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Everything posted by longsh07

  1. Love the reg plate holder Kyle, wouldn't mind getting myself one of those! Bit concerned the plate would flex quite a bit with such a small plate behind though. Not had any problems with that I guess?
  2. Man I really need to look at that stuff. I've not even unlocked online play yet
  3. I feel for you on this one. The amount of times I've screamed bullsh*t as my tv when one of the last three corners has gone invalid for basically tickling the curb is crazy. Yet on brands hatch you can turn half the track into a rally course and it doesn't bat an eyelid
  4. Oh I also wondered if we should have a new challenge. I was thinking something like a specific model car, unmodified so we are all on a level playing field. For example a 350Z (cant remember what models they have on GT6!) around tsukuba? Dunno what you guys think but I think it could be interesting.
  5. Meant to reply to this the other day! I love the wheel, its fantastic and im surprised how well it works with a PS3 considering its designed for an Xbox. Build quality is amazing, so is the feedback in terms of judging how much grip you have and when you are under steering or over steering. I cant use it wirelessly with the PS3 which is a bit of a bugger as I have to daisy chain three USB cables to reach my PS3 from the sofa I also cant use the clutch or 7 speed manual gear stick but its not the end of the world. They work really well in Forza 4/Horizon. Only major problem I have with it at the moment is it doesn't seem to want to remember the ABS vibration setting so I have to turn it back on everyday. It also seems that after playing for a while GT6 stops registering 100% throttle. For a while was lapping brands only being able to use 90%. I couldn't figure out why I was always about a second slower than my ghost. With the above in mind its still running the firmware from the factory so I wouldn't be surprised if an update fixed those.
  6. Just did a 1.31.732 on brands Edit: and a 2:18.318 on Silverstone GP Edit: just clocked 0:51.436 at Goodwoods
  7. Just pulled off a 1.33.509 on brands Edit: 1:33.182
  8. Mine went invisible after id been playing for a while :S
  9. 1.37.314 was the best I could manage today with the 111R Elise. Ran race suspension and brakes, 2 stager clutch, lightweight windows and carbon hood. I guess it's not bad considering its the first time I've driven Brands Hatch but i'd be lying if I said I was happy with it. Edit: Also I always use ABS and TCS 1 and driving line on (everything else off) with my Fanatec Forza Motorsport CSR wheel and pedals. oh and for sh*ts and giggles I tried to get sub 1.35 in a slammed Evoque. Only managed 1.41 though
  10. Oh no. I'd love to get in on this but I know it's going to eat up all my time Excuse the convoluted name, I refused to deviate from longsh07 despite it being taken lol. x_L0ng__5h07_x There are two _'s in the middle
  11. That's weird, mine didn't, and I got two keys and the original PS2! Didn't get the PS2 but I got three keys lol Was there anything special about the PS2 or was it just a bog-standard one?
  12. Welcome You've probably checked but mine came with a second of the little plaques in with the owners manual.
  13. There's a innuendo in there somewhere.
  14. Thats right, three parts to the exhaust excluding the cats. Its Cats > Y Pipe > Centre Pipe > Back box Just for piece of mind I had a Longlife exhaust made up for my old MR2. Was excellent quality so im sure you wouldn't have any issues with it.
  15. Sadly your not the only one Matt.
  16. Im sure we could probably have an entire thread devoted to weird dreams. One of the strangest ones I ever had involved me going to work and sitting down at my desk. I went to open the set of draws next to me but instead it was actually a mini fridge. My response to this was to take my shoes off and put them in it before waking up. I remember it clear as day but ill be damned if I can figure out if its meant to mean something.
  17. And keeping a folder full of pictures of your dinner isn't? Sorry Suits
  18. My car related nightmares usually stem from playing to much Gran Turismo/Forza before bed and then dreaming I got a crap load of speeding tickets and lost my license :\
  19. This is slowly becoming my favourite thread on the forum
  20. Here you go: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2006/06/05/the-fast-and-the-furious-tokyo-drift-car-of-the-day-dks-350z
  21. I didn't reallise until the other day but Its wider than my dads Renault Traffic van so yeah its quite a beast
  22. I use Motul in my Zed
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