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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I have long awaited and much needed trip to Devon planned tomorrow. Cleaning the Z today I noticed this on the side wall of the tyre..... It's about 1cm long and 3-4 mils deep. There is no air escaping from the tyre and from what I can tell it's just a gash in the rubber rather than through to anything else. I really don't want to have to postpone my trip but obviously I'm not going to put my other half and myself in danger. Grateful for any thoughts on whether it would be ok to do the drive to Devon if I take it easy... (it takes a couple of hours).
  2. I paid more than that to have a small scratch on the door from a lamp post sprayed out by a decent body shop. Depending on where it is, they have to blend it with the adjacent panel to create a perfect match. If they do a good job on that scratch (ie the repair is totally invisible to the naked eye) I'd say £250 isn't unreasonable
  3. Thats the typical union line of "we should get everyone up to the top, not bash everyone to the bottom". I could easily introduce a pension scheme in my own company to match that of teachers or doctors. I could do it on Monday.Everyone would join it (and be nuts if they didn't). I also know that after the first round of retirements, my company would be bankrupt. Its not bashing the public sector just because they have better pensions. Is bashing them because they, or at least the unions can't see that if they don't change the schemes, the whole thong will fall like a house of cards. And they hold the country to ransom to retain schemes which are mathematically impossible to sustain. Just as a matter of interest, I'm not in a union. I can only speak from personal experience, but where I work very few people support strikes - I'd say about 1 in 5. And I would dispute the notion of the country being "held to ransom". I think most people strike to show they disagree with something, but how often do strikes change anything? Very rarely.
  4. "The Vaccines" album at the moment.
  5. sipar69

    370z intake

    OK...now I'm confused. So Stillen is not the best one to get? Which one would people recommend if I decided to go for one at some point? I also read about cleaning the filters - how often does that need to be done...?
  6. It's interesting to read some of the anti public sector comments on here and see that the authors often don't seem to be arguing for things to be better for people in the private sector - just worse for the public sector. It's a bit like - "I have a bad time, so I want you to have one as well". Sad reflection on human nature really.
  7. I'd like to add my voice to those on here who don't take kindly to the assumption that everyone in the public sector is lazy or on the scrounge. I work longer than average hours and rarely if ever get time for a lunch break. I also do a lot of work in my own time - evenings, weekends etc for which I don't get additional pay. I earn quite good money these days, but it's taken a long time to get to this point. Politicians must love sitting back and watching people from each sector bitching about the other; it's a convenient way to deflet attention from their own failings. Certainly in the Department I work for it's been permissible to claim back time in lieu of illness on holiday for as long as I can remember. I've never come across a single person in 18 years who has actually done it though.
  8. sipar69

    370z intake

    Interesting - I thought only only exhaust and cats had a noticeable impact on the sound...
  9. Personal preference on this one. I have a 370, my brother has a GTR, whilst the GTR absolutely ruins the 370 I prefer my 370, it's a better looking car and actually a bit more exclusive. Again this is my personal preference before I get slated. +1 GTR IMHO is an awesome car but the 370 wins on looks (and it fits down our road...)
  10. sipar69

