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Everything posted by WINKJ

  1. I wouldn't remove that - its part of the sub frame. . . i kid, I have no idea what i am talking about !
  2. Sometimes it's not the businesses fault, if it's close to a town centre there may be restrictions on parking spaces per employee to encourage public transport. I know our place had this a few years back and those above a certain pay grade had to park at the P&R and either walk the 10 mins or wait for a company shuttle bus. Not saying that's the case here but we don't know the full story. agreed - but if they've outgrown the office, they should look to relocate to accommodate the staff numbers. Expecting the OP to walk 20 mins twice a day just to get from his car to the office is unacceptable in my opinion. Bloody millennials.
  3. Change job! How hard do they need to make it for you to get to work and do your job? If they can't provide enough parking for staff, it says a lot about how they treat their employees.
  4. but Colin - it would be like having a new car after 3 years - in all seriousness, i'll leave them in
  5. I had checked mine twice before being "3rd time lucky" and actually seeing them behind the springs. Looking on the US 370z forums it doesn't seem if any Nismo ever has them removed upon delivery - some have had 3 blocks per spring and not even noticed! The question is now - do I leave them in whilst I complain to Nissan, or do I take them out whilst my complaint is being dealt with. Hmmmm
  6. Clearly they need to add number 7 to the owners manual as something that requires special care how long did it take you to find that find or edit it? you cheeky monkey man!
  7. Clearly they need to add number 7 to the owners manual as something that requires special care how long did it take you to find that
  8. also dreading this - coming up on Wednesday. Did they cover the cost of the repair?
  9. Yes, loved them on my 350z, I couldn't believe the difference in comparison to the potenzas. But then again, my opinion isn't too snappy considering I still have the "anti-fun clamps" attached to my front suspension looking forward to trying them on my 370z - got a good deal of blackcircles.
  10. Yep exactly - maybe something to do with the fact they don't give you a jack or a spare anymore! just a good old can of foam as Stu pointed out ... which you could argue isn't even needed on run-flats
  11. did you just remove yours yourself?
  12. Thanks for the small reminder there about my anti-fun springs! I'll be going down the MPSS! I was keen to try out the MPS4S however they're not in the right sizing, back to the good old MPSS, loved them on my 350!
  13. Cheers Dan. Ive just checked again and the Nismo comes with S001's as standard (run-flats!). so i'll be swapping out to the MPSS or the REO50A's
  14. Hi Guys, The rear tyres on my Z need replacing, and having read some of posts on here about the new MPS4S I was committed to going down that route... However they don't seem to supply them for the Nismo fitment (285/35/r19). Other options are REO50A's ,MPSS or P - Zero's. It seems I can still get hold of the MPSS at around £260 a corner. I'd prefer not to get a budget tyre for obvious reasons. Advice welcome. Cheers guys
  15. You didn't see the white knuckles now I know why my palms bleed when I drive it
  16. they're around the back of the spring on mine ... most likely due to being on there for nearly 3 years, as Adrian so kindly pointed out I've had no real reason to get down and dirty in there - tyres are only just coming up for a change, always been serviced at Nissan (as it was a new car and you get 3 years servicing), never needed to touch break lines etc.. Any advice re how I approach with Nissan will be appreciated Go back to the supplying dealer and ask them when they are going to do the pdi? And then after a gentle nod as to what you have discovered, what do they propose to do to offset their failure to allow you to enjoy the car in the manner for which it was designed, before you contact NissanCustomer Services. Thanks, the only problem is that the dealer who sold me the car originally has sold up and anothe nissan dealer has purchased the dealership.
  17. You should be banned from commenting on technical threads! LOOOOL :lol: I'll be posting on there heavily from now on, purely for comical value!
  18. they're around the back of the spring on mine ... most likely due to being on there for nearly 3 years, as Adrian so kindly pointed out I've had no real reason to get down and dirty in there - tyres are only just coming up for a change, always been serviced at Nissan (as it was a new car and you get 3 years servicing), never needed to touch break lines etc.. Any advice re how I approach with Nissan will be appreciated
  19. I - shows what I know.. I thought the car handled great!
  20. stu, are they that easy to spot?
  21. Did you get a photo before you removed them? Did they transport the car at any stage where they could of reinstalled them? Or is it likely they've been on since new
  22. Amelia Earharts plane? Edit: I arrived too late. story of your life?? (That's a question not a statement to confirm)
  23. what?!?!?!?! dont tell me the transporter springy thingies!?
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