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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Definitely a shame when people who would like to keep the car can't for financial reasons. Now if you go and have a snotty little infant and have to get rid for that reason, I've no sympathy at all
  2. 2010 onwards. There might be other features but these are the ones I believe it has over the previous version Higher definition sat nav screen Touch screen (never use it myself because I hate finger prints all over the screen Post code search (very useful) Connection of an Ipod or similar via USB and ability to select songs, albums etc on screen (as opposed to connection via analogue and having to choose songs etc manually on the Ipod itself) (also very useful if you like to listen to your music in the car) Ability to connect phones etc via Bluetooth (never use it - don't like to be called when driving!)
  3. I'd be quite suspicious of a 370 going for less than about 14K - 15K and I agree that a connect premium model would be a better bet.
  4. Such a stunning dog! My buddy has a pit bull and a staffie and both are very very well behaved and do exactly as they are told. Some people just aren't cut out to train dogs unfortunately. I totally agree about not hitting a dog also! I should have made my statement clearer in my first post. Too right. Never hit any animal, especially as the dogs may already have had a difficult time if they are from a rescue centre.
  5. You did the right thing, obviously. Your male pride might be telling you that you should have smacked him, but think about the likely outcomes: You have a scrap and win - possibly get a conviction for assault, GBH etc which can have life altering consequences; or You have as scrap and lose - male pride even more damaged, possibly hurt, seriously injured, or even worse (Kenneth Noye case....). Nothing to be gained from violence unless you're defending yourself or your loved ones. Console yourself with knowing that you're the better man for rising above it. In a few days you'll have forgotten all about it whereas he'll always be a tool in a naff car.
  6. I remember when people just went for a ride on their bike. It was a relaxing and healthy activity. It wasn't an activity that required you to battle and compete with car drivers, frantically ride as fast as possible and dress in overly tight outfits that make you look like a dodgy sex offender.
  7. My first 370 was an 09. Not sure about a phone but you can play music from an IPod using the analogue connection in the centre cubby - just need a cheap lead to plug it in via the headphone socket on the IPod. However, you have to change the songs/albums manually on the iPod whereas on the later models with Connect Premium you can select the songs/albums on the Nav screen itself and the IPod connects via a USB connection which replaced the analogue connector.
  8. Mine came on at the start of a journey yesterday and went off after about half an hour. I will check the pressures as a precaution but does anyone have experience of the warning going on and off? I'm wondering if it was a false return due to other factors (temperature maybe). Car has only 2k on the clock and hasn't had much use recently due to the weather. Cheers.
  9. Sounds like you take the music side of the band more seriously than they do. Join another band.
  10. Resogun on PS4 is very addictive. Ironically it's the most old school game on the system - basically a Defender type game. It looks gorgeous and play brilliantly though - much deeper than it first appears.
  11. Still my favourite comedy of all time. All three series are pure comedy genius, especially Joe Beasley and Cheeky Monkey.
  12. Mr Burns......Fruit Bat Man.....I am the tiny teeth marks in the peach.
  13. Exhausts are such a personal thing it's really hard to describe. Put it this way: I hated the sound of the stock 370 exhaust and I loved the Stillen I replaced it with, which some people regard as a fairly quiet system. The Nismo exhaust is definitely louder than stock 370 and probably reasonably close to the Stillen - maybe a fraction quieter. If you don't want a really loud system you might be happy with it. If you're more towards the Fast Intentions exhaust with high flow cats end of the spectrum, you will find the Nismo too quiet. I would prefer it to be a bit louder but I can live with the volume it puts out. I don't feel the need to rush out and buy a new system and I'm not slightly embarrassed by it like I was when I returned my previous Z to a stock exhaust for the sale. The Nismo sounds like a sports car, whereas I personally think the stock 370 system sounds like a normal family car! No idea where you live but if it's anywhere near me (Twickenham, Greater London) you're welcome to come over for a listen. Whatever happens, if you don't like it you can always change it.
  14. According to the programme on TV the other night 15 or so people have died in Eastern Europe where this is quite popular. I admire them for their guts but its not great for the families or for the poor folks that have to scrape them off the pavement when it goes wrong.
  15. Got for it! You could consider one those 'preferences deals' where you get the option after x years to pay a lump sum or trade the car in for a new one. I think most if not all Nissan dealers offer them alongside more traditional HP.
  16. I am in bed. Seriously. Get past 40 and bedtime gets earlier and earlier
  17. My two pence worth: I've had two previous 370Zs. The Nismo is significantly sharper and nippier and a very good looking car - real head turner. I'd much rather have one than a standard Z pimped up to extreme levels. Of course you'll get the likes of you know who above finding reasons to insult them but my suggestion is go and drive one. Never driven a 350 myself but compared to my previous Zs the fairly minor bhp hike is misleading. The Nismo feels a lot more pokey to me than either of my previous 370s. Handling is also significantly sharper. As for the exhaust being "crappy" - I think not. I won't be changing the Nismo exhaust whereas I couldn't wait to get the stock exhaust removed from the previous car. It's not the loudest exhaust but it's suitably sporty and looks great. You might want to look for an ex demonstrator - I've seen a few on Autotrader with reasonable discounts.
  18. GTR looks like it just needs a good clean...
  19. I dreamt that my previous Z was crushed by a crane. Probably something to do with all the building work that people in our road seem to have done. There's always some van or skip in the road, sometimes a bit too close for comfort.....
  20. Wow all this internet etiquette is way beyond me. Must be my advancing 40 something years.....
  21. Sad fact is that those of us who care about our cars and respect other peoples' cars, regardless of what they are, are outnumbered by the morons who don't give a toss about damaging their own cars and other peoples' cars. I hate having to park on the street for exactly this reason.
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