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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I work within our justice system and while no system is perfect we have by far one of the most highly regarded systems in the World. It is a heck of a lot better than most (which is why a great many disputes between companies in other countries are litigated in London rather than their own countries). If you want to see what a "messed up" system looks like, look to any number of countries elsewhere in the World where judges are paid off and subject to political influence, people are detained indefinitely without charge, confessions are obtained through torture etc etc.
  2. Are the Ultrac Vortis the successor to the Sessenatas? They seem to get good reviews. .
  3. Exactly - the courts rightly come down heavily on anyone who tries to "pervert the course of justice."
  4. Shame about the tickets but having your wife book you a holiday isn't really what I'd call "bad luck" (unless the plane crashes and you become stranded on an island with no roads and no Zs)
  5. Glad you like it. Big fan of Mitchell and Webb. They've done some great parodies of Tv - this is a brilliant take off of those Channel 5 body shock type shows http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=m9al-mpqXjc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dm9al-mpqXjc
  6. You can plug an iPod into the USB - I have a mini one permanently in the cubby. Then you can just operate it via the sat nav screen. Works great.
  7. Great sketch! http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=3ss-59fi4nM&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D3ss-59fi4nM
  8. Can't agree with that - nothing lovely about such arrogant half wits
  9. sipar69

    My First Mod

    Welcome aboard the slippery slope
  10. Me too. Although I can see the appeal of them, I can never really find the time to invest in modern racing games which involve spending ages on upgrading your car etc. These games were great for a quick blast of fun. The game looks pretty certain to be published on various formats so watch this space
  11. Totally agree - some trailers give away far too much.
  12. Since this is a car forum, and since some people on here seem to be interested in gaming, I thought I'd post a link to this project to create a racing game that harks back to the classic days of 90s games like Daytona USA, Ridge Racer and Sega Rally. The project is being funded by the kickstart model, which basically seems to involve people who want to see the game made pledging donations. This one has hit its target already and looks to be well on course to making it to reality. If you're sufficiently long in the tooth, you might remember that before Gran Turismo and Forza shifted the focus on to realism in driving games companies such as Sega and Namco ruled the roost with very fast paced and colourful racing games in which the focus was on speed, fun and accessibility. I much prefer this style of game, so am really looking forward to it. Hope you enjoy the vid
  13. Ahhh! I thought it seemed a bit on the cheap side. Thanks for clarifying Tarmac.
  14. Video seems to suggest this is a new product but not sure.....I've no idea if this company are supposed to be any good but the exhaust appears to be less than £700 on the Vivid Racing website. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=AC1TS4FMWVc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DAC1TS4FMWVc
  15. Looks good. Much as I love my Stillen for sound, I do sometimes wish I'd gone for a slightly more standard looking exhaust as I also prefer the car to retain its original look. (This post was made when I had my previous Z - I've gone for a Stillen again as it looks similar on the Nismo to the stock Nismo system).
  16. I used the megs tyre gel for the first time today as well and Autogylm's wheel cleaner - pretty impressed with both
  17. Then may I suggest a visit to specsavers Actually my eye test is overdue
  18. Looks great Will. Must be the day for it - I did mine as well - took most of the day My pics aren't as good as yours but the car looks pretty good in the flesh (for about an hour before all the dust and rubbish settles back on it)
  19. I'm due new tyres in a few months - reckon I'll go for the PSSs as well.
  20. The Azure is mine yellow cars are also some of the hardest to sell I think... Looks great like that colour.
  21. Not for me. I get the point of sports cars standing out, but never seen a yellow car I liked. (The blue in the foreground is v nice).
  22. They look very good indeed!
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