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Everything posted by WINKJ

  1. yeah pretty strange... i was keen but something doesn't seem right!
  2. Think I like it, not 100% though! .... infact i do like it haha. i thought i should use up some spare vinyl i have from the roof until I can get a decent nismo kit! let me know your thoughts guys. not great pics of it completed , will upload better ones tomorrow. cheers James ps.... no need to put up a guide on this one!! pretty straight forward haha, just dont look too close at the finish before car by Winkj, on Flickr after... car2 by Winkj, on Flickr car3 by Winkj, on Flickr
  3. The hr is definitely better than the de tho...
  4. Sorry for bein a noob, what exactly does an upriver do to a 313. Do u just suggest it after you get an exhaust fitted ?
  5. brutal sticker..... gotta be removed!
  6. Mike - live in leicestershie with a 350 - test drove both, could of got either, however preferred the 350, where u based in leicestershire Hey, I live in sileby and commute to Loughborough daily, just asking about to try and work out the mpg usage ahh i live right near loughborough - work out of the Church near loughborough crematorium, you drive past it on the way into loughborough. I am not a priest, its an IT company. MPG in my 350 is 22... not sur about a 370, won't be much diff
  7. Mike - live in leicestershie with a 350 - test drove both, could of got either, however preferred the 350, where u based in leicestershire
  8. last night around 6.45 going down holloway road london ....
  9. Driving through Reading, dark blue or black, think it was black, plate ended in SOZ i think! or something similar!! could of been a 52 plate but didn't look too closely! but I did see the soz or something (last 3 digits) WHO ARE YOUUUU James
  10. 1k to insure. 400 to tax, 100 to fill up, 180 per tyre..... They're not cheap to run are they
  11. See a couple matt brown Porsches in Munich, look really good!
  12. I have been told they are quite difficult to fit?
  13. Cheers for the help guys will bear it in mind! James
  14. Yep, they drop a bit over winter then pick up come april / may time. Wrong time of year to be selling one atm, esp with Christmas coming up. I bought my car in March, and looking at the prices it actually went up in value by about 15% over the summer before its now sliding down again. If / When I come to sell mine, id be looking at the middle of summer I think for maximum value. +1 so as a buyer - i would advise not to wait until april/march.. as they will ave gone up... but i depends on your situation of course!
  15. sorry going Yeah they are a great price at the moment, and they will go back up as people can start affording to run them more... but I think it will be a slow process the state the global economy is in for the average man. nice car tho for the price!
  16. Fuel prices will never drop I hope they do!! I have the faith!! someday, somewhere it will make it back to £1 a litre.
  17. They will pick back up IF fuel prices drop, people just cannot afford to run them as much as they used too...
  18. Guys - when you get new tyers fitted to your rims, is there anywhere you wont go (quickfit etc)?? or is anywhere good enough James
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