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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Here's my thread on the camera. I think you need the Connect Premium version of the Sat Nav for it though. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/69820-some-new-modsreversing-camera-and-kick-plates/
  2. I'm not defending the policeman, but if I came back to my car to find a cop standing over it writing a ticket, common sense would tell me that just trying to get in and drive away as though nothing was happening is probably going to get his back up and lead to the situation escalating. After all, the police in any country don't tend to react well when their authority is challenged or undermined.
  3. +1 If you physically see the car, another way to tell the difference is that earlier versions have an analogue connector for Ipods etc in the centre cubby. The Connect Premium cars have a USB connection (the main difference being that you can control the Ipod via the Sat Nav screen and buttons, whereas in the older version the music will play fine but you have to select songs actually on the Ipod itself (and you get no track listings etc. on the Sat Nav screen.). By far the quickest way to tell is to see if has post code search. If so then its Connect Premium.
  4. I'd also suggest Megs Ultimate Compound, which you can use by hand via a sponge applicator or a cloth. As with all such products, take it easy because if you overdo it you could make any defect worse. In theory, it should be removable if it hasn't gone through the lacquer (which would be incredibly bizarre for bird poop!). Alternatively, see if someone who details cars for a living in your local area can have a look at it.
  5. So that we can feel superior Seriously i just got em because they have a good rep and i like the look of em. If you got decent ones for a tenner fair play.
  6. Not very exciting but if anyone is considering a wiper upgrade I got the Bosch ones from Ebay for £19. They fit really easy and work great
  7. Stop telling him to "man up" and kill something that's a fraction of his size. Nowt manly about that!
  8. Had a similarly pleasing experience on Saturday while washing the car: chap from down the road who I've previously just nodded hello to spent a long time telling me how much he loved the look of the car and to let him know first if I ever decide to sell. Also told me he prefers it to the brand new Cayman one of our neighbours has just bought. Made my day
  9. As others have said, any decent after-market exhaust will transform the sound.
  10. Ooh you lot are so mean Leave the poor thing alone. It's not gonna eat ya!
  11. Ooh you lot are so mean Leave the poor thing alone. It's not gonna eat ya!
  12. Yep - it's nice to get attention (and it's usually positive) and it's quite satisfying to not rise to the bait
  13. My other half reckons she's had a bit of negative treatment in our 370 - not being let out at a junction being one example but it's not something I can recall noticing.
  14. A bit like Politically Correctness? From your recent posts in the 370 forum I reckon you believe in.........."Mod"
  15. I couldn't agree less! The point about being atheist is not believing in something because there is no proof for, or logic to, it. Agnosticism is simply intellectual equivocation.
  16. I think of myself as an anti-theist. Religion has been an all too convenient excuse throughout history to keep people down, especially women and has caused countless needless deaths. I'm not much keener on people who sit on the fence just in case there is a god.
  17. When I read the title I thought it was going to say....for finally not posting a deliberately argumentative comment
  18. Sorry to see this. I try to stay away from supermarket car parks in the Z but I know it's not always an option. Piece of advice re the repair: my previous 370 was the same colour as yours. I had a small scratch repaired by a local body shop but they failed to get the match right. The bumpers on the white 370 can be tricky to get right so make sure you go to a very reputable place to get it sorted, even if it means a long journey.
  19. Cool. I used to watch it every week (even though it was a bit duff).
  20. I agree and I would add cyclists to that when you're talking about central London. I work on the Strand and the number of times I've seen them put themselves and other people in danger is incredible. As for the div in the video I agree with one of the earlier posts that it looks like he might have thought he could go between the trucks and then realised he couldn't. Muppet. London is just a relatively small place given the number of people living there with small roads for all the forms of transport. Cycles, Bikers, Cars, Buses, Lorries, Vans they are all there trying to share that same 10ft wide bit of road. As much as cyclists want to go for every gap because they think its their prerogative to overtake in traffic, cars do also think on roads where it open up a bit they have to get back past. All that said, having been both in the saddle and in the seat, cyclists are definitely more in number in utterly shocking road use. From ridiculous attempts to undertake (I am turning left at a roundabout at Richmond bridge the other day and a cyclist tried to cut up the inside of me and go straight over instead of just waiting. All they way up to plain ignorance like on Priory Lane in Roehampton where the council went to great lengths and expense to build a cycle lane on the pavement, so taking space away from pedestrians, only for cyclists to completely ignore it and still cycle in the road at 15mph up the hill because they all have their yellow jerseys on with Sky written on them or something thinking they are Tour de France entrants. Totally! Hardly anyone on a cycle uses the numerous cycle lanes around here. I guess they think they don't look manly enough if they do (or if they give an arm signal when turning etc).
  21. Looks like a citreon to me It was. And thanks for all your comments, esp. JetSet Pete whose advice about keeping lights on in the daytime I'm going to start following. Hey where's my credit! Only joking but seriously I have mine on most of the time. It's just a good way of reducing the risk of not being seen.
  22. I agree and I would add cyclists to that when you're talking about central London. I work on the Strand and the number of times I've seen them put themselves and other people in danger is incredible. As for the div in the video I agree with one of the earlier posts that it looks like he might have thought he could go between the trucks and then realised he couldn't. Muppet.
  23. I also worked in a supermarket in my college days back when price-guns were still used. A pet hate of mine used to be the same small group of people who would hover around the cream cakes like wasps waiting for them to be reduced - the minute the stickers went on the same three or four people would descend like locusts and grab the whole lot leaving no chance for anyone else to get em! They'd have nothing else in their baskets except a huge pile of reduced cream cakes!
  24. I'm similarly OCD about the Z. I trashed our resident parking permit the other day by trying to remove a fly that had got inside the permit holder and died, leaving it visible through the windshield. The fly squished all over the permit. Result = ten quid for a replacement
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