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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. In my long lost student days (well mid 90s) I did a cleaning job at the local BHS to earn some beer money etc. The shop opened on the dot at 9.30 every day but we still got the same oddballs queuing at the doors from about 9.15. Never could understand that
  2. well it is Note the following is fictional im not a rapist. So for arguments sake lets say 'im down the pub i see a girl and say rather openly i would love to rape her' Or i post on a girl i knows facebook wall ' i would love to rape you' How is that not a threat Interesting question. A threat is an expression of intent but you could probably get into trouble for saying you would like to rape someone if the person reported you and b. the CPS decided that you intended to commit the rape etc. Conviction would be unlikely I expect. "Section 4 Public Order Act - Fear or Provocation of Violence A person is guilty if he either a) uses towards another person threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or b. distributes to another person any writing or sign which is threatening, abusive or insulting and either i) he intends to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence will be used against him or another by any person or to provoke such immediate violence, or ii) it is likely that the person will believe that such violence will be used against him, or it is likely that such violence will be provoked."
  3. No offence mate (!) but you're missing the point. Saying down the pub or online "I would like to hit so and so" is not a threat. Stephen Fry was making a point about people expressing opinions - that's not the same as making threats. As a gay bloke, do you think he would stick up for someone who threatened to kill people for being gay?
  4. Youre probably right, but find me one person who has ever been arrested for threatening to punch someone, I dont think you will be able to. Hell, I know people whose neighbours have repeatedly turned up on their doorstep with baseball bats and the police have said they "cant do anything until something happens" - I had written evidence of a guy that worked for me threatening that he was going to come and kill me a little while back and actually went to the police station and they did absolutely nothing then either, I doubt someone youve never met on the internet is going to get the full force of the law, are they? Because they are dicks? Not being funny but if this really concerns you then try to avoid hearing about whats going on in Syria, Kashmir, Tibet and any number of other places at the moment, some nomark making threats to someone they have never even met, never mind know where they live is not a major issue by any means IMO. Its not nice and it shouldnt happen, but click the "block" button and it stops, I dont honestly see what the big deal is TBH. +1 on the dicks point It doesn't "really concern" me mate. I started the thread because I was really interested in why people think some men felt so angry at a woman for wanting to see a famous woman author on a bank note - it's more that I'm interested in the psychology of the behaviour than this being a particular issue of importance to me. I do see it as more serious than you because I don't think she deserved to be the subject of a hate campaign for doing nothing wrong and I do wonder how many of those people who are saying it's no big deal would feel the same if it was happening to one of their loved ones. My only strong view is that freedom of speech doesn't and shouldn't mean freedom to say (or write) absolultely anything, because that has very serious consequences for innocent people.
  5. Maybe some, maybe none but since there is absolutely no way of knowing one way or the other isn't it better to take the threats seriously and act on them? Freedom of speech is not freedom to say anything you want regardless of the consequences for other people.
  6. Couldn't agree more. I'm not what you'd call a leftie, hippie or whatever (although I do go a bit overboard about animal cruelty I suppose but my own view is that there must be some sort of insecurity in a small proportion of men which makes them feel especially threatened by women who dare to express an opinion they don't understand or agree with. I couldn't really care less whether Jane Austen appears on the back of a bank note and I can't understand why anyone would get so wound up about it that they feel the need to threaten to kill and rape somebody! I personally think it boils down to lack of education, lack of inteliigence, and knowing deep down that they are incredibly inadequate people.
  7. So to be clear - you don't think there is anything wrong with threatening to rape and kill someone if it's done online? Would you feel the same if the threats were directed to your wife, daughter, mother etc? No, I thinks its abhorrent to make threats like that to anyone, particularly a girl/lady. However, Im more in favour of keeping freedom of speech than introducing laws that will have to be based on very shaky and probably dynamic definitions. Ive no doubt you are familiar with this case: http://www.bbc.co.uk...ngland-19009344, that pretty much sums it all up for me - guy makes obvious joke, gets arrested on terror charges, banned from airports for life, loses job, loses girlfriend and spends 2 years of his life fighting a ridiculous charge that eventually gets chucked out of court. Fair enough - thanks for clearing up your view. I don't think that example is the same though. I believe in freedom of speech but freedoms carry with them responsibilities. It's already illegal to threaten people with violence etc and I don't see why being behind a keyboard should be any different. Expressing views is one thing but threatening people is another. I don't think we need new laws but I do think it's worth asking the question (which interestingly not many people have commented on) why people feel the need to behave in this way towards a woman who, as far as I can see, did nothing wrong.
