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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Partly depends on whether it was being played on an imported Playstation (full screen and full speed) but either way it single handedly sold the Playstation to millions by being more impressive to look at than anything on the Saturn. (I think it was a pretty good game too) PS Soz for going off topic
  2. Other very good launch titles: SNES - F Zero, Super Tennis Saturn - Virtua Fighter Playstaion - Ridge Racer (incredible looking for its day) N64 - Pilot Wings 64
  3. Good point. It's easy to forget that some people don't comprehend that someone's car can be a lot more than just a thing used to get from one place to another.
  4. One more reason to keep out of busy car parks whenever possible! If she parked like that and thought it was fine, she's too old to be driving!
  5. If all else fails slap a small claims court summons on them for breach of contract. Saying that you didn't give them enough time would not be a legitimate defence for such poor quality work.
  6. Can't see the vid at work but in general I don't think you can really know how will react to a potentially dangerous situation until it happens. I was quite small as a kid so my Dad taught me to stand up for myself. It's fair to say I was quite ready for a fight and regarded as a tough little beggar for my size. But when I went to uni in Colchester a bunch of my mates were attacked outside a kebab shop by a large group of squaddies. I was on the fringe of it so I didn't get hit. If you'd asked me before it happened what I would do in that situation I would have said I would wade in and help even if meant getting a kicking. What actually happened was that I was so shocked by what I was seeing (to be fair it only lasted a matter of seconds) that I just completely froze and did nothing. It was like my brain just couldn't process what was happening. I say fair play to anyone who has intervened to help someone and I agree it's a shame when people just pass by. But I'm not sure it's as simple as most people being cowards.
  7. I agree. There are so many things to get wound up about driving but nothing riles me more that seeing some fxxkwit staring down at their phone while driving. And the worst thing is it happens a heck of a lot. Pick any line of traffic at the lights and you will see several people doing it. Mental.
  8. I like it. Looks wise, it ramps up the anti-traditional-super-car style that makes me like the standard GTR. There's only two problems: 1) I can't afford it. 2) If I could, I'd probably be too scared of it to drive it
  9. I've not driven enough cars to give you a meaningful comparison but I think the Z handles very well when you get it up to speed. I don't find it great to drive around our busy local roads at 20 mph over the speed humps, but that would probably be true of most cars with a hefty engine, rwd and a manual gearbox. I did find that the car felt more sure-footed when I swapped the stock Bridgestones for Michelin Pilot Super Sports. The road noise was also reduced.
  10. Haha iv done that with a cigarette before lmao What film is that? looks hilarious! The Big Lebowski, one of my favourites. Easily in my All Time Top 5. If you've not seen it, get it quick! Noted thanks will watch it once im done nightshift! =) * http://www.solarmovie.so/watch-the-big-lebowski-1998.html issit this one? That's it. When you're done, if you enjoyed it, dig out Raising Arizona too. And Fargo - probably my fave film of all
  11. Yep - I'm fairly sure there's not supposed to be a sound. I agree - it's a great kit.
  12. Iron X is amazing stuff but yes it does stink!
  13. Mostly older games on MAME (multiple arcade machine emulator) on PC. Really good for quick blasts of nostalgic fun, which is all I really seem to have time for these days. Current favourites - Chase HQ, Outrun, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Virtua Racing
  14. No but you do get the guidelines, which are helpful.
  15. White Van Man on the M25, if he got any closer he would have had to wear a condom..!!! :scare: :scare: Not a fan of the M25! Too many people dashing in and out of too many lanes!
  16. I get the definite impression that driving with your lights on helps to deter the sorts of people who dash out of junctions and side roads without looking properly or when there isn't really enough time to do it safely. Seeing the headlights coming towards them seems to make them think twice when they might otherwise chance it.
  17. Is it the Trim Restorer or the Care Stick one to get.. It's the trim restorer, the stift / stick is the plastic bottle with the sponge applicator on the top. The care stick is very good too. Keeps the seals in really good condition. I've had one for a while and it lasts for ages
  18. But they charge you £1400+ for it ouch!
  19. I see with the likes of the Cayman S you at least get the choice of a sports exhaust out of the factory. We 370Z owners have to make our own arrangements!
  20. Looks gorgeous but still think they are priced too high.
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