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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Well this has turned into a cheerful thread! The plate is completely legal for use in the UK. The background colour of the euro flag would only be an issue if I intended to travel outside the UK with the car. I do not. It is not a legal requirement to have the euro flag on the car at all. I just didn't bother having it removed. In the unlikely event of it being an issue for a future owner, I will be keeping the original plates, which could easily be put back on. You're correct, it's not a legal requirement to have the euro flag on there at all, however if you do have it, it should conform to the rules specified. Frankly I couldn't care less if you drove around without plates at all, but if you're going to post up on an internet forum for opinions, you have to take the rough with the smooth. I could have said the red border looks naff, or the writing at the bottom looks cheap and tacky, almost saxo esque, but I didn't, I merely pointed out the fact that the black background is illegal. I've pasted the very clearly worded bit below, just in case your clicky finger is too hurty. Euro symbol If you display the Euro symbol and Great Britain (GB) national identifier on your number plate, then you won’t need a separate GB sticker when travelling within the European Union. The Euro symbol must: be a minimum height of 98mm have a width between 40 and 50mm have a reflective blue background with 12 reflecting yellow stars at the top show the member state (GB) in reflecting white or yellow I am aware of what the regulations say and I cannot see that it's an issue if I don't take the car abroad. If the plate is technically illegal then it's a risk I'm happy to take. Nice little jibes about my plate you got in there. I typed quite a few replies with equally unpleasant remarks about your car, then I thought, nah, life's too short. This is usually a friendly forum and people are generally quite good natured even when they disagree about something. If it makes you feel good sniping at people like that - fill your boots.
  2. Well this has turned into a cheerful thread! The plate is completely legal for use in the UK. The background colour of the euro flag would only be an issue if I intended to travel outside the UK with the car. I do not. It is not a legal requirement to have the euro flag on the car at all. I just didn't bother having it removed. In the unlikely event of it being an issue for a future owner, I will be keeping the original plates, which could easily be put back on.
  3. True. Totally legible when you get close to it though. The only tedious bit of the whole thing for me was having to remove the residue from the pads that held the previous plates on. Pretty painless transaction and fitting overall though
  4. They do. It's in small writing at the bottom edge of each plate. You can just see it to the bottom right of my rear plate. They're a legit company - won't even send you the plate until provided the legally required proof of identification and association with the vehicle.
  5. I've shamelessly jumped on the bespoke number plate bandwagon after seeing 'G-Man's' on his Nismo. Got the front, rear, fitting kit and delivery for just under £40 from Demon Plates. Very happy with the quality and service from them. I think the plates add a nice subtle difference to the car (you can customise the emblem at the side, the surround, the text under the reg, and even have raised letters if you like)
  6. Haytch is apparently accepted by British English dictionaries, and is a standard pronunciation in Irish English... still seems wrong though, I use aytch. Sounds common as muck to me This is excellent:
  7. Banning list....... "At the end of the day...." "What it is...." "He/she turned 'round and said...." "Pacifically (meaning "specifically") "Haitch" (incorrect pronunciation of letter "h") "I was like...." "I was / he was literally this or that"
  8. So do spacers without springs cause any rubbing?
  9. Quite like the look of em. Gonna be hard to come by though,
  10. "you even managed to train him"...hah, thats what you think. He's managed to train you to ask for a paw and feed him. Cats are a lot brighter than their looks would suggest. :teeth: you're not wrong!
  11. This is my mate Sonny. He very big and behaves more like a dog than a cat - I've even managed to train him to give his paw on command.
  12. That can't be right can it? The plates that came with my car have the 'West London Motor Group' in the same place.
  13. That's exactly how I did it. The button housing comes out very easily. You just need to take your time when unplugging the wires to ensure you don't damage em. The GTR button doesn't illuminate but I think it looks better - more purposeful than the bog standard one.
  14. There was supposed to be a video of some sick b**ch who fed a kitten to a python. I'd like to think its an urban myth but nothing much shocks me where animal cruelty is concerned.
  15. Yuk, I could never feed a live fish to another one but I suppose I'm just soft!
  16. Not so far, but could be tempted, I'll have a look at the thread re the fitting of these, might wait till the first service and get the garage to fit one, agree they look pretty cool. You really don't need anyone to fit it mate. It's incredibly easy to do yourself.
  17. Wolverines are awesome creatures, not much bigger than a badger they can bring down elk and caribou. I heard a story that one killed a Polar Bear in a zoo somewhere when they were put in the same enclosure, could be an urban myth though as they avoid bears, mountain lions and wolves in the wild. Pete Yep - they are well 'ard
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