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Everything posted by longsh07

  1. It was only a very small amount so I expect all if needs is a thrashing but he's in a position to be fussy so didn't think it was worth taking that chance. Yeah. Plus its due a P3 with no evidence of an oil change since 2013 so he didn't want to pay £10.5K + a full P3 + any extra work required,
  2. Personally I avoid buying modified cars. This is because modifications tend to be a very personal thing which might not be to my taste. On top of that, unless there is documented evidence you have no guarantee of the quality of the work. However if a car came along with mods I like, or as Mike said, are the norm for the car in question, then I certainly wouldn't rule it out. I think a lot of it depends on the audience too. On a forum I think advertising modifications are fine, pistonheads/ebay too to some degree however if its going on autotrader I wouldn't bother listing them. I find you get more interest if you don't mention the car is modified then you can explain if the question is asked. If someone is really keen on a car chances are they will be able to spot modifications a mile off and make their own choice.
  3. Yeah, Silver was his last choice on colour too so it kind of sealed the deal. Power was investigated in April 2015 - no further history from there so it feels a bit like a dump and run job. Not my place to find the owner to be honest, I was more technical advice . By no means a mechanic but I have an interest in how it all works and have tinkered with my own cars. Exactly. Best case - just needs a thrashing Worst case - head gasket. Not a risk I'd be prepared to take personally. Thanks for the tip off. No worries. If it helps someone out then I've done my job. Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
  4. 1. 370Ad - Stand Pass + Track Time - PAID 2. MrsNiki - Stand Pass only - PAID 3. Rickdon - Stand Pass - PAID 4. Stuggerz - Stand Pass only PAID 5. Valy - Stand Pass - PAID 6. glrnet -Stand Pass - PAID 7. octet - Stand Pass - PAID 8. Chippychip123- Stand Pass PAID 9. Ozzy225 - Stand Pass + Track time - PAID 10. Shezza - Stand Pass - PAID 11. Roobies8 - Stand Pass only PAID 12. AdamTSmith350 - Stand Pass only 13. Garygranite - Stand Pass 14. Chizzz - Stand Pass - PAID 15. Tea and Wax - Stand pass 16. SherlockH -Stand Pass & Track Time 17. Paul K - Stand Pass - PAID 18. Dean_m Stand Pass PAID 19. SYY - stand pass and track time PAID 20. Wendy - Stand Pass- PAID 21. WINKJ - Stand Pass PAID 22. Lloydshaw - Stand Pass PAID 23. Condor109 - Stand Pass 24. harryjackson - Stand Pass & (maybe) Track Time - PAID 25. Beagle - Stand Pass & (maybe) track time 26. 27. crute/higgins350z - stand - PAID 28. GreenLandy - stand + track - PAID 29. choptop - Stand Pass 30. Rich260- stand pass - PAID 31. Shire350z - stand pass 32. Justthejedi - stand pass 33. AmyZed - stand pass 34. Kraziekatz1 - stand pass & Track (whaa hoo.....get ready everyone ) 35. Jakeswheelbarrow - stand pass PAID 36. Flex - Stand (Maybe) 37. Bobby D - stand pass - PAID 38. ZeppoJeff - Stand Pass (work depending) 39. zzzeady -stand pass 40. davey83 - Stand Pass & Track Time PAID 41. Mikey Thompson - Stand Pass PAID 42. Aaronc350z - Stand Pass 43. Durk - Stand Pass PAID 44. jhobbs90- Stand Pass PAID 45. mattbrettell- Stand Pass PAID 46. Ryanbatch - stand pass - PAID 47. Smc1992 (Scott) - Stand pass - PAID 48. Jam87ie - stand pass- PAID 49. Longsh07 - Stand pass - PAID
  5. A full service history is just a full documentation of the services that the car has had, it doesn't mean that the car has been serviced "correctly". Absolutely.
  6. Yeah, Silver was his last choice on colour too so it kind of sealed the deal. Power was investigated in April 2015 - no further history from there so it feels a bit like a dump and run job. Not my place to find the owner to be honest, I was more technical advice . By no means a mechanic but I have an interest in how it all works and have tinkered with my own cars. Exactly. Best case - just needs a thrashing Worst case - head gasket. Not a risk I'd be prepared to take personally.
  7. Nah we walked away after I found the mayo and the 'investigate the lack of power' note in the history. Would have been a pain to test drive it too as it was in a show room behind two rows of other cars. Wasn't worth the hassle as I know my friend wasn't interested after that.
  8. Well there is some history (IE brakes and bushes) between the last service stamp and now but nothing that indicates a basic service (oil and filters etc). I wouldn't say they are lying but maybe bending the truth a little.