    370z intake

    What benefits does an intake mod bring?
  11. Sorry - I meant the mobile service - just contacted them via the website and they were done outside the house in a van. I thought the finish was fine when I had the silver wheels, but I am a more fussy these days. Even if I didn't have dark wheels I probably wouldn't risk it now. There is a wicked wheels based in Guildford who do onsite work, but I can't vouch for them as I've never used them. I used SCR Audio in Ashford, Middlesex for my full repaint. They were great. They were honest and told me they couldn't guarantee a perfect match on the multi-stage finish of the dark wheels, so I decided to ask them to do a full repaint. Cost a lot more obviously, but I'm glad I did it if only to save all the hassle in future. I try to be very careful parking, but the car lives in the road so the pavements are always there...waiting........
  12. If we all liked the same things the world would be boring like the colour of your car Ha ha - just noticed the tiny font writing. Although you are wrong, wrong, wrong, it did make me laugh
  13. I feel pretty well qualified to comment on this subject having had my fair share of experiences with refurbs on both the siliver and dark 370 Rays. As Colin has shown via his link to my earlier thread, I had all four wheels on my Black Edition repainted recently because of problems I'd had with a couple of refurbs on the dark wheels. I couldn't be happier with the outcome and the key advantage is that I now have a paint code for a prefect match if there are any mishaps in future. The main issue with the OEM wheels is, as Chris has pointed out, the multi-stage finish. Try as I might, I was not able to discover a paint code for the wheels - I don't think one exists, which means you are banking on the refurbisher to use their eye to get the best possible match. I went to a supposedly top outfit and ended up with one wheel darker than the rest I am a bit surprised that it's not been possible to get a good match on the silver wheel though. Although they are also a multi-stage finish, its not as unusual a shade as the dark rays. It may be that I wasn't as much of a perfectionist as some, but I even had a few refurbs done by Wicked Wheels on the Silver and was happy with them Will - If all else fails, my advice is to get all four repainted. You then have the added reassurance of knowing that they are all the same and any accidents with the curb in future can be sorted out without all the hassle you are currently having - just keep a note of the paint code if you do!
  14. The Quartz Black Edition / Anniversary Edition is not a boring colour! And it looks great with the red interior and brake calipers! Not found a single person who doesn't prefer it to our previous White 370Z. Very unusual colour that changes with the light. Rant over
  15. It's great to get em back after some work!
  16. Hope you feel better soon - I used to think people who complained about back pain were moaners until I had a couple of episodes myself
  17. Thanks for all the positive responses. Will post a close up shot soon.
  18. Sounds like a good idea and well worth doing. Parking feels like not much more than guess work sometimes due to the complete lack of visibility.
  19. Thanks. They're painted .
  20. Gave the Z a good clean and shine today so thought I'd post some snaps of my newly repainted wheels. As per previous post, this decision came from problems I’ve had with a couple of refurbs. The factory finish dark Rays look awesome, but they are a pain to refurb properly due to the multi-stage finish (dusting of silver over black base). I was finding it hard to get anyone willing to do them at all; and last time I was left with one wheel darker than the rest. So…I decided to bite the bullet and get all four done in a colour that would be easier to match if they need work in future. I went with SCR Audio in Ashford (Middx) – really nice bunch of guys. Looked at a ton of colour cards, made my choice and went away fingers crossed. Result………I love em! Really pleased with the colour and finish. I also have the colour code written down to make life easier if they need any work in future. Hope you like em…(tire dressing wasn't completely dry hence white bits on the tyres)
  21. Thanks for all the advice on spacers
  22. yep - same colour OK. Didn't mean to be negative btw - hopefuly you will have better luck than me - I'm sure it's possible to get a good colour match if the refurb people know what they're doing. (The wheels on the Z are such a big part of the look that I can't stand to leave them with damage on.) when i looked at my Black ed. the first thing i noted was a scuff on the alloy. when i picked her up the garage had repaired it and had done a very good job. it was a very good match. bristol nissan BTW. Good to know - in fairness exact same thing happened when we got ours - there was a scuff on one wheel which the dealer had repaired (shame you always have to ask!) and it looked good. Strange thing was I went with the same people more recently and got a less satisfactory result. Big issue is that there is no paint code for the wheel colour so they have to match it by eye. (Also found out when I had them repainted this week that the original refurb people had put the tire on inside out - didn't even know that was possible! )
  23. yep - same colour OK. Didn't mean to be negative btw - hopefuly you will have better luck than me - I'm sure it's possible to get a good colour match if the refurb people know what they're doing. (The wheels on the Z are such a big part of the look that I can't stand to leave them with damage on.)
  24. Ohhh I know the feeling (except it was my fault the last time). When we had our first 370 I gave my other half a hard time for curbing the wheel a few weeks in, only to go and do it myself a few weeks later. Not sure if your car has the same colour Rays as the Black Edition? If so, good luck finding anyone to refurb them to an acceptable standard. I've just had all mine repainted due to the difficulty getting anyone who can properly match the finish on Black Ed Rays (will post some pics soon).
  25. Here is another reason not to participate. To "cleanse" the areas around football stadiums, Ukranian authorities have been killing stray cats and dogs with zinc phosphate which leads to a painful death (or burning them in a mobile incenerator - sometimes while they are still alive.) The official line is that this has been banned by the Ukranian government due to pressure from outside, but it is still reported to be happening. Interesting that racist violence is apparently tolerated, but the sight of stray dog or cat isn't.
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