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Everything posted by WINKJ

  1. tell me more! which model is it? age? pics? I think there are a few of us that are keen/aspiring watch fans. I'm certainly in the latter of the 2.
  2. Flex, no is the short answer. I know a few people who only use an independent to service watches, which warrants a much lower cost but the same level of servicing (depending upon the watch maker). Rolex's should last 10 years without a major service (which is circa 450 from Rolex, and expect the watch to be gone for a couple of months). Breitling minor service is around 150, major being around 400, but again only if you go back to the manufacturer. I wouldn't get too hung up on servicing costs tbh.
  3. hello!! . I was in the black evoque, hence why you didn't see me waving!
  4. In to watches so happy to help if poss! Rado's are nice Swiss watches, made from the same composite from the nose cone of modern rockets (if that is your thing?). Are you wanting to get a brand new watch, pre worn and reconditioned or brand new/un-worn? Personally I am a fan of buying brand new/un-worn watches, essentially a brand new watch which may be 3-6 months old but still with all of its tags, protective films etc.... they normally come with circa 10% of RRP. I would also recommend a couple of indy watch shops which are highly regarded: blowers and watch centre. They may have higher end than the value you're looking at but it's worth a look at least!
  5. This is a common problem with multiple dealers and it's suggested that anyone with a 370z goes and checks to be sure
  6. they always come crawling back in the end! :evil:
  7. Exactly my experience too, maybe it had something to do with the later model HRs in comparison
  8. When I originally bought my 350z HR I test drove that and the 370z. IMO I preferred the drive of the 350z as it felt more "raw" and more of a drivers car than the 370z. Subsequently I test drove a 370z Nismo which IMO was similar to the 350z but better in every aspect, plus the "raw" feel that I was looking for. Maybe worth driving a standard 370z and a 370zNismo/modified Good luck!
  9. the treads look different to mine! look snazzy though
  10. depends on your financial situation. I loved my old 350z but I just couldn't get over how old the car was getting ... if you can afford it, go for it!
  11. WINKJ

    Found a Zed

    Looks great, are they LED's also or reflectors only ? Reflectors only
  12. +1 - guess you get what you pay for?
  13. Sorry but this did make me laugh a little
  14. Womens car! Look quite small, fragile/feminine looking and personally don't think they have road presence at all.
  15. WINKJ


    Looks good!! However the rear plate looks like its not straight, lifting to the right
  16. Swap it out, why run the risk! Not sure if a drifter or someone would be willing to take it off your hands.. ? https://www.yahoo.com/news/truth-behind-caused-paul-walkers-195132892.html
  17. just say "X (daddy), I am going to ask X (girl) to marry me" ... pause for reaction, end of. You're not asking for permission and you're still doing the respectful thing by giving her dad the heads up
  18. At the end of the day, there is no harm in asking. So why not be respectful and do it anyway, even if neither of you are "traditional".
  19. I did mate - he is a luton supporter, not been to a game in years (because they're terrible) so took him and asked before kick off. Would of been an interesting game if he said no! good luck!
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