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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Just adding a voice of reason in a rose tinted thread..... In many many ways an Astra VXR will be more fun to drive than a Zed and many would find it a better looking car too, mainly because it wasn't designed in the 90's..... none of that means a Zed is a bad car or everyone is stupid to own one.... if I could still drive one I would have another in a heartbeat Sent from the golf club... I think this thread has been anything but rose tinted, everyone has been more than fair with the speed of an Astra and if we cant admire 350z's for its kerb appeal on a 350z forum without "a voice of reason" i think thats very ironic. If you or Ekona seriously think an Astra has more kerb appeal than a Zed, well......... I honestly think it does have more appeal for a lot of people yes. It's undoubtably much better equiped, probably safer, just as quick, more practical, can take more than 1 passenger, cheaper to run etc etc None of those things really apply though as it's a completely different beast so can't really be compared. A GT86 would be a better comparison really... A few years back when I got my Zed I would say they were a cut above, real presence but nowadays there are for me too many chavved up examples around which are tainting the marque..... I would still have another if I could but it would be standard(ish) no stupid loud exhaust or slammed to the floor and huge bodykit.... Each to their own Sent from the golf club... Hey. Don't be down on body kits
  2. I'm liking the PS4. Wasn't going to get one despite having owned a games machine of some sort since the days of the ZX Spectrum but bought one on a whim and really liking it. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about Resogun. It's easily the best game on the system right now and costs a fraction of the price of the big name games
  3. I reckon we're all guilty of looking down on other people for one thing and another from time to time but setting up a site solely dedicated to slagging off other people seems a bit sad to me. And it's not like those guys are all driving round in cars to be proud of.
  4. Looks great! I think it would look good if you painted the frame black maybe?
  5. Yep. Got mine from Steve. So easy to fit even I could do it!! Looks good too.
  6. Can't say I feel much, if any, sympathy with him or his family. Perhaps if they'd spent more time bringing him up to have decent values, respect the rule of law, stay away from guns etc. he wouldn't have ended up with a string of convictions and a reputation as someone whom the police clearly believed was a very real threat to their safety and the safety of others. You reap what you sew.
  7. Perhaps some people would add the Nismo because of its spoiler etc....I couldn't give a flying....FFFF.......rather drive something interesting than generates a reaction than a generic lump of metal.
  8. It's definitely not just a standard metallic grey - it's a two stage finish to give a 'smoked' effect. You can get some idea of the colour in this picture of my car. My first Z had the standard colour and it looked like a normal silver although I believe that's also a two stage finish. If you want I'll take a better picture of the wheel at the weekend and post it up. Current car
  9. I believe the only 370s that have the dark coloured Rays from the factory are: Black Edition GT Edition (not the same as the GT pack) Nismo
  10. Ahhh now I know where to direct my dirty looks!
  11. Blimey - I live around there too and I did not know that!
  12. . Pets have that effect. I couldn't imagine life without some fury friends in the house and I'm not ashamed to admit I care about ours as much as if they were people
  13. Some people where selling iphone 5's for £400 etc and then only sending a box as the phone wasn't in the description., Don't forget you have their address from your pay pal transaction..!! I saw something similar when PS4s were going for silly money on Ebay before Xmas. Someone had put a PS4 box on there and even though it said "just the box" very clearly the bids were already flooding in for hundreds of pounds. I have to read a lot of documents for my work and one of things you learn is to read everything very carefully! I think a lot of folks on Ebay don't read the descriptions properly before bidding. I also hate the fact that you can no longer give negative feedback as a seller, only positive. Worst decision Ebay ever made imho.
  14. sipar69

    Has Anyone?

    No there not ~ De-cat pipes are basically just straight through pipes thus removing all Catalytic converters from the exhaust system.HFC's are "High Flow Catalytic converters" with improved flow rates over the standard Catalytic converters. Cool - thanks for clarifying. Do decat pipes create any issues with emissions for the MOT etc and would they be louder than HFCs? I'd quite like to give the Nismo a bit more of a growl but without going over the top so just thinking about the options...... That's quite alright. I'd get HFC's if I was you. Not all that expensive, will make it a bit noisier and should be no problems come MOT time although it is usually recommended that you give the car a bit of a drive before the MOT just to get the Cats warmed up nicely & working at there best. Love my Berks HFC's on my 350Z ~ bet they'd sound great on a 370 too. Definitely agree - might well get some when my wallet has recovered from Christmas!
  15. Trying selling an Iphone 5s No matter how clear and specific you are, the typical way it goes is you get a bunch of stupid questions e.g "will you end the auction for £150 followed by some melon who wins the auction and then fails to pay. Nightmare!
  16. sipar69

    Has Anyone?

    Thanks. Sounds like HFCs would be a getter option.
  17. sipar69

    Has Anyone?

    No there not ~ De-cat pipes are basically just straight through pipes thus removing all Catalytic converters from the exhaust system.HFC's are "High Flow Catalytic converters" with improved flow rates over the standard Catalytic converters. Cool - thanks for clarifying. Do decat pipes create any issues with emissions for the MOT etc and would they be louder than HFCs? I'd quite like to give the Nismo a bit more of a growl but without going over the top so just thinking about the options......
  18. Totally, strange as anything but they're not hurting anyone.
  19. Thanks. This was also mentioned in one of the other Nismo threads. I've been assured that mine were removed but I'll double check at the weekend. Need to turn the wheel full lock and shine a torch into the arch apparently. Will post again if I find any. Wouldn't be entirely surprised. Don't think some dealers know a Z from a Micra!
  20. Cool. I also have the GTR start button on my Nismo. Nice easy mod!
  21. I haven’t heard anything from Injen that I think sounds better than the ARK so far, that said I've heard nothing in real life but going off video's I prefer the ARK. Not an ideal situation but a reality unfortunatly. Nope, I don't have a pit or any sort of facility where I could fit an exhaust, let alone the required tools if I come across a seized bolt or anything that requires anything other than exploded diagrams. I also won't be able to lug the thing around trying to find somewhere to fit it, so again, drive in, drive out is the ideal, maybe I can get it sent to TGM and go from there. With a bit of Tetris style placing I managed to fit the entire Stillen system in my 370 when I took it to TGM. Most of it in the boot and a few bits on the passenger seat. Probably easier to get it sent direct though.
  22. sipar69

    Has Anyone?

    Dim question maybe but are decat pipes the same as HFCs?
  23. I wonder if we saw off Scotland, you will float further off into the North Sea and have even worse weather!?
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