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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Get the white - it's lurverrrrrly! They are actually available in gun metal and red in the US. It does look good in both but our friends across the pond are denied the sat nav and a decent reversing camera (the US variants have a tiny screen built into the rear view mirror).
  2. Your comment about annoying the neighbours has nearly sold it to me. I really want one now. Can't wait to see/hear the latest vid - I assume it will be 'drone-related'? Hmm owning nice car + annoying neighbours can = big scratch on nice car.
  3. Good tip thanks. For anyone who, like me, is hearily sick of Ebay, here's an alternative on Amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/HOME-DEHUMIDIFIER-MOISTURE-ABSORBER-EATER/dp/B009M93THQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1392734678&sr=8-3&keywords=DRY+AIR+CAR%2FHOME+DEHUMIDIFIER+BAG+MOISTURE+ABSORBER
  4. You can tell it has a nice deep tone even from that. Ark exhausts look very nice - definitely on my short list if I change the Nismo CBE in the future.
  5. Hope it all gets sorted, then you can start enjoying your new toy
  6. Bet that doesn't get many miles to the gallon
  7. Oh well I guess I might as well join in. Me.....(think the not so happy face = holiday hangover) And significant other.....Jane
  8. I'm really surprised that no one has mentioned how good I look for my age ... although I must admit, this pic was taken in 2006 lol You look good for your age in 2006 !! Good.........hmm....You look something beginning with 'G' with that tan and those muscles
  9. Save some money to replace those rank wheels and to get a decent exhaust!
  10. Nooooooo! Those do not suit the car at all. Yuk.
  11. Very shiny. Wish I had an indoor space for detailing.
  12. Sorry mate but the GT Ultimate definitely doesn't come with Connect Premium (not Plus). To be totally honest, if the car is right for you in other respects, I wouldn't let that put you off. The Sat Nav in the 2009 version is fine and while Connect Premium is nice, it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. I never even use the touch screen because I hate getting finger marks all over it. Post Code search is a plus but I could live without it.
  13. what utter rubbish ! that is probably the most insulting and stupidest comment I have read on the forum or any forum, nearly all modern day bmw's have a similar feel to them, as do audi ( not sure about the R8) OK, so Ive driven a 1M, M135i, 123d, E36/E46/E92 M3, E36 328i, E46 330D (estate and saloon), E92 335i, E39 M5 and E38 740i in the last 12 months or so, and you know what? Every single one of them is different to the point I could probably guess which I was driving if I was blindfolded (might crash a bit though), to generalise and say you dont like any is actually utter rubbish, not what Ive just posted. Funnily enough I have a mate who has just bought a VXR Astra, mainly because he liked his W plate Astra he had before. The cars are totally different but he bought because he likes Vauxhall Astras. Is that not the same thing we are talking about but the other way round? Even if youre keeping to current range, how the hell can someone really dislike everything BMW make from a 118d right up to the M6 convertible, the only thing they have in common is the badge ....... Sipar, fair play, I think I probably did miss your point a bit but by the same token you missed mine - if you are buying purely on looks then the 370 is obviously the car for you, but as soon as you bring anything else into it, particularly how the car makes you feel then you need to have tried the alternatives - like I said, I preferred the IS-F to the 997 before Id even started the engine, it just felt a bit special, likewise I had a lot more fun driving the Missus' MR2 at Anglesey last year than I did my Zed and Id never have expected that before buying one. I just dont understand the logic behind dropping £30K on a car but ruling options out because of a perception you have about them, when that perception could* be totally wrong - a Cayman could be an infinitely better drive at 8/10s than your 370 is, and the seats might feel like clouds but you didnt know before you bought your Zed, Im the opposite of that TBH * It could equally be totally right as well but you gotta try, right? Maybe I'm just destined to be a Z man....until the GTR that is
  14. I think you've misread what I was saying. I've absolutely nothing whatsoever against Porsche or any other make of car. The point I was making is that because a car is reviewed as being "better" than another car it doesn't necessarily mean it would be a "better" car for me. Better means different things to different people. The other point I was making is that I probably don't drive in such a way as to make the handling subtleties between one car and the next all that apparent. I certainly don't drive like Chris Harris in his reviews, which is probably why all this "it's an 8/10ths car" is totally lost on me. The point was specifically about Caymans and the simple fact is that they don't really float my boat in the looks, character and presence department - all of which are very subjective things and, to me, quite important, whereas to some others sheer performance and poise are perhaps more important than looks (which is presumably why cars such as the M5 have their fans). I certainly wouldn't buy a car on looks alone, but if the prevailing opinion is that a Cayman is a "better" car to drive than my Z, I can live with that; it's more than compensated for by the way I feel when I look at my car every day as I head off to the station for work, and the fun I personally get from driving it (and feeling part of "club Z"). I wasn't "writing off" Porsches or even Caymans. I don't doubt they're great cars - just not personally my thing.
