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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. "taken" Women aren't parking spaces or sun loungers you know
  2. The looks just dont do anything for me.
  3. I have no idea what "urbexing" is but I love those pictures - thanks for the link.
  4. Definitely didn't leave me standing A car length or 2 on the straights but caught up on the corners. Mine is UpRev'd though. With a remap he would be running close to 400bhp. Can you really gain that much from a remap? (not a rhetorical question - I really don't know). I think I got an extra 10 on top of the 10 the exhaust had added. or am I missing something?
  5. Oh thanks guys. I've thought very hard about this and, actually, you are right, definitely. Anyone who does not like "Top Gear" is "boring" and part of the "whinging crew". On reflection, it is definitely the best TV show ever, in the world, ever (provided that you have a severely defective TV which only shows "Top Gear".)
  6. The key point is that the Bailiffs behaved in a totally inappropriate manner. Insulting people and threatening to "knock them out" is totally unacceptable. The job of a bailiff is to enforce a court order in a lawful manner. Their behaviour was totally unlawful. They behaved like complete thugs and I hope they lost their jobs as a result. If you can't keep your cool you're in the wrong job.
  7. I can't say I've never watched in the hope of a rare sighting of something about cars, as opposed to three twits acting how they think "blokes" should act. Certainly don't make a point of watching it though. It ranks alongside 'Loose Women' in terms of quality for me (i.e. very, very, low). I'm just glad people post Chris Harris vids, like the recent one about the classic rally cars. Now that was good.
  8. Hmmm sadly I'm less than amused by the state of that poor animal. I'd rather see him carrying the donkey!
  9. Even less 'mini' than other modern minis. Very ugly and just plain wrong.
  10. I agree the review seems reasonable. Both reviews I've recently seen include the obligatory implied reminder that if I buy one in a few years I need to set aside another £1K at least to replace the exhaust. I do still like the in-yer-face look of them though. I reckon one will be quite high on the list of contenders for me when its time to say goodbye to the current Z in a few years.
  11. Agree. Saw one in Twickenham a few weeks ago; thought it looked a bit daft to be honest.
  12. Another helpful reminder that I'm not sorry I chose not to have kids
  13. sipar69

    Jag F-Type

    If I had that kind of money to spend...... http://www.autotrader.co.uk/used-cars/maserati/granturismo/used-maserati-granturismo-v8-s-2dr-mc-shift-preston-fpa-201306107211658?logcode=p
  14. Me too. We have resident parking permits but not allocated spaces. I still tend to treat the space outside as mine and get irrationally wound up when I come back to find someone else parked in it What really bugs me is that every year the people in an adjacent road have a street party. They are supposed to use a nearby car park for the day but some of em moves their cars into our road and fill up the spaces (and we aren't even invited to the party!)
  15. just for interest, although boorish idiot Clarkson was predictably not very complimentary about the Z, the Top Gear magazine review was actually very complimentary http://www.topgear.com/uk/nissan/370z/road-test/v6 Fact of the day: the white Z which appears at the end of the review on the programme (being driven hard by The Stig ) was the very car that later became my first Z!
  16. They look quite good 'in the flesh' but fair enough if they're not to your taste. Here's a picture of mine:
  17. I think the Black Edition was £35k ish new and mine was £25k with about 6k on the clock + about 18 months old. I'm hoping that a Nismo will become similarly affordable in a similar amount of time, in which case it would be quite an attractive option IMO. I agree the performance hike is minimal but that could be addressed with a few mods and I reckon it would be a serious head turner
  18. Thats a good post. I like to read facts not made up rubbish. I get where you are coming from. Thanks Just to be pedantic..... there are actually no 'facts' there just someones opinion 1 persons opinion is another persons 'made up rubbish' surely No doubt but if its an opinion with no basis e.g. lets say I say your Jag is rubbish. You say have you driven it? I say no. Then its made up rubbish. Lets now say you ask me the same question and I say yes I drove it but didn't like xyz and prefer abc then I have a valid opinion with basis. Another example lets say I say your car is slow because its a diesel. It's rubbish with no basis. There is a right and a wrong in that sense. If someone says i prefer the 370 because of the way it is and makes me feel etc then that is opinion. I wasn't having a dig at will even though he seems to think I was all I said was he is off the mark. He made some statements which have no basis e.g. the 370 has way more power. Hardly 20bhp more but it weighs 200kg more and the 987 is faster in a straight line and a track although that counts for little. Thats why I said off the mark, didnt say wrong I just thought he was a little wrong .Then look at badgeronous's post. He just said well I prefer it to the 987 for these reasons. Thats cool as its his opinion on a car based on somethinhg. His was an informative insightful post. I don't see why anyone is getting defensive I never said the 370 was bad? I like all cars as I like to think I'm a petrol head. Just because I drive a nissan doesnt mean I HAVE to love all its cars and everything about them. There are plenty of other nice cars out there. I think it's the way you expressed your point - it came across as a bit blunt. Choice of language can make a big difference to how something is perceived when using the written word. I won't bore you with what I do for a living, but I've learnt through experience that how you express something in writing can make a huge difference to how your point is perceived. Still, we're all grown ups here and a bit of harmless debate and the occasional good natured disagreement won't hurt us
  19. I'm with Will on the commonality point. Nothing unusual about Boxters and Caymens around here either. Nice to have a car that turns heads because its unusual.
  20. Unfortunately the 370z is probably not the car for you if running costs are going to be a major concern. Mine is driven purely for pleasure / trips away etc and mostly at the weekend. I probably average only about 10k miles per year and it still costs a fair bit to run. New tyres in a month or two at about £1k, for example. Sorry to be negative, but its a good thing you are being realistic about what you feel is affordable.
  21. Im all for punishing intentional bad driving but I can't see how much of this can be reasonably enforced.
  22. Fargo and pretty much anything else by the Cohen brothers. Silence of the Lambs Napoleon Dynamite The films of Wes Anderson eg Life Aquatic Sideways REC Anything with Zombies in it!
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