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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Really sorry to hear that and about Pete's cat. I know how I'll feel when our cats and bunnies aren't around any more. Pets are with us for a relatively short time, but they have such a big place in our hearts don't they.
  2. Somehow it being a hired car makes it seem even sadder! What a chump.
  3. I think the problem is that some people are very judgemental and that can get other people's backs up. The only thing that has wound me up a bit is a lack of differentiation between those of use willing to admit to being normal human beings who occasionally make mistakes (and regret and learn from them), and people who just ignore the rules of the road (as appears to happen in the original video).
  4. Don't worry. In the last month Ekona has indirectly called me a C***t (debate about people parking over the lines in car parks) and today I see I'm a "complete idiot" (for admitting to mistakenly going through a red light once). I think he likes me
  5. Ahh maybe...I do go through Richmond sometimes I remember now, saw you passing me in the opposite direction, would have been last friday maybe, you were heading towards richmond bridge I was going the other way in my red VX220, just on the road by Waterstones Isn't it nice that we can have this friendly chat while all around is getting a bit fraught. . I dont think that would have been me last Friday. You've seen one more 370 in the area than I have! I'll keep an eye out for your VX220 (hard to miss those). I'm sure I might have seen it before. You can distinguish my Z by the big shiny Stillen exhaust tips.
  6. Kingston, Surrey? I'm in nearby Twickenham. I usually try to avoid driving through the center of Kingston - not my favourite place for a drive
  7. I'm ashamed to say I went through a red light recently due to being distracted at the key moment (probably a sign of my relative inexperience compared to most of you). I'm usually very careful and I felt very bad about it afterwards. Sort of thing that tends to focus the mind on not doing it again!
  8. Looks very nice indeed! Are you going to change the exhaust? I Agree with AK350Z be worth a new thread with lots of pics and a review. I'll also be interested to hear what someone who goes from another 370 to the Nismo thinks.
  9. I love this thread. Animals are sooooo cool and interesting
  10. There's a black one on auto trader for £37k. I couldn't get the link to paste. I like em but no way I'd pay that much for one given the very similar performance.
  11. I've never been so conflicted about whether I want a car. I spend half my time thinking l love em and ill get one when I'm done with the Z and the other half thinking - nope they're just too big and expensive to run etc. just can't make my mind up
  12. Seems to be a characteristic of the 370Z in general that photos don't really do it justice.
  13. sipar69

    Traction Issues

    My Bridgestones have now done 14k and the advice at recent MOT was that they still have some distance in them but get them done before winter. I'm booking in for a set of MPSS next month (gonna add some spacers too). Hoping to notice some improvement in noise levels and ride.
  14. Focus less on the initial salary and more on what a job can offer you in terms of progression. Provided it gives you enough to live on don't be reluctant to take a job on less money than you're hoping for if it offers good long term prospects. I left uni with a good degree in 1994 and took a job that paid fairly poor money and didn't require a degree. I'm still working for the same employer on v good money now. Point is the initial salary is less important than getting your foot in the door. Best of luck
  15. Cool - post some pics for us to drool over
  16. Daft question but how are these fitted? Is it easy to remove the original blades?
  17. Tourist attraction... Yes. They bring in millions of pounds of tourism helping keep the UK afloat. But more importantly, they're a major part of English/British history. The official reported annual cost to the British public of keeping the Royal Family was £41.5 million for the 2008-09 financial year.However, this figure is disputed since it does not include the cost of security provided by the police and the Army, the lost revenues of the Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster and other expenses. Total waste of money and a completely outdated tradition Moan moan moan moan... What about the money they bring in? The Royal family generate close to £500 million every year for British tourism with The Tower of London, Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace the most popular Royal destinations. But that just takes into account what people can track. Like visiting these places. Tourists still visit the UK but don't necessarily visit the palaces. in 2009 Uk tourism was worth £115bn per year. 9billion was just from London. Anyways this thread wasn't about the royal family and their worth to society but the about the birth of a baby. A joyeous occasion, and a child who will have a huge impact on this country whether you like it or not. Unless of course you are like me and think babies are ugly annoying smelly little things, Royal or otherwise!
  18. Interesting. What does the upgrade actually include and how does the install work?
  19. How can you find out what version of Sat Nav you have? A couple of clear indicators would be 1) Is it touch screen? 2) Can you search by post code? If the answer to those questions is No you have the earlier version. It's worth adding that the earlier version is still very decent. I've ad both and while I do prefer the newer version it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.
  20. Welcome to the forum. I left it quite late in life to learn to drive. I'm 44 and have been driving less than three years. I've only owned and driven two 370Zs. It's fair to say the Z felt VERY different to the Fiesta I learnt in and will probably take you a while to get used to, but if I could do it as a new and very inexperienced driver, anyone can. Very reliable cars so not many issues to be aware of. There is a steering lock issue which lead to some cars being recalled for a replacement part. You might also want to be aware that there are two versions of the sat nav - look for a model with the Connect Premium version if possible (includes post code search and a higher res screen). A lot of owners don't seem to rate the Bridgestone tyres and when it's time to replace them you're looking at £800 To £1k. Finally, you really won't get that sports car sound out of the tame OEM exhaust, so budget another £1k for a replacement (loads of great choices). Hope this helps
  21. This thread is so weird! But I like it
  22. http://www.carkitcompany.com/nissan-370z Info on the camera. Sorry to say that it looks more complicated for pre-Connect Premium models. Parking sensors would be a good alternative though
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