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Everything posted by SamN

  1. SamN

    Used LED rear lights

    Cheers guys but that's more than I want to spend. Out of interest how much roughly do they sell for used? When they come up.. I'm in no rush
  2. Yeah! Unfortunately my mate came in my car in the end as he's got a problem with his vx.
  3. I was 3/4 of the way down on the track side. Didn't see another black one but could have missed it. You'd probably have heard me leave about 11:30/12
  4. Mine was the black one, S18 NUG, next to the Clio 197. Great morning Good drive there in the wet too
  5. Is the car lowered? Either way 20" wheels are a little on the large side in my opinion, especially if the car is not lowered.
  6. I'll offer £20 inc. postage. Really don't need to spend any more money at the moment!
  7. Anyone got any for sale? Thanks Sam
  8. I've got a complete bootlid spare, needs a respray but if you wanted it for the glass it'd be perfect! PM me if you want pictures/more info etc!
  9. Mine is about £450 comprehensive and I'm 22
  10. Mine passed last month. Switched the EML light off before it went in (due to knackered O2 sensor on one of the cats), luckily it stayed off long enough and only came back on as I was driving away
  11. Horsham Developments also have a fantastic reputation on other forums (sxoc for example). They'd be my recommendation of you're close enough.
  12. Didn't Kyle compare the weights from 19" rota grid drifts and rays, and confirm that the rotas were only minimally heavier? In either case, rays plus spacers (to get the wider stance) must be similar weights to those rotas and would therefore cause the same extra strain on wheel bearings. Considering how awesome rota grid drifts look, they're definitely worth it in my opinion! Anyway back on topic for more pictures of 40 profiles??
  13. SamN

    Touch up sticks

    Tempted to order one of these, the minimal extra would still be less than the fuel to/from the closest Nissan dealer, and includes postage. Do they come with colour and lacquer?
  14. SamN

    Number plate

    Mine came with those and is fully legal. I'm sure there will have been small print to say only to be used on the correct car or whatever but it's definitely legal, and no need to provide docs
  15. Yeah he's done well! It's rapid too, with 260bhp and weighing something like 850kg!
  16. I'll keep my eye out for you guys. I'll be in my Black Zed, plate is S18 NUG. I'll be with my mate in his fluo green supercharged vx220 which may be easier to spot! Smaller, but bloody bright!! Last time I went to SS at MB World we weren't on the list and got in fine anyway.
  17. SamN

    Number plate

    I get mine from eBay, £7 or so each. There are some poor quality ones on there but there are quite a few decent ones too!
  18. Is anyone going? It's fully booked and I'm on the reserve list but going either way! I'll just park and walk in if necessary. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=28671
  19. Yeah I phoned peugeot and they said I'd need to get the part number for them!
  20. Cheers but I'm not going to have them as I didn't want to spend quite that much.
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