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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Glad you had a good trip. I was there recently to get my HFCs fitted - great bunch of guys.
  2. Good to meet you yesterday Marcus Will If you are seriously considering a Nismo make sure you take a look at the white In the flesh too. You're welcome to nip over and see mine
  3. Nice colour but prefer the older style wheels. Enjoy your new Z
  4. Driving through the town at about 6.30 pm on Thursday. Blue. Large rear wing and very loud exhaust.....
  5. Nice skills whenever I use a spray can for anything it ends up looking pants!
  6. Not very jealous . How do you find the exhaust note on the GTR? I've always got the impression that it's fairly tame and that lots of people mod it.
  7. I was referring to the 100% percent ridiculous comment. Seems to imply that those of us who prefer not to take the risk are being ridiculous, which is not the same as saying what I was saying earlier in the thread - namely that we all have different views, none of which are right or wrong - just different. As far as I'm concerned, people can do what they want with their cars. I just don't take kindly to being called ridiculous for electing to stay away from places where my car has been damaged in the past. Either way, live and let live I say! Peace and lurve to all
  8. Dude, cars are made of metal, not paper. If you love your car so much then why deny yourself even a moments usage?? All the graft that goes in to buying it and then you would rather walk to the shops for fear of a shopping trolley is 100% ridiculous. What a ridiculous thing to say. I assume you think that people who spend time detailing their car are ridiculous then. Not to mention people who spend time on forums talking about them. The last time some chump dinged my car it cost £300 to get it put right and two days of having to miss substantial parts of the working day taking it to be repaired. I've got legs and I don't mind using them, especially since it takes less time where I live to walk to the shop that it would to drive there. My car was bought for pleasure not shopping trips in an area where there are shops within easy distance. I think you need to be a little bit less judgemental and think about the irony of belittling the fact that people on a car forum care about their cars.
  9. I would never take up two spaces but if avoiding car parks where a car I've spent a lot of money on is at risk of damage (which happened twice to my last Z) is 'borderline ridiculous' I'll happily wear that label. It's hardly like I'm denying myself one of life's great pleasures by not driving on a congested road to the local supermarket when I can get what I need by walking there or having the stuff delivered. Unfortunately, I suspect that the proportion of people in your average supermarket car park who would find the sight of something like a Lamborghini "endearing" because they infer that the driver isn't a snob is likely to be smaller than the proportion of people who are careless with their own car or shopping trolley or resent the sight of a car they will never be able to afford.
  10. Agreed. Not as nice as the earlier version Rays. Personally I think all 370Zs are nice looking cars!
  11. I tend to form a deep loving relationship with my cars in which I refuse to put it at risk of any damage by scrotes. I spend hours lovingly polishing and caring for my car and try to keep it in absolutely mint condition. Therefore, if I was to park it in tescos and have some scumbag scratch it with their shopping trolley I would be gutted. I get upset when a bird dumps on it, let alone if it got dented/scratched. This doesnt stop me from going out, enjoying my car and in fact I use it every single day for work rather than it being a weekend "toy". If it was some old banger car then sure, id not really care where I parked it, but when its your pride & joy and one of the most expensive purchases you have ever made, I want to keep it in perfect condition. Theres also the hassle, inconvenience & cost of any repairs should someone run into it with their trolley etc. Same way I feel. I don't think one way of viewing this is better necessarily - it's just how you feel. I totally get the argument of the people who say use it all the time and don't stress but that's just not how my mind works
  12. Lovely. Don't forget to check that shipping spacers are off.... Can't believe they stuck that sticker on it. Cheeky bleeders.
  13. You only have to listen to Putin discussing issues like treatment of gay people to know that his brain is stuck in the past. The man's a buffoon and a bigot but a powerful one, which is a dangerous thing indeed.
  14. Fair enough but that's how I feel about mine. Prefer not to take the risk and I quite like the fact that when I take the car out I'm doing it for pleasure. If need to get shopping etc I just pick it up on the way back from the station - I pass three supermarkets every day on the way home from work and I wouldn't drive to the Strand for work regardless of the car I drive. I don't need the Z for practical purposes so I don't use it for them. If I did, I would
  15. Interesting. I guess it's just a case of pick your routes and parking places carefully which is what I tend to do now anyway. I never leave the car in public car parks if I can help and wouldn't go within a mile of a multi-storey!
  16. I had chance to have a good look around a GTR when I visited Abbey recently. Much as I love them in pictures and for what they can do I can't escape the nagging feeling that they're just too big for our roads. I already find the Z a fair size on country roads, which is where much of my driving is done. Be interested to know if any owners have had issues with the size.
  17. My other half's silver jewellery cleaner works surprisingly well.
  18. Make sure they've removed the shipping spacers from the front springs before you drive it,
  19. Having seen some of your ugly mugs on the 'face to username' thread I doubt that owning a modestly priced Japanese sports car that most people know nothing about is going to make much difference to 'pulling power' Most of the attention our Z gets seems to be from teenagers, including two who apparently saw my other half driving it one day and shouted "A woman! an 'fin woman drivin' a car like that!" Great to see we've come so far since those pesky women got the vote!
  20. Somebody's been polishing their exhaust!
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