  15. I think this just illustrates that cars are about the heart as well as the head. Every review I've ever seen says the Cayman is "better" than the Z but it's not "better" for me because I wouldn't get the same buzz from owning one as I get from my Z. Additionally, a lot of reviews seem to suppose people spend their time belting around at break-neck speed, cornering on the limit etc but that's just not the case. Most of my driving involves finding a pub that looks decent in the country somewhere and us then driving out to stay for a night or have lunch. I don't get to test the limits of my car and I don't particularly want to. I like having a car with some grunt and that looks (to me) very nice but if there's another car that feels more poised taking a corner at speed, well I can live with that.
  16. Our cat had to wear one of those lampshades after an op to stitch a cut in his rear end idiotically caused by me trying to snip a bit of poop that got stuck to his fur.. Not a mistake I'll ever make again. I felt so guilty. He's more like a dog than cat in his character and my friend.
  17. I'll take my Nismo over the base Cayman that lives down our road any day. The latter does absolutely nothing for me in the looks department and has much less presence and character in my eyes. I can't comment on the drive since I've not tried the Cayman but my understanding is that the Nismo is quicker off the line (not that it really matters) and I'd urge you to have a drive in one. That's not meant to be a criticism of your comments by the way, which seem entirely reasonable, I'd just be interested to hear how you found the Nismo if you had a go in one, since I was quite pleasantly surprised at how much difference I noticed from the previous Zs I've driven. It's a much sharper handling car in my view, although still heavy and noisy - I'm used to that by now!
  18. Pretty much, but not leather. They're probably my least favourite aspect of the car - I'm a bit of a clean freak and I always keep the inside of my car as clean and tidy as possible - the Nismo seats seem to attract hair, dust etc like magnets. I much preferred the leather seats in my previous 370Zs. I also really like the seats in the Nismo GTR - now they are nice! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=nismo+gtr&safe=off&espv=210&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=-m_7UvjyF8uUhQfd7oCYDA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=628&bih=332#q=nismo+gtr+seats&safe=off&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=ppgk5YoNl82evM%253A%3BbFshwlt_frdpUM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.speedhunters.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F12%252FNismo-GTR-16-1200x800.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.speedhunters.com%252F2013%252F12%252Fnismo-gt-r%252F%3B1200%3B800
  19. He is pretty short though, so maybe he had to have it that high to be able to see the nose of the car, that was my thoughts anyway. I'm a bit of a shorty so being able to raise myself up using the seat is very welcome
  20. I read and watched pretty much every review I could find of the 370 before buying one. I'd say a good 90% were very positive so I wouldn't be put off by the odd negative review. Reviews of the Nismo haven't been glowing but that's not on my mind when I'm enjoying every second of being in the car and just looking at it with a smile on my face. Here's a v positive review of the 370. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IyH5ZyuVWbk&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DIyH5ZyuVWbk
  21. I can recommend the illuminated kick plates but I believe Steve (Redline) does them for under £170 delivered. Think ill pass on nearly £200 for Nismo floor mats. Got some great heavy duty rubber mats for £50 that will probably outlive the car they're so robust
  22. Be useful if they explained the different variants, in particular pre and post connect premium.
  23. From the second, looks like it's got one of those adjustable valves to vary the noise level.
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