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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I'm all for running over people who run over any animal deliberately.
  2. Oh well you folks have made me feel more relaxed about it. Cheers guys
  3. Thanks Ionbee. Maybe I was worrying unnecessarily. Will see what the dealers say when it comes time to change.
  4. Thanks. So do you reckon a Nissan dealer would still take the car in part ex with the Stillen on?
  5. Would really appreciate you folks giving me some advice..... I reckon I might want to trade the current Z in for a Nismo in about a year. As a relative newb to car ownership and mods when I had my Stillen CBE put on, I didn't realise how important it was to keep the stock system, so that I could return the car to stock condition. I offloaded it. Dumb I know, but you live and learn Does this mean that a Nissan dealer is unlikely to touch the car if I want to part exchange it? In all other respects, I think it's a great car to sell on. It's unlikely to have more than 25K miles on it and I've kept it in really good condition (unmarked alloys etc) + plus it has some nice additions, such as illuminated sills and reversing camera. Just not sure if the exhaust is a likely to be a deal breaker with a main dealer. I know I can look to sell privately but that seems like quite a lot of hassle. I've also considered looking for a stock system to buy and put on the car before I trade-in but they seem few and far between. Be really grateful for your thoughts on the best way to approach this when the time comes.
  6. It's not the driving I'm worried about - they are undoubtedly fun to drive (and when you're inside one you can convince yourself you're actually in a car). My problem is seeing one outside my house and knowing it's not someone else's. As an aside, has anyone else noticed that the majority of Smart drivers drive like lunatics (or annoying little wasps, at the very best)? I don't really mind the look of em to be honest. Make for a nice contrast with your Z
  7. I'd be interested to know when you sat in the Evora. I think the post 2011 S model is supposed to have an improved interior.
  8. I like both and am hoping (with some careful saving) to be making that kind of choice in a few years. Don't really agree with Ekona in that I think the Evora looks good from any angle, but i do agree that the interior is pretty lacklustre. Love the GTR but i sometimes wonder if they aren't simply too big for our roads. I would really struggle to decide right now, but the fact that the Evora has the option of a manual transmission might just do it for me
  9. Er how about you stop worrying, enjoy your car and let her get what she wants. If you don't like it, don't drive it!
  10. Tends to cost me £80 (whole wheel for a good finish) plus the hassle of getting back home and then returning to pick the car up. I treat it as an expensive lesson that reminds me of the need to be careful and take my time parking. I know some people boast about never having scuffed their wheels, but if you live on a fairly crowded road with no off street parking and hefty granite pavements, the occasional mishap tends to occur. The cost and hassle has certainly made me be more careful - I average a ding about once a year now.
  11. Excellent. I could spend all day watching funny cat videos
  12. Me too. I can't relax if I've got a scuff - fortunately have a good local place to refurb them and now try to park very carefully all the time
  13. sipar69


    I love it when this sort of thing happens. Really makes you feel good. And is exactly why I've argued in other threads that having a car that looks a bit different will always be a factor in my buying decision, even if other (German) alternatives are superior on paper
  14. Have you considered the GTR starter button mod? I reckon it would look good with the red detailing on your car. I have one - they look great "in the flesh".
  15. Really interesting post and great pics. The exhaust tips seem to protrude a bit more than most exhausts - was that deliberate or just standard with that particular exhaust?
  16. sipar69

    Alpha 4C

    I reckon you mean the Evora. It does look similar in some respects. I like the Evora S a lot but they're pricey. The Alfa is a fair bit less at at £45k.
  17. sipar69

    Alpha 4C

    Oops - perhaps the "Alpha" 4c is especially designed to appeal to the macho Italians. I agree the lights are pretty gross. Quite like the general look of them though. Be interesting to see how much they're selling for second hand in a two or three years.
  18. sipar69

    Alpha 4C

    Only discovered the existence of these a few days ago. Seems like an interesting proposition for those of us in the 'like our car to be quite unusual' category. Seems a shame that they will be making so few of them for the UK, otherwise the initial price of £45Kish might have dropped down to something quite attractive for second hand cars. I saw a video of one on Sunday - they look better in motion than in static shots and it sounded quite good too. What do people think? http://www.pistonheads.com/roadtests/doc.asp?c=47&i=28496
  19. I was giving the Z a wash in the road today and heard something very loud coming down our road. By the time it had gone past I realised it was an F type in black. From what I saw (not much) I wasn't wowed by the looks, but it sounded very very nice - lots of pops and gurgles
  20. Will you all stop going on about how good it is or I will end up spending a load of money on a console to play it on! I wish I'd hung on to my 360 now.
  21. Proof that the craziest most whacky games come from Japan
  22. As far as I know, I don't think he is a member on here. You'll need to contact him via his web site. Chris`I might know better though. Correct. Contact him direct via the website.
  23. This has presented me with a dilemma. I don't game as much as I used to so sold my Xbox 360 a while ago (still play games on the PC from time to time). The reviews make it sound very good and I have enjoyed previous GTAs. I'm just not sure whether to buy a game and a console to play it on when the new Xbox is on the horizon. From what I've read, the new Xbox won't play 360 games. Just not sure if its worth the money.....
  24. Hey....that looks like The delightful parade of shops near the not so delightful Ivy Bridge Estate in Isleworth!
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