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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. sipar69

    Just Checking

    I was very happy with the Michelins and will probably go for them again when the new car needs tyres.
  2. Have you had any rusting issues with yours? I had a quick look on the US forums and some people seem to suggest they use lower quality steel while others really like the system......
  3. I think in most films like that the sound of the cars is heavily enhanced in post production so you probably don't get anything like a real impression of what the exhaust really sounds like. I've been working my way through the F&F films recently - completely ridiculous but very entertaining!
  4. I was sooooo happy when the smoking ban came in. Wouldn't want to go back to being in pubs and restaurants breathing in other people's smoke thank you very much.
  5. Don't be dissing my Nismo. Nothing you say can dull the Nismo love I feel! And I have many impressive and powerful modifications (actually I have a GTR starter button and that's it)
  6. Hey that sounds like me! I'm not on a Vauxhall forum though
  7. Apart from wanting to throttle the occasional thick bonehead who brags about running over animals for fun (seriously), I think this is a great forum and I say that as someone who generally has very little time for social media. I've learnt a lot from the expertise and knowledge of people on here, and had plenty of laughs along the way
  8. I have two questions please: 1) Are you a very successful international jewel thief? 2) Can I borrow a tenner?
  9. sipar69

    Next car?

    Sell the infant to a rich childless couple in the US and buy a Ferrari?
  10. Was it a "kitler" (cats that look like Hitler)?
  11. Definitely helps if your driving is done for fun rather than necessity. I'm on the train to work in the week and in the Z at the weekend
  12. I think Zs are an all or nothing car. If you love em, you really love em and the joy of ownership outweighs all the downsides such as running costs, which is why I'm on my third 370 in about four years. It may be that you're just not a Z person but best of luck with whatever you end up with
  13. Seems to me a lot of people don't understand how to properly use indicators e.g. they reach a junction where they want to turn off, start the turn and then indicate!!! Totally pointless. Another pet hate of mine is people who don't indicate at all on roundabouts when they should do, leaving you to guess which exit they're taking
  14. Anyone know the right colour for the red callipers on the 370? They seem quite prone to chips and the best I've been able to do in the past is get a touch up kit with a similar colour and then mix it with the darker primer to get a suitable shade. It's not ideal though - be great if anyone knows the right colour for them.
  15. I know the feeling. Been looking at moving somewhere a bit more rural recently such as Sussex - Petworth area is very nice, but what you save on the rent you lose on the commuting costs. Probably have to run a second car just to get to the station as well. Not moaning really though. I do like it round 'ere.
  16. We're in Zone 5. £1500 PCM for a two bed terrace. Not to mention the bills and the £2k+ each per year to commute into Central London. You kinda get used to it though, as everyone in the area is in pretty much the same boat.
  17. I even get a small amount on the inside of the sat nav screen occasionally! Disappears when the car warms up though,
  18. If anybody could be bothered to read they would have seen my comments earlier, I HAD to sell my Zed For health reasons, needed an Auto and something more comfortable otherwise I would have driven my Zed till it fell apart, probably somewhere on the A14 just outside Chirk Trying to persuade Mary to get a 370z, she wants a Z4 and despite my complete feeling of 'meh' for the 370 I would rather have one of those than a Z4 in a heartbeat..... but only because she can't afford a Cayman Sent from the golf club... But don't boring old Cayman's come in a huge range of prices?
  19. Worst thing about Them is they have two totally separate lists depending whether you enter 370z or 370 z!
  20. Errr just to be clear 'shiny newness' wasn't a factor for me. Believe it or not some have bought Nismos because we like em. Take the GTR as an example. I like them too and there's no denying it's objectively a better car than the 370z Nismo in performance terms, but other factors were part of my buying decision: - I could have stretched to a GTR but I'd have been buying one of the older ones which are not (unless they've been significantly upgraded) as good as the 2011+ variants. That's not about it being older per se, it's about what you'd get for your money (and even older GTRs are generally significantly more expensive with the odd exception that I'd probably be quite wary of) - I prefer a manual transmission - Servicing costs - Personally I prefer the Zs looks - Size - decided I didn't want something quite so big! Bit risky thinking you know how all of us think and make decisions. You might be wrong!
  21. Why would anyone pay £30K for a Nissan? Swings and roundabouts. All cars are created equal, but some are more equal than others. Because the One i wanted more than any other car I could afford (including the usual German alternatives) costs that much. I suspect the same is true of GTR owners.
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