  9. Just a heads up about a 350 for sale on Auto Trader. I've been helping a friend look for a 350Z for a little while now and this weekend we popped down to see this Zed. Ad: http://www.autotrade...us=40&logcode=p Car is a 2007 (HR engine so 313BHP), GT Pack. Good points are its one owner, 29K miles, new brakes (discs and pads) all round in the last 12 months, new banana arm bushes, black leather, and body work/alloys are alright (some marks on wing mirrors). Downsides are that there is no evidence of a service since 2013 (besides brakes/bushes), its due a P3 service, and to top is off there was a note in the service history from April 2015, 'Investigate lack of power'. Oil cap also has a small amount of that white 'mayo' gunk around it. It could just be that the car hasn't been used much (supported by the low miles) causing the small amount of the white gunk but combined with the 'Investigate lack of power' comment we decided to walk away just in case. Hopefully this info will either serve as a battering point or save someone a trip etc.
  10. Ended up kind of answering my own question. Offset directly affects scrub radius, as does camber by altering the centre line angle of the wheel. So swapping wheels should be fine as long as the camber was not adjusted but it will affect handling. The question of how much change only relates to scrub radius and will subjective per car.
  11. I probably didn't explain it very well to be honest. I know it wont change the alignment settings themselves however I was struggling to work out (much like adding spacers) if big offset changes are going to require an alignment to bring things back into spec (camber?) or if all its doing it affecting the scrub radius of the tyre.
  12. Have posted in the other cars section because this doesn't directly relate to a 350 however could apply to any car. I'm looking to get a spare set of alloys for my FN2 Type R so I can swap between winter/track day tyres easily but dont want to have to get the car realigned every time. I plan to step down from an 18" to a 17" wheel, same width (7.5") but I'm a little concerned about how a different offset can affect things like scrub radius and alignment settings. The question is, how much difference in offset is too much difference? For example, Going from an 18x7.5 ET55 to a 17x7.5 ET53 is obviously not going to have a major (if any!) effect on alignment because its only 2mm difference. However, would going from ET55 to ET45 be too big of a step? 10mm doesn't sound a lot but when you consider the accuracy of these laser alignment machines these days surely that difference could throw everything out? With that said, in the real world would there be any noticeable extra wear on the tyres with a 10mm difference?
  13. I never had an issue with mine but I only had them for a year or two tops (cant recall) before I swapped them over for the steel Nismo ones.
  14. For anyone thinking of getting four OE size tyres in a 350. Its doable but I wouldn't recommend it if you have far to travel. glwts Stu.
  15. That's kind of my worry, that it's not special enough. Problem is I don't really know what else to look at. Want to stick to Japanese really but I have had a quick look at a RenaultSport Megane. I know I want to go back to front wheel drive as the last time I drove a FWD car for any length of time was back when I first learned to drive and had a 1.2 8v Fiat Punto (not counting the 106 as I barely drove it). I figured a CTR was a good choice because of the various tuning options, should be fun on the track and it would allow me to better learn techniques like trail braking. Plus the CTR GT seems to be quite a good day to day car meaning I can save miles on the zed and spend a bit more cash on modifying that.
  16. Sad news, the MX5 has been written off. Another driver didnt stop while I was turning on a mini roundabout and hit the front of my car Seeing it be taken away was gutting. List of repairs totalling £3750... Decided not to try and fix it myself. Too much of a gamble based on the location of the damage. Waiting for the insurance money to come in then its time to find something new. Thinking FN2 Type R but having sat in one today something didnt click... Think it was the crazy dashboard (sat nav model). Couldn't cope with the number of different sized screens everywhere.
  17. As Neo said. I moved my passenger seat all the way forward and put the can there. Engine on, AC on full cold, full fan, recirculate, open all vents and close the doors/windows/boot. Leave 20 minutes then turn off engine and open all doors/windows/boot to air out.
  18. Wouldn't trust my life to eBay special brake parks Sent from Tapatalk
  19. Weird I cant find blank Brembo discs very easily for the 350Z yet the slotted Brembo discs seem much easier to get hold of. Based on the price for these, the DBA T3's are the same money. Both slotted so its 6 of one, half a dozen of the other really. Thanks for pointing this out Paddy, not something I'd even thought about.
  20. Your welcome. Just hope it can help someone. Sent from Tapatalk
  21. For the record this was the AC cleaner that seems to have worked. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000ZBOPVO?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 I tried the AutoGlym one previously which was pretty useless...
  22. After a long long wait and a bunch issues getting the subframe I finally got my Recaro Speed bucket fitted last month! Was a bit of a tight fit but totally worth it. Want one for the 350Z now.
  23. Right well I dont know what was causing the smell. I took the scuttle pan cover off and sprayed a bunch of AG order eliminator into the fan intake which cleared the smell for all of about 3 hours... Decided to give a different brand of air con bomb a go and it seems to have worked! So far its been fresh for the last few days. Will see how it goes. Just for the record, the intake is on the passenger side (left) just behind the battery if anyone else finds this post.
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