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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Same car as mine. If it checks out go for it. Best colour imo and contrary to previous misguided post the interior is v nice Price is arguably a wee bit high for the mileage and don't forget to budget for a decent exhaust to sort the weedy sound out! Good luck.
  2. I suppose its a way of making a point that mercifully doesn't involve damaging the car!
  3. I found myself driving behind my old driving instructor the other day in a 40 mph section of the A316. He was doing at least 50
  4. They are indeed. Here are mine PM Steve! http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/69820-some-new-modsreversing-camera-and-kick-plates/
  5. I agree with Colin. And I have a distinct recollection of reading more than one review saying that the update to the suspension made a negligible difference.
  6. Seen the blue in a video a few months back - very nice colour.
  7. Good to know that TGM are still trustworthy.
  8. I agree. Prices are pretty good already. Buy and enjoy (and get a decent exhaust so it sounds right)
  9. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=brienne&aq=f&oq=brienne&aqs=chrome.1.0j57j5j0&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&hl=en-US&espv=1#biv=i%7C2%3Bd%7CgGbS_4U2_DYqmM%3A Love Game of Thrones so very chuffed to see her in Ye Olde Mitre in central London. Had a bit of Dutch courage so said "hello - love the show" shook my hand and asked my name - seemed very friendly well chuffed
  10. That's good then. The problem I had in the past getting a good match was when a whole wheel was done - looked darker than the rest. Seems that some refurb people struggle with the shade but there are definitely members on here who have been happy with their results. I'm happy with the colour I had mine redone in as it goes well with the car, but I can understand that not everyone wants to do that (and its more expensive!)
  11. Glad to hear you got a good match. Did he do the whole wheel?
  12. I'd be very concerned if TGM had misused one of our Zeds.
  13. I like movies me - daft ones, serious ones, comedy, horror, thriller - love em all. I saw this at the weekend (rented from Lovefilm). One of the best films I've seen in a very long time. Not a happy fun story by any means - it's about a guy who works in a nursery and gets falsely accused of child abuse. It's one of those films that you keep thinking about after it's over. I can't recommend it enough if you like a film that makes you think and grips you from beginning to end.
  14. I used to get really excited about new console releases but it just doesn't seem to do it for me any more. All we are likely to see from these new consoles is slightly better looking versions of the same old games rehashed once again. The media hub stuff doesn't really interest me either - prefer to use a Blu Ray player / Sky HD for films, don't do Facebook / Twitter and happy to listen to music on an MP3 player or a proper music system. I think I must be getting old because I find myself increasingly going for older games. Currently hunting around for a decent Super Nintendo on Ebay (PM me if you have one gathering dust in your loft!)
  15. I would defo be thinking second hand whatever I went for. Hopefully the Nismo will drop quite significantly with a few miles on the clock, although I suppose they will be quite rare which might keep the price up.......
  16. S'pose but you would be looking near bottom end of the GTR market from looking at current prices. I saw a red GTR parked up near a country pub we went for lunch at on Saturday. Looked very cool but I still can't help thinking that they are just a bit too big and I genuinely thought our Z was the better looking car. I have a nasty feeling that as soon I see the Nismo in the flesh I'm gonna want one. Must be sensible and wait a few years!
  17. Hope this isn't a repost............. http://nismo370z.co.uk/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=8&cntnt01origid=63&cntnt01detailtemplate=Simplex_Detail&cntnt01returnid=63
  18. Truth is the 370Z has changed very little since it was released, so unless you have a specific reason to upgrade you probably made the best decision. I went from 2009 GT to the 2010 Black Edition purely because I really wanted the limited edition, but there's no mechanical difference as far as I know - just the improved sat nav. I believe the changes to the facelift model are mostly cosmetic as well.
  19. Sennheiser ie80s are my current faves, paired with a Colorfly C3 MP3 player. Makes for a great sound Definitely woth shelling out for decent headphones if you want your music to sound good.
  20. I second that - great stuff. Not cheap but lasts ages and produces a brilliant shine
  21. It's also quite nice to have a car that is rare on the roads. Doubtless that will change to some extent as prices fall but for now the 370 is still quite exclusive. The 350 is by no means common, but where I am I see them relatively regularly (although nothing like as often as TTs, Boxters etc)
  22. Cats are so cool. He is not impressed, even though the rest of us are
  23. As far as I'm concerned you don't touch someone else's car full stop. My better half once told me that some builders leant their spade against ours! Grrrrrrr
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