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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Sick and cruel to try and make a pet of such an animal.
  2. Interesting. I reckon a fair bit of my income goes on eating out two or three times a week and it never feels like a waste of money (unless the meal is rubbish). Also like combining the two pleasures - drive out to a nice pub for a meal so I get to enjoy the car and we both have a nice meal in the process.
  3. Happy spending on the car as I see it as an investment in what to me is mainly a hobby. The thing I don't like spending money on is clothes I have to wear at work (ie suits) that I wouldn't otherwise wear.
  4. I did ask Jane if she would film me driving past but she just laughed I know from experience exactly what would happen - she'd press the wrong button and end up taking a photo instead!
  5. I agree. The US versions don't even seem to have the accents. Looks a bit odd.
  6. Actually it does matter I like the car to sound good inside and outside. That's why I get my poor other half (who has no interest in exhausts at all) to start the car while I listen on the outside. She absolutely refuses to rev it though
  7. Bit of an update: Spent a couple of hours at Abbey last Friday having the new Cobra cats fitted. Unfortunately I didn't get chance to take any pictures of them but they looked really well made. Fitting went absolutely fine - no issues with fitting or vibration etc after the fitting + the usual excellent service from Abbey. Sound My main reason for getting the HFCs fitted was to improve the sound of the fairly tame Nismo exhaust. I'm not looking for a really loud exhaust sound - I'm 44 and value my relationship with my neighbours so I'm not in the market for something ridiculous - but I do want the car to have a sound that matches its looks. I was hoping to avoid having to shell out for a whole new system, especially because the Nismo system is supposed to be a really good quality bit of kit and I like the way it looks. In that regard, I'd say the HFCs have only been partially successful. The exhaust definitely sounds a little deeper on cold start + there's a difference above 3-4000 RPM. However, I would not say that they've made a big enough difference to the sound to make me not still consider a different exhaust. I will probably just look to choose one that goes well with the new cats. One positive is that I could detect very little rasp from the Nismo + Cobra combination. Power I can't say I felt much if any difference but I probably need to spend more time with the new set up before coming to any conclusions. Since I've had less chance to drive the Nismo since we got it than I would have liked, due to the crappy weather, I'm not really familiar enough with the car to notice any subtle differences. Perhaps a remap in future will make a difference. Overall I don't regret spending the money on this mod. Even though it's not transformed the sound of the car, I have a freer flowing system now, some improvement in sound, and paired with the right exhaust in future it should contribute to getting exactly the sound I'm looking for.
  8. Hi - yes I do have them. I wasn't aware of a difference but they're from a manual car.
  9. I don't think you'll be disappointed.........
  10. If only women that like women really looked like that instead of Arnie.
  11. Darren Darren Darren, I can't help remembering you telling me you weren't going to mod your latest zed Well if you get bored of the Stillen CBE let me know, I do miss that nice burble.......
  12. Nice. If the paint on the 350 is like that on the 370 you can look forward to plenty of chips on the bumper
  13. Don't worry Colin. I don't think you're meant to put used kitty litter in Your Z. And since everyone knows that cats will one day rule the Universe, my advice is to show some respect to our furry overlords
  14. I think the install shouldn't take a pro much more than an hour. In answer to your question, I'm paying £570 for the cats and the install. However, the cats are not Berks. They're newly developed by Cobra and I believe I'm the first UK customer. I'm having them installed by Abbey Motorsport. Just remember that if you don't like em you can return to stock and sell them very easily on here.
  15. I'm having high flow cats added to my 370 on Friday. My understanding is that the overall noise difference will not be huge and will be more noticeable above 3000 rpm. I was trying to find a video for you on You tube made by a guy with a blue 370 in the US which gives a good demonstration of the sound with an Invidia Gemini before and after adding Berks, but I can't find it now. I know you're talking about a 350 but I'm guessing the difference will be similar. Hope the install goes well
  16. I was threatened by a gang of hoodies recently; it could have turned nasty, but a few withering put downs using words they couldn't understand had them begging me for mercy Disclaimer: The above statement may not be entirely, or even remotely, true.
  17. Surely there can be no worse twonks currently on our roads than those who use mobile phones while driving. I've got so used to seeing it now I almost don't notice it. Stopped in traffic, texting away, don't notice the lights have changed etc etc. I'm the last person to do the old "women drivers" rubbish, but I do seem to see a lot of fairly young women doing this. What can be so important to communicate to their mates that they can't wait until they get to where they're going?
  18. He used his phone while driving then....tells you all you need to know about the w?!nker.
  19. Not a Porsche fan but that does look very nice.
  20. Is sarcasm a martial art? If so, I am well 'ard
  21. Just out of interest, were there any clearance issues with the Ark exhaust? It looks like it hangs quite low at the back.
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