bad diet = bad health. 5. Get pet insurance. Rabbits can live for well over ten years. Even the smallest health complaint can lead to expensive vet bills. And if you are not prepared to look after you bunny when he gets ill (almost all do at some point) please don’t get one in the first place! 6. If possible, rabbits are better off kept indoors. Domestic rabbits are not as hardy as their wild cousins and can die easily in extreme temperatures, especially hot weather. It is possible to buy very large indoor cages or you can keep allow them to be “free-range†(but they are very destructive!). If you keep them in an indoor cage, you must let them out to exercise every day. This is an example of a large indoor cage which is suitable for two rabbits http://www.therabbithouse.com/indoor/rabbitcages.asp?cage=30 7. If you keep your rabbits outside, make sure they have plenty of shade and a lot of space. A large hutch with a secure run attached to it is best. 8. Outside accommodation for rabbits must be like Fort Knox. Many rabbits die horrible deaths because their hutches and runs are not fox-proof. 9. Rabbits need to be vaccinated against a number of diseases such as Myxomatosis, especially if they live outside. Ask your vet for advice on this and common health problems e.g. fly strike. If rabbits stop eating or display unusual behaviour, such as holding their head on one side, take them to the vet immediately. 10. Rabbits do not make good pets for small children. There are two reasons for this; firstly they can easily be injured by incorrect handling and secondly they often do not like to be picked up. This can lead to them scrabbling to get away, which in turn can lead to nasty scratches for the unfortunate child. Feel free to PM me if you are thinking of getting a rabbit and need advice. Here are a couple of our buns - Piper and Bobbie.
  7. It's for aesthetics mate, makes the wheels sit nicer in the arches. I've been dithering over getting some spacers for a while now.... I assume they don't alter the ride or affect the insurance? What are the usual dimensions people go for on the 370Z?
  8. Top man! We have five rescue rabbits and two abandoned cats. Rabbits get a very bum deal because a lot of parents mistakenly think that they make good pets for children. They don't. They often don't like to be handled, have very specific dietary needs and are prone to expensive-to-treat health problems. That's probably why yours got dumped. They also like to live in pairs. Makes my blood boil when people mistreat animals!
  9. I like nature - don't kill things if I can help it. We get quite a few of these visitors even though we don't have a pond or anything like that.
  10. Lazing around in the garden with my better half, wishing the Z was here and nervously hoping wheels look good following their repaint when I pick the car up Tuesday
  11. Dont even go there! I am so careful normally - no idea what went wrong today - it's a very bad scrape! I can't bring myself to post a picture
  12. Thanks Chris - I agree. It is a lovely colour but I have only kerbed them twice and the hassle of getting it sorted is just too much - most people won't even touch them and it bugs me when I can notice a difference, however slight. I'll post up some pics once they're done.
  13. Yep - I definitely want them to be glossy - not keen on matt wheels. Think I'll pass on flecks - it seems to be that feature of the current wheels that causes all the problems. Looks really nice but impossible to match if they get damaged. Even Nissan couldn't help I'm wondering if it's better to go with a colour that's slightly darker than the body....
  14. Thanks - that's sort of what I mean but there are a lot of different shades of dark grey - I was hoping someone might be aware of a particular shade that they think looks good. I've been doing quite a bit of looking myself and I think these Volks in Pressed Graphite look quite similar (minus the red bit of course!) http://www.vividracing.com/catalog/volk-racing-te37sl-pressed-graphite-wheel-18x105-5x120-p-98949.html I was hoping to be able to take a colour name or even better a code to show them but I guess I can just take some pictures and compare against the current shade etc
  15. I posted recently about a refurb on my Black Edition Rays. Cut a long story short, the finish was not as good as I initially thought - the refurbed wheel looks noticably darker at some angles. Much as I love the colour on the Black Edition wheels it's an absolute nightmare to get them properly matched (there is no code available either!). This shows the refurbed wheel - definitely darker at the back and it's not just the way the light is hitting it.... This and the fact that I've just kerbed the driver side wheel quite badly has made me decide to bite the bullet and get all four wheels re-done by a reputable local company. The advantage will be that they will have the code if it happens in future so repairs will not be so difficult. I'd welcome any views on what would look good with the quartz body colour (pictures and the name of the colour if you know it would be great). I don't want to go for black wheels, but I still want them to be dark. Thanks
  16. What work are you having done to Rosie Will?
  17. Blimey I was very worried for a bit there
  18. For the OP - these guys will build a PC to your specification, which will probably work out a lot less hassle than replacing bits of your current one. They built my current PC. I was very happy with their service - much better than my previous experience of buying from Dell. http://www.dinopc.com/
  19. Been into games since I got bought a ZX Spectrum in the early 80s. I was so mad on them at one point that I paid crazy money to import a PS1 and Sega Saturn from Japan as soon as they were released. I don't have much time for them these days but I like an occasional blast on retro style games. If you have an Xbox 360 and like older style shooters this is great (not easy though - I struggle getting past the first three levels)
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