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EH 370z

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Everything posted by EH 370z

  1. An old MGB GT I could rip apart from about twelve years old, thinking its would be ready to drive by the time I was 17. Yeah that worked out
  2. What impressed me was how much functionally it had for the "I" range of gear too. Plus I like the blue lights on the end of the speakers too Sale of the century ninja boy, well done
  3. You have said your not a car buff, so I couldn't think of anything worse! Move on
  4. Think of it the same as choosing some shoes or a handbag ........ Right on brother
  5. Are you high? Speaking from the position of any guy in a relationship with a woman, who has had to "pop in to Boots for a few essentials" with his girlfreind/wife
  6. Too much of a clart on for me, I use a Remmington electric, to get the weekend stubble off, then a run over with a Braun. No rash, no problem Use a bit of No. 7 reengergising cream after, to keep the boat race right
  7. Wow that's been a long running thread Funny read though
  8. I love stuff like this http://i.autoblog.com/2012/05/07/homemade-nine-cylinder-radial-engine-is-beautiful-short-lived/
  9. http://www.autoblog.com/2012/05/04/getting-to-know-the-crowd-sourced-nissan-370z/
  10. Have a great day. I'm sure it will be great - dont forget your lines!!
  11. So pleased you got sorted, the car look awesome, a real winner! Have fun massively different to the 350's arnt they
  12. Interesting debate, however buying one and running one would be a different proposition all together! It would have to be the sort of thing you keep in a garage, which kinda defeats the objective of the car, but i think the engineering would be so fragile, you would need a race team to keep it on the road!
  13. http://www.evo.co.uk/news/evonews/282865/nissan_juker_to_go_on_sale.html Should be an interesting buy....
  14. Thanks Ricey good call Massive thank you to Zugara for sorting this nightmare for me What great place this is
  15. Thanks, that what I did. When I googled it thats how I knew about the reinstall mentioned above. Just run out of ideas now....
  16. Bloody hell I thought I had it there, but when I click the Download icon at the bottom of the page an Error (404) message came up. Ahhhhhh Any other guesses
  17. Good shout, but I tried and failed with this too
  18. Ok I was bored looking for things to do, when..... My wife used to use my Mac as another user with a profile to her own home account on the same machine, she then bought her own Mac Book, and I deleted her profile on my Mac. The app Store icon never really came to terms with this and was always showing updates required although I could access as her profile was long gone. Irritated by this for some time I decided to "Fix" this annoyance. My conclusion like most, was to delete the "App Store" app, with the intension of re installing it. I cant! Sorry for the long story, but if anyone knows how I can reinstall the App Store, without a degree in computer programming, I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance T
  19. Well done and congratulations
  20. Ribbed for "her" pleasure Be selfish...... Turn it inside out!
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