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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Ahh I'll watch out for that....
  2. Not sure I've noticed anything - can you elaborate on what tyre scrubbing means Will?
  3. Oh yeah - I remember the type-in games they used to put in magazines - took ages and if you make one tiny mistake they didn't work!
  4. I used to be mad into computer and video games - I remember paying silly money to import the PS1 and Sega Saturn when they were released in Japan. As I've got older I wished I kept all of the old stuff going back to the days of the ZX Spectrum but I've always sold stuff on. Don't seem to have much time for games but when I do I find myself mostly playing retro stuff on the PC or Ipad. Currently playing Raiden Legacy on the 'Pad and GTAIII on the PC. The ICade for the the Ipad is brilliant if you like older games. For anyone whose into older games I'd recommend a magazine called Retro Gamer - it's a great nostalgia trip. And check out the games of Jeff Minter on IOS - he makes crazy old style games featuring all sorts of weird animals e.g.
  5. I don't think you're odd. Not sure why but I hated the idea of going to the gym so i bought a decent treadmill. I found that forcing myself to do half an hour every day after work was better than trying to go for longer but less frequently. I really enjoy it now - stick the tv on and the earphones in and get on with it. Music seems to really help keep me going.
  6. This brilliant sketch sums up my view of Moon landing conspiracy theories (I can believe they sent a man to the Moon a lot easier than I can believe in God, ghosts and all that other superstitious hokum that so many people are willing to accept without question )
  7. I see you have had both cars did you or have you an auto or manuel? I have an old edition 370 brochure and it states the GT ULTIMATE Extras. Persimmon Suede Seats and door trim Intergrated Satellite Navigation System Options Scratch Shield metallic or Pearl paint 7 speed Transmission with magnesium paddle shift So looking in the brochure all the extras were avalable on the GT but the Persimmon trim. Both mine have been manual. The synchro rev match is great especially if you change the stock exhaust - sounds awesome on the down-shifts. The only real difference with the Gt Ultimate was the interior trim (mine was white with orange trim) I think the GT Ultimate was discontinued in 2009. The 370 is known for quite a bit of road noise in the cabin. Doesn't bother me but I believe you can mitigate it to some extent by changing to different tyres than the Bridgestones. Good luck finding your next Z.
  8. If I remember rightly there were only 370 of the Black / Quartz "Black Edition" cars released across Europe. There do always appear to be one or two for sale here though. When I decided I wanted one it only took a few weeks of looking to find the right one. There was also the GT Ultimate in 2009 which I think was basically a GT pack with the addition of a tan/orange interior.
  9. Looks great + good price
  10. Looks great. Are the sensors proving a big help? I'm considering some but I was worried about how they would look - yours look quite discrete from the pics.
  11. Rotten luck mate but blaming women in geneal is nonsensical.
  12. Might not matter to everyone but for me I like having a car that isn't parked on every other street where I live. Caymans and 911s are quite common around here and, while it might cost less, the Z gets more attention. I've had people come up to me in the street, at petrol stations etc to talk to me about the car. Don't think that happens with more common cars. I've got nothing against Porsches, but when it comes time for a change I'll be looking to get something that has the same 'unusual' factor that the Z has. So long as a car is a good performer overall, I'm not that fussed if there's another one that gets to 60 in a few tenths of a second quicker, if it hasn't got the interesting/unusual factor. (Also think the Z looks like it should cost more than it actually does).
  13. Today I am mostly irritated by..............babies and small children making a racket in pubs and restaurants accompanied by parents who don't realise that not everyone thinks their kids are as interesting and charming as they do!
  14. sipar69


    Makes sense - I will see if I can find some reviews of the ATS local to me. I'll also take photos of the rims etc before I drop the car off.
  15. sipar69


    I will probably need new tyres next year. Does anyone have any views on ATS as a supplier/ fitter? I've been really careful to keep my repainted rims in good condition so I'm keen to find a fitter that won't damage them. There's an ATS nearby but not sure whether they are a good choice?
  16. +1 but different exhaust set up, also makes you sound very professional . I've tried taking it off on the odd occasion and I felt as though I couldn't drive properly. I've had it on since day 1 so have no idea what the consumption difference might be Yep! Non-stock exhaust + Rev match = sound heaven!
  17. Got no issues with Apple for some uses (quite like the Iphone) but would definitely not use them for audio. Having tried numerous MP3 players I don't rate them for sound quality especially with the bog standard earphones. MP3 Players by Sony, Cowon, Colorfly etc have much better sound quality.
  18. Yeah - I only use it when I've give the car a really good clean + removal of existing wax etc.
  19. +1 Great tip - the boot catch issue is a real pain.
  20. I recently gave my Z a really good clean and polish then followed up with some of this http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/sealants/chemical-guys-jet-seal-109/prod_484.html - very good stuff
  21. Agree - nothing wrong with Ebay - use it lots myself. But for something as fundamental as an exhaust system for a sports car I wouldn't chance it unless it was a recognisable brand. Got my exhaust from Tarmac - great service and very happy with the product.
  22. I guess that's why the calipers are also prone to chips. Noticed a nasty chip on one of my rear calipers last week, but managed to get rid of it with a red stone chip kit from Halfords. The red I chose was initially a bit too bright. But mixing in a bit of the darker red primer, it turned out to be great match.
  23. As you appear to be in Scotland, the statute barred rules differ. See below. However, it sounds from your original post referring to court costs etc that some sort of judgement was probably entered already, in which case the statute barred rules don't help much anyway. If the system works the same as England and Wales, you could probably apply to set aside the judgement on the basis that you were never served with a summons. However, you will probably have to pay to make the application and attend court for it to be heard. Might not be worth it considering the amount in question. You should probably try to find out what sort, if any, judgement has been entered, when, and what the consequences are (impact on ability to obtain credit for example). (See below re the recording of judgements in Scotland). It looks as though Scotland is similar to England in that judgements will disappear from the register after six years (paid or not). Scotland Small claims, summary and ordinary cause Sheriff's Court judgments The Scottish Register contains details of money decrees entered in the small claims and summary causes sheriff’s courts in Scotland during the preceding 6 years, calculated from the date of the decree. Ordinary causes started being collected in 2010 and the Scottish Register contains details of ordinary cause decrees dated 1st January 2010 onwards. The records contain: Court name and case number Name and address of defender Date and amount of decree (excluding costs) Details of ‘satisfaction’ once RTL has been provided with proof of payment and the search fee. Statute Barred Debt - Scotland In Scotland the law relating to the time period that a debt can no longer be pursued in the courts is different from the rest of the UK. Here is a brief guide on how you use the law to deal with creditors chasing you for old debts. What is a statute barred debt? Statute barred debts are debts which cannot be legally enforced. The Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973, Section 6 limits the timescale which a creditor can take legal action to recover their money to 5 years, provided the following conditions are met:- There are no outstanding decrees against you, AND No payments have been made towards the debt for the last 5 years, AND No written communications with the creditors have taken place acknowledging the debt.
  24. sipar69

    Future zed

    Perhaps organise a group test drive
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