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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. sipar69

    The Ultimate 370z

    Thats is stunning!!! I'm obviously turning into a right boring old fart because that is way too flash and brash for me. I would feel a right plonker driving around Twickenham in it.
  2. Fab picture. Love looking at the stars - makes you realise what a tiny, tiny insignificant speck we are in the Universe!
  3. I wouldn't have a clue about a DIY solution. But if you choose a 2010 GT onwards I believe you'll get the full Connect Premium (the guy in the video is demonstrating the Connect Premium.) I believe it also has a higher resolution screen so there are other advantages over the music side. I'm no expert and while I'm sure it's possible to rig up a better sound system, I find the Bose has pretty decent sound quality.
  4. I've had both versions - GT Ultimate with the older version of the sat nav and newer Black Edition with the Connect Premium. As far as I know, manual control of the Ipod itself was the only option with the earlier version. There was no USB connection under the arm rest in the 09 car, just analogue. You connected to the Ipod via its earphone jack. Worked perfectly well, except there was no way to select tracks etc on the sat nav screen, as you can with the Connect Premium. I'm a bit unclear from your first post whether you've actually bought a 370 yet or just identified one you want to buy. If the latter I'd recommend considering one with Connect Premium. Having lived with both, I'd say it's a worthwhile upgrade .
  5. Nope, its because the owner hasnt removed the protective film! Only realised mine had one of those on it recently
  6. Looks like I'm about the only person happy with a recent Stillen then I will definitely keep a close on mine as I agree those pictures do not look good at all! I guess it would be quite fun to pick a new system if the current one does start to go! (albeit expensive fun!)
  7. Feeling your pain - I hate it when that happens Much as I love my own dark wheels on the Black Edition, I think your car looks best with something close to the standard silver; not sure dark would work on Rosie...
  8. Yeah it's a great area to live (so long as you can accept that owning a decent size house is only gonna happen if you win the lottery - I'm happily renting for now...) There's a Cricketers pub on the Green in Richmond but there might well have been one in Twickenham in the past...not sure..
  9. No Cricketers pub there, but yes it was very near the footbridge - good call ! She was in a legit parking spot - just got unlucky with an especially high tide...! There a great pub by the Green these days. Used to be right rough dump but it's brilliant now - huge collection of beers and ciders. Give it a go if you're visiting the area - http://www.thesussexarmstwickenham.co.uk/
  10. I dont know hence why I am asking but if the door seals kept the water out and it was towed away. Electrics was given time to dry and spark plugs removed then the engine was turned over would that work? Or do the seals not keep out that much water and if the battery was connected it would have shorted something out like ecu? An ex of mine once got her Mondeo flooded at least to that level when she parked near the Thames in Twickenham. Surprisingly after a period of odd behaviour from the eletrics - alarm going off randomly etc - the car was absolutely fine and was still going the last time I heard from her (about 10 years after it was flooded!) c
  11. Not heard one "in the flesh" but certainly looks the business!
  12. Mine was actually bought about 10 months ago, so earlier than Will's. Sorry my post could have been clearer - by newer versions I meant newer than some of the original ones that came over not long after the 370Z came on the market here (I believe Colin [Ebized] has one of those and is very happy with it). The point I was making (not very well) is that the later Stillen exhausts haven't necessarily suffered a drop in quality across the board as while Will clearly had some some unfortunate problems with his, mine has been fine. Hope that sort of makes sense Good luck whichever you end up going for - I'm sure you'll love the much improved sound!
  13. Just for a bit of perspective, my Stillen is one of the newer versions I think and I haven't had any of the issues Will has had with rusting, poor fit etc. Don't write them off altogether on the basis of one unfortunate person's experience. (may be too much of a gamble if you want to add HFCs as well though) Also worth adding that Tom Gannon at TGM Motorsport, who probably sees more exhausts in a day than most of us see in years, said he thought the Stillen was a very good solid bit of kit. (Not having a go at the Akro though - I seriously considered one but it was just a bit too expensive for me at the time ).
  14. I have the Stillen (sorry not even close to where you are). I've been very happy with it - transformed the sound of the car without being over the top. The only thing to be aware of is that at least one person on the forum (Will) had trouble when he tried to add Berk HF Cats to his 370Z - I believe they pushed the Stillen down too far and caused it to vibrate against the cross member. From US forums it seems some people have both fitted with no problems though. I think the Fast Intentions system is also becoming popular. Whichever one you go for I'm sure it won't be regretted
  15. Just a personal opinion but I wouldn't touch the GT86 - looks positively pedesterian to me - doubt most people will give them a second look on the road. One of the reasons I love the Z is that it's a head turner. Like Will mentioned in his earlier post I live in an area where TTs, Caymans etc are quite common. All nice cars but the Z gets way more attention because it's rare as well as being a good looking car. Also worth remembering that while Chris Harris didn't like the Z, 99% of reviews have been very positive.
  16. Email is fine and worth doing so you have a record, but email is easily ignored. I'd also suggest a telephone call and ask to speak to the manager. Keep calling until he or she agrees to speak to you. As others have said there should be something about this in the tenancy agreement, but in essence it is not acceptable to just turn up and let themselves in without giving any prior notice. If your sister works, it may be reasonable to agree with them that they can show people around between certain times when she is at work and by prior appointment with her when she isn't.
  17. Interesting thread for me as I've recently started doing quite a bit of exercise after a lifetime of avoiding it. (I've always been quite active and never significantly over-weight, but never really exercised for the sake of it. Recently (at 43) I started to get a belly on me and since there's a history of heart disease in my family I thought it was time to do something about it. I'm not really a gym person so I bought a decent running machine. I've been using it for half an hour six days a week, gradually upping the speed and following the run by doing some weights, sit ups etc. At the beginning I was up at 6.00 every day before work, as I preferred that to doing it after work when I'm knackered. Unfortunately our poor old neighbours told me recently that the noise had been waking them up, so I've switched to the evening before I eat. I find that eating a cereal bar mid afternoon helps with my energy. To begin with I found being on the machine boring, but the one thing that really made a difference was listening to music on my headphones - I find that really helps me. Six weeks in and it's really starting to make a difference to how I look. I feel a lot better in myself as well - finally understand why people say exercise makes you feel good and can be addictive
  18. Both versions are generally referred to as "Black Edition" albeit that the Quartz is actually a very dark metallic grey.
  19. If it helps to have a comparison, I paid around £24K for the exact same spec car with just under 7,000 miles on the clock a year ago. I know I'm biased, but the Black Ed in Quartz is a lovely car!
  20. Good point - that happens to me with almost everything I buy from gadgets, clothes, meals to cars. I start off with..."must be sensible and set budget at £X" and end up spending at least half as much again
  21. Deffo - there is no way he would have taken any chance on telling you that if it wasn't anything other than safe........simply not worth his hassle. Or he's a mong and your going to crash...........either way you save the price of a new tyre
  22. It was just cosmetic - not through the outer rubber. I took it to a local trye fitter and he said it was fine. Considering that he would have an interest in selling me a tyre I could see no reason not to accept his advice.
  23. Be good if the OP came back and told us how he got on with the repair..........I'm assuming it will have been done by now
  24. According to the salesman we dealt with for our first 370Z, they get a lot of people just after a drive in a fast car with no real intention of buying. I think that has unfortunate consequences for some genuine buyers like the OP. My buying experiences have been generally ok. Can't say the same for after-sales service though.
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