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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Hi - thanks for the advice - bit late though - my trip was in June. Took the tyre to a local fitter - they had a good look and assured me it was only cosmetic - just in the outer rubber so no need for a new tyre.
  2. I really shouldn't have looked at this thread before work My vote goes to the Greek triple jumper in the OP - got a naughty glint in her eye!
  3. 1 totally unbiased vote for Black Edition "Quartz"!!
  4. With my usual abject lack of technical knowledge I will simply comment in my shallow way.............if you've bought a nice sports car, it just seems kinda wrong to feed it anything but the best...........
  5. Maybe I've been unlucky but the female cyclists I see usually look more like men than the men. I am obviously turning into a grumpy old git but I kinda liked it when I was a kid and you just went for a ride on your bike. None of these daft looking outfits, shaved legs and shouty gangs of blokes riding two abreast and getting in the way of the Z (note to self - must calm down)
  6. Ditto - I like some sports but not really interested in the Olympics - feel like it's been impossible to avoid living and working around London, and massively commercialised (sponsored by McDonalds...? ) Also no chance on going for a drive in the Z - roads around Twickenham closed for the cycling
  7. I second the don't go with Dell advice. Their customer service is pants and they sell underpowered, soon to be out of date, PCs to people who don't have a clue what they're buying (me included once). I had my current PC built by a company called Dino PC. http://www.dinopc.com/ I paid a bit extra for their express service and the thing was with me in a few days. You can customise the components to suit your needs and budget. I was well impressed by their service and very happy with the PC. Here's some reviews http://www.trustpilot.co.uk/review/www.dinopc.com
  8. He looks great As for the person who said he hate's dogs You and I would not get on
  9. If these supposedly great shaving brushes use animal products from China I'd urge you to think twice about buying them! They have an absolutely terrible record for animal cruelty including skinning animals alive for use in the fashion industry.
  10. Oh dear that is very sad............imagine the laughter if you took to be serviced..
  11. I'll remember that for the future........just in case
  12. Thanks. Happy to say seems to have been a false alarm. Although rubbing with a cloth did not shift them they seem to have disappeared since the car dried off in the sun.
  13. Hi all I've just noticed some stubborn white spots on the trim between both of my doors and the side windows. I've tried rubbing them with a cloth but they aren't budging. Since the car lives in the street and it's been raining a lot recently, I'm assuming they are are acid rain spots. I don't have time to post a picture until later, but does anyone know a way to remove these without damaging the trim?
  14. Don't know much about the RX7 but I pass a red one parked up on my walk to the station in the mornings. Really nice looking cars I reckon.
  15. I can't criticise my other half - all of our Z related minor mishaps have been down to me Isn't there a risk of corrosion if you leave the metal bare (or is that just a myth put about by wheel refurb people?)
  16. You have my sympathy - I've had noisy neighbours in the past and it can really get you down. A colleague of mine at work does voluntary mediation in the evening for the local council. His cases quite often involve this sort of problem. It might be worth checking to see if your council offers this service. Mediation sounds a bit 'namby pamby', but a good mediator can be very effective in these sorts of situations. Hope you get it sorted
  17. 2k seems reasonable IMO, but i would take it somewhere that comes VERY highly recommended, dont be afraid to travel, as a crap repair will no doubt spoil the love for your car! +1 And don't assume that a body shop will be good because it was recommended by Nissan.
  18. As Will has said - worth getting a quote from TGM in Fleet.
  19. Thanks Will. I'll have it looked at before we go. Been inspecting it a bit more and I don't think it's very deep, but will play it safe
  20. Cheers Colin. Other tyres are all fine. My faith in human nature has also been restored slightly by my other half pointing out that there are some slight scuffs near the damage which make it look like it was not a stab - but something done when driving (no idea how though - we did go on some quite rough roads on a trip to Derbyshire recently - might have been then....).
  21. If I have to get a new tyre do I have to get all four changed or could I get away with just the front two....and would it matter if they were a different brand?
  22. Thanks - it does look like it might be deliberate which surprises me because we live on a nice quiet road with really decent neighbours and not many people passing through It seems odd that the car hasn't been scratched and none of the tyres have any damage. The cut is slightly curved as well so I'm not sure if it was a knife. I found an old screw near the tyre but I don't see how it could have got into the tyre...
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