Just a quick one as I've not been able to find a straight answer online.
forgetting about alloy size for a moment, am I right in thinking that as long as the rear tyres are a certain % larger than the fronts, traction control will be happy?
Does anyone know that the difference threshold is before it gets upset?
There is a 2.7% difference between the stock tyres 225/45/18 front and 245/45/18 rear.
I know, as I'm currently running, 255/35/19 fr, 275/35/19 rr (2.1% diff.) cause no issues,
and I've seen suggestions of running 245/35/19 fr, 275/35/19 rr (3.2% diff.) so assuming that no issue either
or even 225/40/18 fr, 245/40/18 rr (2.5% diff.) is also fine for some.
So if I change my wheels and tyres to fit 245/40/18 fr, 265/40/18 rr, (2.4% diff.) I assume TC will still be happy?
So if anyone knows, what is the threshold? 2.7% dfference -/+ 1%?