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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. sipar69

    Golf R

    Useful stuff thanks According to the internet the FRS is longer than a 370 Nismo. That can't be right surely?
  2. sipar69

    Golf R

    So is the general consensus that the Focus isn't too teenage backwards baseball cap in the looks department? It does come in that absolutely gorgeous colour.
  3. sipar69

    Golf R

    Trouble is I can't stand the look of the Beemer.
  4. sipar69

    Golf R

    Anyone had a go in one of these? Since getting our new place in Kent I've been exploring replacements for the Z, partly because I feel like a change, but also because the entrance to our new place (stone wall with a narrow entrance that belongs to another house and which is Listed!) and some of the roads around us would be more suited to something a bit smaller than the Z. I've looked at various options for a car that would be more compact, but still a hoot to drive, including the Focus RS (great, but not sure I could live with the image), A45 AMG (great, but I want a manual). I'd ruled out the Golf on the basis that it wasn't much to look at, but with the right colour combo they're growing on me. Grateful for any thoughts....
  5. I'm not sure it's worth bothering with a remap if you fit just an exhaust. As said above, just be sure to get a system that has sizeable tips or it will look a bit lost in the rear diffuser. The Ark should be fine.
  6. Sorry to hear that Pete. It's heartbreaking when our animal friends leave us.
  7. Wierd. Never had this problem with the standard GT wheels or the Mk1 Nismo rims.
  8. I find that they do become less effective and a bit tatty after a couple of years but the price means buying another one isn't too painful.
  9. Apparently it does, records and stores all the images, it's just Tesla doesn't make it available to the public for some reason. http://electrek.co/2016/09/13/tesla-autopilot-camera-stores-footage-crash-like-dashcam/ The car also knew it was in a crash as I had a call from Tesla about 10 minutes after the incident to check if I was ok because the car had called home and had disabled its main battery. Have just ordered another dash cam for my wife's car and will fit one to the loaner X when it arrives too..... People just don't seem to bother looking when driving these days. If not release to the public (I'm sure a request for any of your data is covered under U.K. Law) but at least the insurance companies or authorities should have access with the correct paperwork. Anyway, I digress glad no one hurt and it will be taken care of. Edit: I have this theory about white and black cars that people seem blind to them, I've had one of each and on both occasions I'd often get people pulling out of junctions etc and not see me. My theory is SUVS and MPVS. Whenever I drive the zafira or crashqai people always pull out on me as they assume I'm going to dawdle along. Same in a van. But if I'm in the company car or the zed it never happens. I definitely notice a difference between being in the Z to the Aygo. When in the Aygo, more people pull out of side roads etc when it would be better to wait.
  10. Will watch this with interest as a fellow mk1 owner.
  11. Reassuring to know I'm not the only one who doesn't get the standard eight hours a night. I get sleepy quite early - usually in bed by 10, go to sleep no problem but inevitably wake up 3-4 am then lay there just thinking about random stuff until 6 when i get up to go to work. I don't think I've slept for eight hours straight in my entire adult life!
  12. Kingston is in the borough of Kingston.
  13. Annual homicide count by country*: Brazil - 50,000 India - 42,000 Mexico - 20,000 Venezuela - 19,000 South Africa - 18,000 UK - 600 Annual homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants*: Honduras - 84.6 El Salvador - 64.2 Venezuela - 62.0 UK - 0.9 Sure, it didn't happen in my backyard, but it's a hell of a lot worse in the rest of the world and I don't see people ranting and changing their FB profile picture to support murdered Brazilians, just whatever is popular at the time. *Quick figures rounded from Wiki, just something to reason my point I just think t's natural to be more emotionally affected by events close to home. It's also because such things are so rare here. Sadly, acts of terrorism are much more common in some countries. Of course, we should all try to keep some perspective and remember that bad things happen elsewhere on a bigger scale, but it goes back to my point about the fact that we're not robots. PS No idea what you mean about Facebook. I don't use it.
  14. So you'd rather more people die if it meant none of the deaths were murders? Likewise you'd prefer 2 adults got run over instead of 1 child? I'm not sure there is necessarily a right or wrong answer, it's just opinion and interpretation of what is morally correct. It just seems like everyone jumps on the bandwagon of the latest event, then forgets about it a week later and moves onto some other tragedy. Nobody's jumping on a bandwagon. People are just reacting naturally to disturbing events that feel very close to home, literally and figuratively.
  15. I find comments about numbers in these sorts of discussions a bit depressing. We're not computers or robots. Of course, statistically the numbers killed in London and Manchester aren't huge in the grand scheme of things, but it's the shocking, hateful nature of the acts and the fact that they are born out of deluded religous ignorance and hatred for our way of life that elevates their significance beyond mere numbers.
  16. Another day, another round of senseless violence by hate filled nutters. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/40146916
  17. The large size outdoor car cover that Halfords do is actually pretty decent. I've been using them for about three years. I've replaced mine once but at £50 a time it's decent value.
  18. Yeah I've seen that feature. It does tend to draw your attention.
  19. Based on replies I think I'll try PH and here to begin with. If all else fails the Porsche centre in Tonbidge seem keen to offer a part ex deal to get the custom.
  20. I'm seriously considering putting the Nismo up for sale when we get our move to Kent out of the way in the next month. My driving history is quite limited and after three 370s I feel like I want to try something different (maybe a Cayman). I'll definitely put an ad on here as I'd love the car to go to a fellow forum member, but what else would you recommend out of Pistonheads, Ebay, Autotrader etc? Be good to hear about personal experiences of using these methods - good or bad.
  21. I've owned two GT spec 370s and now the Mk1 Nismo (which I'll be putting up for sale in the next month if you're interested ). All great cars, but you get a much greater sense of occasion with the Nismo. It's a real head turner. Handling is where it really shines over the standard car. They do feel a bit nippier, especially with a few mods and a remap, but the difference isn't huge. And yes, you do need an aftermarket exhaust. The GT is still a great car though and you have the option of picking one up at a good price and modding it to your liking. It depends on your preference. I'm not really into serious modding so the Nismo with just a few choice mods added over time made sense for me.
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