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Everything posted by djb55

  1. What part of the country are you based? Im in Manchester mate, Worsley to be precise Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  2. Im a transport planner, I plan petrol tanker deliveries throughout uk and ireland for Texaco. The zed stays at home most days and I use the wifes hyundai i30 for the work commute. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  3. djb55

    So... MPG

    I win Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  4. Its the ones that crawl along like good law abiding citizens doing just under the speed limit for miles and miles oblivious to the queue of traffic behind them. Then when they come to a junction and stop you see they have 1 brake light or 1 headlight or similar. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  5. Belter this morning, going up the carrington spur to join the m60 eastbound following a fiat bravo who insisted on doing 40 mph on the spur despite the obvious 50 signs so theres a queue of us trundling aling this single carriageway up to the roundabout and sure enough this joker goes left onto the ACCELERATION lane of the M60, the traffic at this stage if the morning rush hour is thundering along and this vlown continues at 40 mph to join the fast moving motorway, I flashed my lights, no avail, he then just pulled out into lane 1 where a bmw nearly went into the back of him, he still carried on at 40 mph in lane 1 ........ I gave him a blast of the zeds horns as I overtook but I dont think it would make any difference just totally oblivious to everything and everyother road user. Makes my blood boil. :angry: Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  6. Im not overly impressed with it on the ps3, gfx dont seem on par with bf3, and the amount of crashes is unreal. Ive got a feeling bf4 has been developed with the new consoles in mind, but if u fancy a game im on psn as djb55 Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  7. Can't swap the zed wheels back to front. Well you can but you shouldn't. They're different widths I did not mean front to back, I meant both wheels off one side straight onto the other side.
  8. djb55


    hehehehe this made me laugh.... Women eh ??? LOL
  9. Well for me it will be the PS4, had them all PS1, PS2, currently got a PS3, I have this hatred you see of all things Microshaft, I use Linux on my PC along with Open Office. Just bought BF4 for my PS3, totally addictive, Im just in the process of rescuing some people out off Shangai, love the way the enemy troops turn and run for cover when you are blatting them.
  10. Just on right hand bends, so I assume its something that is taking the weight and the pressure on the near side. As a start, I would swap the offside wheels front and back with the nearside wheels front and back and see if the noise swaps. If it its the same then you can rule out tyres/wheels. I suppose wheel bearing(s) would be the next thing to look at ?
  11. Document everything mate times/dates etc and go see a solicitor.
  12. Ricey, feel for you fella really do, was in a similar situation a couple of years ago, I left on because I did not like the ethics of the company I was working for. I took the whistleblowing option on them after spending weeks documenting everything and forwarding company emails and memos to myself. Believe me it gave me much satisfaction knowing that the so called managers who made my life a misery got all they deserved after my whistleblowing to the board of directors. Now im in a fantastic job and have never looked back. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  13. January 1st Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  14. Autotrader have the same scams reguarly, you smell a con when the ad says contact me by email on blahdebla@yahoo.com. The sad thing is people must be falling for these scams otherwise they would nhave stopped.
  15. Theres something about the 350z convertible roof in the handbook, it says not to operate below 5c, its probably no where near that today but i suppose with age it pushes that figure up a bit ??? Try closing it run it for 10 mins with the heater on full belt and see if that does it.
  16. Over the years I have had a few convertibles and I swear by Fabsil, its actually a waterproofer for tents and the like. Costs about 7 quid a tin from most camping shops. Once a year I give the roof a good clean, let it dry off and then give it a good coat of Fabsil. Keeps the roof in tip top condition creates a protective waterproof barrier, easier to get bird doo dah off as well.
  17. djb55


    When I used to own a proper car (Citroen 2CV6) All 2CV owners would wave and flash, much to the delight of my 2 young daughters at that time. I find it a bit hit n miss with a Z
  18. What did you have on the rear before you matched the Avons? I had cheap budget Rotalla tyres , fitted by the previous owner, so I had a nice grippy front end with a nice slippy back end, driving in the wet was lets say interesting. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  19. ATS were supposedly doing a deal on Avon tyres, might be worth giving them a ring, I did try them but they were always out of stock.
  20. I went for Avon Z33's for the rear off my Zed to match the Z33's on the front. Totally transformed the car, ive pushed it now a few times in wet and dry and they wont let go. The car has become a pleasure to drive instead off a white knuckle ride going round bends in the wet. They may be worth a look if your replacing tyres. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  21. You could wrap them?? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  22. The shop on EBAY was called flaming wheels, and the size i got was 1500mm x 300 mm, more than enough for the door handles and steering wheel. Hope this helps
  23. Welcome mate, had mine 4 months now and the grin is still as big as ever when I start her up.
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