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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Just a few thoughts to help with your decision..... - I've owned a 2009 and 2010 370z. The Connect Premium sat nav is definitely better but the earlier version is just fine. I wouldn't rule out a nice 2009 car on that basis. If you want to fit a reversing camera though, definitely go with Connect Premium. - Tyres are pricey if you go for good ones. Michelin Pilot Super Sports are popular - I paid just under 1100 squids for mine. I think most people don't get much more than 15,000 miles out of a set of tyres on the 370. - The stock exhaust on the 370 sounds pants. That's why you see so many threads about aftermarket options. Budget another grand(ish) to replace it or be prepared to live with a car that looks and goes great but sounds weedy as heck. - Never owned a 350 so not sure how service costs compare. Local Nissan dealer has recently quoted me 280 for a P3. And now for the good news....they are great cars and I'm sure you love every minute of owning one.
  2. I'm pretty much the same with the 370. Pick the place to park very carefully and park as far away as possible from everyone
  3. Do you guys with GTRs have any issues with the size - finding parking spaces etc?
  4. It's worth remembering that the PS3 was described as technically being significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 in pre-release articles. But it didn't translate into noticeably better games on screen. In fact, PS3 versions frequently looked slightly rougher. I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of games that run on both systems look very similar.
  5. I think my better half regards this forum as quite 'safe' on the basis that there are far worse internet sites a man could spend his time on
  6. Hmmm interesting. Either I think you'd be happy with a 2010 model is you see one you like. I suspect the differences are quite difficult to notice. Good luck.
  7. iPad 4 is v nice but quite heavy. Could be tempted by a lighter one.
  8. Are you sure it wasn't just the GT Edition that had those upgrades?
  9. I tried Foi Gras once and didn't much care for it. Then I found how it was produced and I've gotta say I'd never touch the stuff again.
  10. George - have you checked yours to see if the shipping spacers were removed from the springs? Seems to have been an issue in the US with them being left on some cars. Doesn't look to be too much hassle to remove them.
  11. Medium to well done............Sacrilege! Blasphemy! Get your coat and leave this instant
  12. That is one seriously imposing looking car - I love it - looks great in red! Agree with AK350Z though - prefer to see the spoiler back on.
  13. you've heard of bodybuilding? steak, fish, chicken, sweet potato, green veg , oats and eggs. All ill be allowed from next week. I'm aware about the issues with red meats and cancer but I like to live by the attitude, "here for a good time, not a long time" and I generally just do whatever I enjoy doing. Training and eating steak is a couple of favourite past times I know so many people who never smoked but have died of lung cancer. Really healthy guys getting diagnosed with cancer and diseases and to me it's just no worth the hassle worrying about things. Just enjoy life and be happy I love steak. Funnily enough having a veggie better half has got me used only eating meat about half the week. It's not that she tries to influence what I eat, it's just a pain to make different things. In some ways I've found it makes the times when I have meat a bit more of a treat. Yep I've heard of bodybuilding - I think it's what you do with those weight things gathering dust under our bed
  14. I'm with you, over cooking a decent bit of meat is criminal. Not sure about steak for nearly every meal though -.you've heard of colon cancer right
  15. Maybe I'm just getting old but that guy seems a total t##t for both his driving and his boasting behaviour in the car. I reckon it would be very easy for an inexperienced driver in another car to make a panicky manoeuvre on seeing him looming up behind them so fast, then it's 'game over' - lives lost and friends and loved ones lives' changed forever. All for a bit of showing off to a giggling girly.
  16. When we picked up our current Z from WLMG in Slough a few years ago we were passed on the way home by one in what looked like a mat black wrap and I saw a red one more recently in the Basingstoke area.There is something very cool about their presence on the road; their styling makes them look a kind of anti-car - everything a super car isn't in terms of looks. I kinda like that. Not sure I will ever actually get around to owning one (due to their sheer size and servicing costs mostly) but I'll always be an admirer
  17. What he said. Going on a 'work to rule' or doing anything else that is likely to annoy her will just make things worse. Step 1 - Talk to her - Step 2 - Keep an audit trail just in case things don't get better. Good luck getting it sorted
  18. I think we're in the minority on the serious replies front. I'd hate to work with some of these nutters
  19. A part of my job involves investigating grievances and conduct cases, sometimes involving lawyers so they can be quite complicated and long running. I know this might sound a bit basic, but have tried talking to her in private about your concerns? It's surprising how often issues escalate out of all proportion because people don't communicate. It might be that the culture of your organisation makes you feel that you can't approach her, but most people will respond positively if you put it in a constructive way. She might not even realise the impact she's having on you. Assuming your company has a grievance policy, there's always that option, but my advice is to only go down that route as a last resort. You would need to provide evidence of your efforts to resolve the situation and specific examples of how you think she has treated you inappropriately (and the names of any witnesses). Grievances can be protracted and very stressful for everyone involved. My advice - talk to her sooner rather than later.
  20. Thanks for sharing - serves as a good reminder to everyone (particularly the less experienced of us like me) to be careful. Glad you weren't hurt.
  21. This thread has lost me completely but the car looks very nice!
  22. Very windy in SW London. Trains severely disrupted.
  23. I'm not an Apple fanboy but I have the iPad with retina display. It is a very nice piece of kit.
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