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Everything posted by longsh07

  1. Ordered a few bits, excellent service as always Keep up the good work Ewen
  2. Ordered a Mishimoto cooling panel from CS however had issues with fitting it. CS got everything sorted, sent the Mishimoto one back and ended up with a swanky carbon fibre one! Pleasure to deal with and very happy with the panel
  3. Forgot to update this thread! whoops. The slave/braided line/new fluid fixed the sticky pedal
  4. Tempted by a one purely for Forza but the AI being too perfect always annoyed me in 4 and Horizon so glad to see this Drivatars system is more realistic However that said, for the moment
  5. Expect the Nismo wheels, I like those. That is all
  6. Just to clear things up on the AppRadio front. I have a Pioneer AppRadio2 and it works with my iPhone 5. HOWEVER I did have to buy a lighting cable, HDMI to lightning converter, HDMI cable and update the firmware on the AppRadio before it would support iPhone5's Edit: Also there is an AppRadio3 now. http://www.pioneer.eu/uk/products/25/299/35829/SPH-DA110/page.html No mention of 5c/5s support but I would expect it would work fine as it does with the 5. This one also supports a lot more android phones than the AppRadio2
  7. I have TPI gold aluminium nuts and im well happy with them Not perfect match for the brembos (but close) and they scratch a bit easy on the sides but its not noticeable once on. They are super light too! Not sure i'd run them hard (on track) but perfect for a bit of style I brought mine from SixOneTwo.co.uk On my LMGT4's On my old GT4 alloys
  8. You can have anything with enough time/money/stupidity. That doesn't mean you should
  9. I hate this fact. I live in a little village but my postcode is the same as town centre so I get charged out the arse. £1000 (I think) Admiral, 23, 6yrs NCB, no points.
  10. I work in IT for a local charity. Pretty much IT Manager/tech support/general anything even remotely related to IT (CCTV/TV's/DVD player etc...) dogs body. Keeps me busy
  11. Initial D much Looks awesome GLWS, I'd probably have had it if infinite money was a thing...
  12. No, not worth it if its clean. Wouldn't know where else begin looking on a supercharged zed Good luck, hope you can get it sorted
  13. Have your checked the throttle body? When I had a lumpy idle turned out to be just a load of crap on the butterfly which was cleaned off with some carb cleaner and a cloth. I understand its not recommended you move butterfly however I did on mine (only a small amount to wipe around the point at which it met the throttle housing) then did an ECU, throttle pedal position and throttle position reset and never had any issues since.
  14. Copy/paste description possibly lazy seller. I agree with you ballistic except on a Mk2 MR2. You need them on to see anything in front of you
  15. I like it, could do with a darker colour though. Gunmetal or black I think
  16. longsh07

    VIP 350Z

    Read about this in another magazine. Love the look of it but some of the VIP stuff like the drinks bar is a bit naff.
  17. Just did this today with a spare rear cluster except I did two things different. Used a hair dryer instead of an oven (works a treat by the way ) Didn't remove the silver reflector inside as I thought it might reduce the amount of light the fog light puts out. Would be interested in the reasoning for taking the reflector out. Is it purely for looks like the rest of this mod?
  18. Waxing is well worth it. Will make it a lot easier to remove all the road crap at the next wash plus it adds a layer of protection to the clear coat to help prevent small scratches/chips
  19. Manual says something about warming it up for a bit. Think it might be 30 seconds. It's safe to drive cold but would never give a cold engine anything more than 2-3k rpm until the temp gauge starts to rise
  20. ebay special cam works a treat if you can get one
  21. Been in touch with Ewen about the jacks and unfortunately Costco cant do any better on the listed price. Sorry guys. If anyone is still interested in these Ewen has kindly offered to purchase and ship for the website price + delivery of £12 (next day FedEx). Please drop Clark Motorsport a PM if you wish to order. Big thank you to Ewen for trying and you guys for the interest. Mods - feel free to close.
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