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Everything posted by longsh07

  1. Just a couple of pictures from the track taster day on Sunday (26/10/14)
  2. Oh good, no I completely missed that thread. If I had I would have never used them again despite several successful collection/deliveries. I've given them a piece of my mind and if they do no bother to turn up again today ill be going elsewhere. Any recommendations for shipping car parts?
  3. If it's the company I've stated below then that phone number means nothing ~ had the same thing and rang it lot's but was never answered. My guess would be Paisley Freight. Had exactly the same problems with them and would recommend others not to use them ~ your choice though all. Spot on.
  4. Cheers guys, feel a bit better about this having just had a bit of a rant Thanks for your help.
  5. Checked T&C's, no mention of non-guaranteed collection. Closest thing I can find is as follows: Like I said, I'd be happy with my money back, or even just half price delivery! As the package is going to a fellow Zed owner who paid me for an item + delivery I wanted to at least try and get him something back as way of an apology for potentially messing up his plans waiting for delivery. Not going to name the company at the moment as I have used them before with no issues. I do know however that I pay this company who then arranges a courier such as TNT or CityLink to collect the parcel from me. The company themselves are not a courier but essentially a booking service (similar to parcel2go). Edit: adjusted font size of T&C's
  6. Really all I wanted was any kind of gesture of good will. I'd be happy with £10 off the price just as an apology to pass on to the recipient for messing him about. In terms of my loss it was a day off work. It was paid holiday so in theory it cost me nothing but I'm now down a days leave I could have used for other things. Not sure about contract, don't remember having to agree to t&c's but I'll check the terms on their site. Documents wise I have a label attached to the parcel which states collection date as 14/10/14. Just noticed a telephone number on that label should have tried them. Bugger.
  7. Hi All, I need some opinions, I just waited in all day for a parcel to be collected however the courier never showed up. There is no way I could have missed them as I have not left the house and a gravel drive means I can hear most before they even get to the door. I've been in touch with the company I booked it through however they have said there is no compensaion available because I looked at their FAQ (quoted in full at the end of this post) and it reads In my opinion that means that DELIVERY is no guaranteed as it makes no mention of collection? Just wondering what you think if its worth me spending any more time on it or just biting my tongue? For the record I waited in all today for collection as they state 8am-6pm collection, I have used the company before with no issue, cost was over £20 for delivery next day, I am not prepared to leave the parcel on the porch or a note on my door if I am not in (as suggested by the person I spoke to) due to recent issues near me, they have my mobile number so could have called me any time during the day to tell me it wasn't going to be collected. FAQ from their website. Any links in the FAQ quoted above as to not identify the company.
  8. Not had ZZ3's on my zed by my MX5 came with a full set before I got my new alloys and must say I was impressed too! Especially as the rears were on the legal limit and they were still very gripy even in the wet.
  9. longsh07

    Y pipe

    Not sure if its any good to you but I've got the stock Y-Pipe off my 05 just sat in my shed? Flex joints are in good nick.
  10. Actually everything looks pretty much the same colour above :lol:
  11. Funnily enough, up close: The only other purple choice on the rims was candy violet (thanks google)
  12. So this happened this afternoon. Was black when it arrived yesterday Its not the right purple but its the best could find.
  13. Its a fun little car I must admit but finding one without rusted out sills is a bloody nightmare. Its probably easier to find cheaper MK1's that have been repaired than anything newer with rear sills still intact! I'm not a trained mechanic or anything but I've tinkered with my old cars, doing services and stuff then I got a 106 to learn on (build thread http://thrll.com/car/1997-peugeot-106-12869) that was probably the biggest help! Only car I dont work on myself for services or anything is my Zed. Treat her to expert attention In hind sight and MX5 would probably have been easier to work on than that 106. Plus parts are readily available either new or used. That said I've not done anything serious like suspension (yet) mostly just service type stuff (except the roll bar)
  14. Oh these hooks are functional. They are sold as for show only but apparently are stress tested to be able to tow the car. Just covering themselves by the looks of things. Plus the location they attach to, the 'baby teeth' are only supposed to be used for securing the care during transport. The MX5 doesn't have an official tow hook anywhere! That said, I read around and people were saying as long as its only to move the car a short distance its fine, actually towing the car on the road with them is not clever. Regarding the weight they weigh less than the existing 'baby teeth' that poke out the front so I will be removing both the front two and possibly one on the rear. Cant do both as I need to attach the rear hook to one. That should make up the weight difference of using a strap plus it has the added bonus of preventing anyone from trying to use both hooks at once (read horror stories about twisted chassis by doing this ) Edit: Oh and on the seats, the more I drive the car the more I think buckets will be better, I keep sliding around on the leather as it is Got a track taster day booked at the end of the month at Silverstone. Two 30 minute sessions on the national circuit, can buy an extra session when I am there if I want to. Thought this would be a good idea rather than spending £300-400 on a full day to start with if I find a problem with the MX5 while on track!
  15. Small mod, goodbye 1990's automatic electric aerial, welcome to 2014 little Mazda
  16. That looks like as lot of fun if not a bit of a handful Also that flame spit between 1:15-25 was nuts!
  17. Hi newkid. See here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/77304-mad-look-frp-eyelids-in-stock/page__hl__eyebrows These are the ones I brought.
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