  8. So to be clear - you don't think there is anything wrong with threatening to rape and kill someone if it's done online? Would you feel the same if the threats were directed to your wife, daughter, mother etc?
  9. I agree that the threats probably wouldn't amount to anything but I just don't really get why anyone would feel the need to make them at all - real or not. I can't really see what she did wrong.
  10. In other news www.350z-uk.com closes after 95% of regular posters are denied access to the internet
  11. But isn't that the whole problem? The reaction to her was not equal. I'm no expert on the subject but I don't think feminists are known for threatening to rape and kill people who disagree with them. And as far as I know, she didn't say "all men are rubbish therefore please put a woman on a bank note". She just campaigned for a woman on the back of a bank note. I agree that most people don't really care about it but isn't the sane reaction to not caring about something to do nothing? The only positive thing about this as far I'm concerned is that a lot of men stood up for her. It's possible to be a normal bloke and not assume that all feminists are anti-men.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23559605 OK so I don't use Twitter or Facebook, but I get how they work. What I don't get (and I like to think I'm a fairly normal bloke) is why these men got so incredibly angry and vicious towards a woman just because she campaigned to have Jane Austen on a bank note. Apart from the obvious answer - they're morons - what do you reckon causes this sort of behaviour?
  13. Thanks for your thoughts. I've been dithering over spacers for months and to be honest I think springs and spacers looks great on your car, but with £1K for new tyres looming my budget for mods is limited for now. I will probably get the spacers put on just before the tyres and then get the alignment checked. I'll post some pics when I do.
  14. Ouch....that's why I have my lights on even when it's only slightly dull outside.
  15. Interesting post. Do you folks think it's worth fitting spacers without springs? I'm not sure I want to lower the car but I do like the idea of filling out the arches a bit more with some 25m spacers. ,
  16. I found it hard to get them exactly in sync - they are the same but one changes to the next minute before the other. Wouldn't expect them to lose time like that though.
  17. Nice. I will keep an eye out for you
  18. Very very unlikely in this country - none of the major political parties would support it - it's too much of political hot potato. I would prefer to see the use of more full life terms. To be told that you will never be free to walk the streets again would be a fitting punishment for particularly brutal crimes and at least leave the opportunity for miscarriages of justices to be put right.
  19. I second the recommendation for Dodo Supernatural - great stuff.
  20. I don't have and have never wanted children but that doesn't stop me being disgusted by what these people did. Having said that I don't really agree that the death penalty is the best solution. It seems simple and obvious in these sorts of cases but there is plenty of evidence form the U.S.A that significant numbers of people have been killed for crimes they did not commit. It also disproportionately affects people from poor and ethnic backgrounds who end up being assigned crappy third rate lawyers and don't get a proper defence. As vile as this case is, I don't believe that it's worth the risk of killing a single innocent person to bring back the death penalty.
  21. But surely at 160+ mph in a car he didn't own he might well have not been capable of avoiding another car or lorry if he did come across one? It's probably fair to say that most people have exceeded the speed limit to a degree but that's a pretty extreme example!
  22. The solution to going too fast is simple - put my other half in the passenger seat. A whiff of speed and she starts flapping her legs around, gripping the door and making exhaggerated gasping sounds! It's enough to make anyone behave!
  23. That wouldn't have occured to me being a bit of a mechanical know-nothing, but now you've mention it it does look very odd! I'm also not keen on the sound, if the vids I've seen are anything to go by. Bit TOO LOUD for me!
  24. Definitely. I think I've seen a couple of reviews from the US that were a bit negative about the sound but it would be great not to have shell out an extra grand so here's hoping!
  25. Was it hired? I didn't finish the video, he only got fined £515 and lost his license! Not bad for him really seeing as how he went 165! Got off light Yep. It refers to the car being hired. Obviously dangerous driving is dangerous driving but for some reason it just makes him seem more of a gimp that he doesn't even own such a nice car.
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